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Easter-Egg Collection

Last updated : 07/06/99

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Web Master NOTE

The Sierra Easter-Egg Collection hasn't been updated for a very long time, due to several reasons (exams, new sites to setup), but after reading the guestbook, I was touched by the great responses to this site.

True, Sierra has dropped its status from being one of the greatest adventure-creating company. One of the reaons are the great minds being fired(Al Lowe, Scott Murphy, Lori and Corey Cole), as well as the many new 3D action/Adventure games (Half-life, King Quest 8). I've seen many great Sierra sites being shut down for these reasons. But in my opinion, this is not the way it should end for the Sierra sites. By creating sites which are based on the adventure games, we can all remember the time when we were on the edge of our seats when a 16-pixel hero started a battle against a great evil.

Therefore, I've decided to pick up the remains of the Sierra Easter-Egg Collection, and restart my campaign for finding all the easter eggs from the Sierra games. Easter eggs show how much fun the designers have when creating their games. During the time that the site was off-line, I received many funny and interesting easter eggs. Unfortunatley, I lost most of these eggs, so if you've send in an easter egg, please send it in again. My e-mail addy has also changed. It's I've updated it at all the other pages, but if you see an adress that leads to my hotmail account on this site, PLEASE report it.

Pretty soon, this page will be updated with a new Police Question collection. Since I haven't found many easter eggs in this particular serie(It is a realistic game, after all), I'd love if people can send me eggs about this incredible serie. Quest for Glory V and King's Quest VIII will also be added, but I haven't found any easter eggs in these two games yet, so please send the easter eggs in. Pictures to the Space VI will also be added.

Thanks for reading this notice, and please send in those easter eggs.

Ruben van der Leun[WM]

Please sign my guestbook!

If you haven't done so already, i ask you to sign my guestbook.
Click on the pen to sign my guestbook, and click on the guestbook to view my guestbook


Note : If you sign my guestbook, you will receive mail, when this site is updated..
If you don't want to receive the update, don't enter your e-mail adress.
Please don't send jokes via the guestbook, please send them via mail.

Guestbook by Lpage

Vote for your favorite saga!

If you haven't done so already, I'm asking you to vote for your favorite saga.

What is you favorite saga?



Click on the award plaques to see the awards which have been awarded to this site


Current total awards : 3
This site contains all the easter-eggs (jokes) me and you have found in the series stated below from Sierra On-Line. You are more than welcome to send us more easter-eggs and stuff (but no cheat codes, please).

What has been updated?


Help me!

Click on the name of the saga to see the easter-eggs collection from that saga

The King's Quest Easter Egg Collection
The Quest For Glory Easter Egg Collection
The Space Quest Easter Egg Collection

And also

Freddy Pharkas - Frontier Pharmacist

Other Sierra games

Links Page for links to other SIERRA-related sites

Links Page for links to other sites


Click on the bridge of the Eureka to enter Sierra Chat!

Note : You must have a java to use the chat room!

If you want to grab some pictures, or copy some text for your site/list, please e-mail me.

Please send any comments and jokes to

If you also send in eggs, please mention your name, so we can show, that without your help we would have never found this easter egg.

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