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Hi. My name is
Babak K. Farahani,

a Programmer Analyst / Network Administrator,
29 years old,
work for P.I.D.E.C.
(Petrochemical I
esign & Engineering Company)
as a Senior Programmer Analyst, since May 1995.


Although I have a M.S. degree in Theoretical Economics, I've worked as an Application Software Programmer and Network Specialist since 1992.
I have well-versed skills in analyze, design and develop of database systems and n-tier applications with Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Access, designing COM/DCOM and MTS/COM+ components, WEB developing and Internet programming (ASP, XML, XSL(T), DOM, DHTML, JavaScript and Visual C++ ). Right now I'm experiencing the new Microsoft Technology, .NET, and have focused on VB.NET, ASP.NET and XML Web Services.
Besides, I have strong knowledge of network installation and administration (Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, Novell Netware 4.x), intranet installation/administration (Microsoft IIS, Microsoft Proxy & ISA , Microsoft Exchange), direct end user support of PC systems including installation, troubleshooting, and maintenance.

The most recent project I have worked on is Electro Negar, a really powerfull Farsi client E-Mail application, I wish I could say: "It is a revolution". You can learn more about it at ElectroNegar.COM, I would be apprecitiave if you let me know your idea.

To view a list of some of my experience, Click on or download my uptodated Resume in RTF format.

  This page has been visited times since Feb. 15 1999.  

Copyright Apr, 2000, Pooyaneh Shiraz Software Group. All Rights Reserved