Top Ten Ways the World Would Be Different If It Were Run By Jerry Springer
Top Ten Ways the World Would Be Different If It Were Run By Jerry Springer 10. On opening day of baseball season, President throws out first chair. 9. Everybody would be very, very, very, very dumb. 8. New national anthem: "Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!" 7. No army, no police -- just two really huge bouncers. 6. I, Dave, would be known as "the guy who kind of looks like the President." 5. State of the Union address now ends with poignant "Springer's final thought." 4. Oprah deported to Mexico. 3. On C-SPAN, heated congressional debate on whether new health care bill is "all that." 2. Instead of registering Democrat or Republican, you'd register transvestite or transsexual. 1. Whaddaya mean, "If"?