 Part 2
 Guido's Lounge
 Mental Support
 Animations & co

Mental Man the dumbest hero off all

Mentalman logo

After their last adventure, Beerboy got so tired ( he’s no real hero yet ) he had to go on a                           vacation in France. But he will be back for another adventure ofcourse. Mentalman , now mentally bored decided to pay a visit to his favorite place in Roosendaal Metropolis : The Pitt.....

Mentalman, as always aware of danger, looks carefully around to spot any illegal activities that has to be stopped cause they violate laws which we all should treasure.

You're looking at me?

Then suddenly, Mentalman discovers a familiar face in the crowd and it's NOT the Queen which we all adore but:

MentalMan's earth-revival
JOLLYBAD JIMMY a classic BAD-GUY/ Villain, holding a dangerous item!


A quarrel starts and soon, MM and Jolly bad jimmy are comparing their silly powers till someone will quit and buy the other one a beer...

This is a bomb

> bomb explosive device,    dangerous if set to explode by evil person


Suddenly a crowd gathers round the fight and they all shout at the same time:
"Why can't you be more like that lovely creature over there?"

People who visit the Pitt

MM an JollyBadJimmy turn to the, at first very innocent looking, but somehow strangely sheep....

 READ ON ! ->


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