Contact Information: Mikhail Trokhinin |
š Other Information Will Relocate |
To obtain a permanent
full-time C++/JAVA Developer position utilizing my strong experience in the
Object Oriented Design and Programming with C++/JAVA languages.
Moscow State Academy of Instrument-Making and Information Science:
graduated in 1997 from a 5-year program in Design and Technology of
Radio-Electronic Systems with a degree equivalent to BS.
Employer: Informax Inc. Bethesda, MD USA
Dates: From: December 13, 1999 to: January 10'th 2002
Research & Development, (R&D)
Position: Systems Analyst (Full time)
Tools: Visual J++, Forte Developer, TestTrack, CVS, T.O.A.D, Oracle
- Development of Front-End and Back-End of the "GenoMax"
(bioinformatic software) program. Developed of the Graphic User interface
(GUI) of the Genome Project" subproject. Work was conducted with Java Swing
for the Front-End GUI and back-end functionality was implemented with C++, XML and SQL languages.
Employer: Institute of Cell Biophysics
(Russian Academy of Science)
Department: Neurocybernetics Lab.
Dates: October 12 1995 to December 1 1999:
Position: Programmer
Tools: Forte Developer, SUN OS, CGI, HTML, Apache, Visual C++ 5.0, MFC,
- Periodical journal database publication on the WEB. Designed Database tables structure, did several front-end GUI software to handle the data and created HTML templates for the data representation.
Tools: Visual C++ 5.0, MFC, ODBC.
- The book registration program for local library
- A program for hardcopy plots digitizing in order to make
it convenient for computer analysis.
Tools: Visual J++ v1.1, JDK, HTML
- Interactive Moscow subway map.
- A lot of small programs for Internet (clients, simple servers, applets) in
order to study these technologies;
Tools: SQL, MS Access
- Correcting of an existing database program. Improving of the Search
capabilities and Database table redesign
Tools: Turbo Assembler 2.x, Turbo C 2.x, Sourcer, PCalc, Pepores, Turbo
Debugger for MS-DOS
- Doing programs for data processing inn a real-time environment to interact
with an external device (experimental installation) in the real-time mode via
an AD/DA converter or RS-232 port.
Tools: Turbo Assembler, Turbo Debugger (MS-DOS 6.x)
- Hardware programming (printer, mouse,, DMA, keyboard, video (VGA), RS-232,
timer, interrupt controller etc.);
Tools: Borland C++ 4.5, WinSight 1.31, Turbo Debugger for Windows, OWL
(Object Windows Library), SDI (Windows 3.11, Windows 95), Turbo Profiler 4.5.
- Writing Windows applications;
- Consulting of coworkers about process of developing and programming of
- Numerous small programs for data processing under MS-DOS and Windows;
- Hardware/software installation and configuration;
- Consulting coworkers on the use of software.
Employer: Institute of Cell Biophysics
(Russian Academy of Science). Pushchino, Moscow Region, Russia
Dates: October 22 1990 to October 12 1995:
Department: Neurocybernetics Lab.
Position: Technician (Full time)
Software: PCAD, ACAD, Windows, MS DOS etc.
- Computer systems service (IBM compatible);
- Software installation and configuration;
- Programming with 'C' and Assembler languages.
IBM Compatible Computers, C/C++, OOP/OOD, MS-DOS, Client/Server, Windows
environment, UNIX, HTML, SQL, ODBC, JAVA (Visual J++, Swing), HTML form
processing, software/hardware interrupt handling, programming AD/DA converter
(DT 2821), C++/Java exception handling, tasks of making software interact with
an external device (experimental installation).
Functional written and spoken English.
Object Oriented Programming/Design, Client/Server technology, Internet,
independent study of new computer technologies. I like a process of software
development very much. I like to exchange my experience with other people.