Welcome to the diOnYSOs indUStriEs page, music 4 your pleasure.

This is the diOnYSOs indUStriEs homepage This is THE page if you want to
download some cool music in the XM-format.
diOnYSOs indUstriEs is Andreas Andersson,Johan Kuno Stellan Andersson and Mikael Norberg.
WeŽre all from Sweden.
If you want to contact us, donŽt hesitate to press the emailbutton


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idiots have been here before you...

If the counter shows 500, 600, 700 etc. mail us and weŽll regard you in some way.
ThereŽs something wrong with the counter!!

Please send any comments by email.
credits or critics about our songs, mail us!!

© 1997



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to anderssona@hotmail.com and youŽll get the latest info, and the new songs.....

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