Welcome to Gradtje`s homepage.
My real name is Gerard Zuideveld. I`m living in the Netherlands, in a city called Veendam.
If you want to reach my, try my email address gradtje@geocities.com or ICQ me at UIN:2216433 if I`m online.


One of  my main occupancies with eletronics is designing & writing small microcontroller applications with the 8051-series of Intel. I mainly use the Atmel 89C2051, a 8051 derivate in a 20-pin housing. I ve build an in-circuit-emulator for this chip. The ICE is based on a normal 8031 with ROM, RAM and a serial port. The ICE is connected with a 20-pin connector with (almost) the same pin assignment. The ICE has two restrictions, it has not got the internal comparator, that is build into the 89C2051 and it doesn`t have pin P3.7.
I use my good old Amiga for programming the 8031, using GOLDED, TERM, REXX and some little shell-programs, that form an integrated programming environment. One push on F1 will save, assemble and download the program into the emulator. TERM, a terminal program that interfaces with the emulator, will pop up (or even get started) automaticly. This way i can test the program very quick.
The ICE serves me very well, If someone wants to know more of this, email me.


I own a satellite dish for some years now. Nothing fancy, but it does a good job. My system exists of following components:
A Pace MSS300 reciever, a Philips D2MAC decoder, a self-made positioner, a 90cm dish an old-fashioned single-band LNB and a self-made mount, fitted with a Jaeger actuator. Of course the D2Mac decoder is equipped with a MultiMac II card, so a can choose from a broad variety of channels.

As a result of being an electronics and a satellite enthousiast, I decided to design a positioner. Take a look at the result of this project. Positioner

I signed up on 05/15/98 20:09:32. I did some work on my homepage, but like the rest of the world, it is not finished yet.
Please come back soon and visit me again.

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