The X-Wing (T-65) starfighter has proven itself to be the mainstay of the Rebel forces. It is perhaps the best-balanced of the fighters used by the Rebel Alliance. This because of it's manoeuvrability and high speed, An other benefit of the X-Wing is it's fire power. The X-Wing is so called because in attach posture the wings separate in a scissor like action to form an "X" configuration. In this attack mode the Strike foils givethe craft a larger targeting spread and with it's engines spread father apart, create a greater direct-thrust attitude change capability.
The ship has four laser cannons which are located at the tips of its strike foils. The long barrels of the X-Wing's cannons allow greater effective range than that of most starfighters. Laser bolts can be fired form all four cannons simultaneously if the pilot wishes.
An Other weapon of the X-Wing is it's proton torpedo launching system. These proton torpedo's can be used against ground targets or large star ships.
The Rebellion has often been forced to submit their small complement of X-Wings to on in-flight/on-ground maintenance schedule for beyond Incom's original estimate of the craft's durability. Turnaround times for ship refueling and repair have been, of necessity, count for shorter than would be considered reasonable for such a fighter, but the X-Wing has constantly proven itself to be a much better ship than even its designers imagined.
The X-Wing used by the Rebellion are identified by red striping on the upper and lower sides of the main fuselage.
The navigation computations are handled by an astromech droid (R2 Unit).