.gif ChiangMai-Online presents :

SHIRAZ JEWELRY, CO., LTD. The Jewelry Shop of choice for the residents of ChiangMai, local as well as foreign - 17 years of service and trust.


170 Thapae Rd, ChiangMai


Tel: (66) (053) 252382

Fax: (66) (053) 252381

Open 8.00 - 19.00 hrs. Sundays closed. Credit cards accepted.


















    .gifWhen purchasing jewelry, trust in quality and price is the most important factor. That is why Mr. Nasser, the friendly gem stone genius and owner of SHIRAZ Jewelry, is really the person to visit in ChiangMai. With the 15 years of service and trust Mr. Nasser has earned in the jewelry business, it's no wonder why most of the local and foreign residents of ChiangMai visit SHIRAZ Jewelry to purchase jewelry and gem stones.


    Mr.Nasser, the friendly gem stone genius.

    .gifMr.Nasser's trustworthy qualities are now renowned world-wide. Over 10 international guide books have recommended SHIRAZ jewelry, as "The best place for jewelry shopping" or "The best place for the best deal."

    Regular customers know the advantage that they get in the exceptionally low prices of SHIRAZ jewelry. Mr Nasser assures, "I purchase my gems directly from the mines and sell directly to my world-wide customers. That's why my prices are among the very best in Thailand. I want my customers to get the best deals - and they know that. So they come back."

    And actually, the wonderful thing with Mr.Nasser is that he is absolutely sincere. He even teaches international university students in ChiangMai how to sell jewelry back home. So, many of them join the group of professional gem dealers that always come back to ChiangMai to get more gems and jewelry from him. Make a visit, and you will know that you have chosen the right place. 


    .gifRubies, sapphires (Green, Yellow and Blue) and all other gem stones. 

    .gifA wide selection of Gold Jewelry.

    .gifMade to order of your own special design - or from catalog.

    .gifA wide selection of Silver Jewelry with gem stones.






    Be sure we'll read your questions and answer you precisely.

    Your E-mail:

    You can also send us an e-mail. Be sure we will answer every letter in a personal manner. shirazjewelry@chiangmai.a-net.net.th

chiangmai, jewelry, jewellery, gem, chiang mai, jewelry, jewellery, gem, chiangmai, jewelry, jewellery, gem
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