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Even Satan has his own web page now...

(Just Kidding)

Satan has gotten Geocities to work with him, so he is happy. For now.

Welcome. Thoust hast entered the vast emtpy domain belonging to Malbojah. Otherwise known as Mephostophilis, Inifinite-Pain, Death-Incarnate, Belzabub, Lucifer, Meph, satan666, satan, and all the other satanic names that I didn't put on here.
I've learned how to do this the right way, so please,




Off to the links we go, off to the links we go, hi ho the dary oh, off to the links we go.

To the Dream Machine

My apologies for being a little late on updating my page, as I was playing Diablo online all weekend. For those who need updates to their favorite games, you can see if I have it listed here. Consider it a one stop shop for all your upgrading requirements.

Or you can feel my pain.

Or if your really bored, you can see the games that I play...

Other assorted goodies.

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