
This section of the site contains information on the KC2 project.

This section was hastily thrown together with the assumption (however wrong it may be) that something is better than nothing.

I'm starting to thing that I was terribly wrong in making that assumption, but for various reasons which I'll rant about elsewhere, I'm leaving this ... anyhow.

The Report

[ KC-2007, B5 dot py, April 2007 Report ] - Screenshot heavy, about 300K, so may load slowly.


The Files

!!! Sorry, I haven't yet uploaded these files to the public website. That's in bad form, I know, but I was sleep deprived when I did or didn't do whatever I did or didn't do to acheive this terrible result. So have compassion for my humanity. Or not. Just check out the report, above, if anything. !!!


[ ] - this is the main python file

[ ] - this is the Game Pad Interface. Although I don't actually use a gamepad. See, I emulate it by using tha Z, X, C, and S keys as gamepad buttions, and the cursor keys as a direction pad, or something.

[ ] - this is not actually used properly, but was part of me experimenting with ways to save the state of the game or the gameplay log so far.

[ ] - this is where I define the RGB values for the colors in friendly names. That is, instead of #556688 or something, you instead have "linecolor" and "highlight" and whatnot, all in a neat namespace (module name). They're used throughout the main file.


[ sel.bmp, sel2.bmp ] - the selector (roughtly equivalent to the mouse pointer). Used to select the piece to move, so that's why I call it selector.

Players of TRPGs like Shining Force (Sega Genesis, Nintentdo DS), Kartia (PlayStation) and Disgaea 2 (PS2) will be familiar with this type of interface. What I add for this project is that the selector changes (slightly but noticibly) when you're "holding a piece". In TRPGs, there is usually a 3D effect and perhaps a change in luminance or animation which makes it obvious when you're moving  a piece, but in this, there's no such thing yet.

... they're more bitmaps but I haven't uploaded them yet. I may just zip everything and upload the total package later. For now, though, I just realise I can't upload the code yet since it has "Internal Use Only" all over and I guess I did that for a reason. So you can check the screenshots or something, meanwhile.


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Lord Granitor,
aka K31,
et al.