This page is dedicated to all of you who still remember the times when the printer paper had green reading lines and the monitors were 12", green and flickered.
So we talking the early eighties, where a company called IBM launched a computer called IBM PC. This totally changed the world. Hey it's their fault, that you sit now there were you sit, reading this and not hanging out somewhere, or what ever people did in the pre computer age.

With this site I like to share with you some of the things what make computing easier.
Y'all have a good time, Joe

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Sinclair ZX Spectrum my Starterpage
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Galleria Phantastica  grab a cup of coffee and enjoy

Jim Warren

1959 tail fins

Joe's Hawaii 

how long can you stand it?
simp.jpg (3503 bytes)
The Simpsons
from elzumsolito

1929.jpg (1758 bytes)
one moment in time

published 1. Mar 97 updated 9. Nov 98  JR ARTS  Web Page Design by good ol' Joe