Hi I'm whistler13. (Sorry for the Name .. in the MUDs i'm known as Whistler)
I signed up on 09/07/97 08:09:41, but have not (really) moved in yet.

My interests are:
Music, Volleyball, Swiming.

The description of my page is:
Year 2000
Anim/Insurance Links

Email me at matrixzero@hotmail.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me. (Middle of September it should be ready for you.)

Sorry actually everything is only for testing ! In the past i saw many pages with many different notes and messages. But nowhere I found something which meets my interests in connection with work.

So I decided to build a own page, where I want to build special areas for my different work-areas. (Informations special for germans (cause they are not so experienced in www) ~8) )

(LINK 1) Host Programming (Cobol 85/74/66).

Year 2K Problem solving in a insurance company (cobol area).

(LINK 3) AFP Design tools and my experiences with them.

(LINK 4) Paper is paper (or how money vanished)

(LINK 5) Book review for programming on Host

(LINK 6) Rexx the alternativ programming language / Security holes in Hostprogramming or how to readprotect your local minidisk.