Coding For and Living In Nanvaent

(a beginners' guide)

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Nanvaent is a MUD (Multi User Dimension or Domain). For those who haven't heard of such things, it's basically a role- playing game, which lots of people play at the same time. These people can interact with each other, eg. talking, fighting and the suchlike. Quite a lot of people like it. In fact, it has been known to completely take over people's lives. There are lots of MUD's of various types and forms, but we reckon Nanvaent is the best one. It's certainly one of the biggest and most popular on the internet, and of course, it's FREE to play (unless you count surrendering your life and soul to it, and it's cheap at the price ;).

Technically, Nanvaent (Nan for short) runs under MudOS using a personalised and very highly developed mudlib. Old versions of the Nanvaent mudlib are available on the internet, but if you want an up to date version, it'll cost you. The more visible parts of the game, ie. the rooms, roads, computer -generated characters you meet (called NPC's - Non Player Characters) are written in a cool language called LPC, an object oriented derivative of the C programming language. The lovely people who donate their time and effort, not to mention their imagination, putting this code together are called Creators, or more generally Immortals or Wizards.

The object of this homepage is to help would-be MUD programmers or current MUD programmers develop their LPC proficiency by sharing some of the pointers and lessons given to me by other people, and concentrating them in one place together with (the obligatory) links to useful archives and FAQ's on the subject.

If you're really not interested in programming in LPC and contributing to MUD development, then please please please login to Nanvaent and try just playing it. A telnet link is provided below so long as you've set up a telnet client program in your browser options. It's a really great way to waste hours and hours of your time. You may as well get value for money out of your computer.

Coding Documents

Descartes of Borg's LPC Manuals
Nanvaent-specific Coding Guide - under development

Links to other sites on the Web

Nanvaent's main Website
My Home Page
Login to Nanvaent

This page is provided as a public service by Lycos, a Creator on Nanvaent. Nanvaent is an LPMud running at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. This page represents neither the views of the Nanvaent administrators, gods or other immortals nor those of any University of Glasgow people. In fact, they just represent my views. For what they're worth.

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