Kevin Harris
Programming assignment #3 02Feb1999

The following images were generated with the camera at location <0,0,-1>, looking in direction <1,1,0>, with vertical vield of view at 90 degrees, horizontal field of view at 146 degrees. The plane is sitting in the x-y plane (z=0).

The samples were jittered and triangle filtered across the virtual screen, and a single random point was chosen on the disc for each sample on the screen.

Note: When I refer to Fxx below, it would be similar to the F-stops on a camera lens, where the radius of the sampling disc at Fxx is focal_distance/(2*xx). I have been told that I need to say that the F-stop is the aperture size (the size of the opening decreases as the F number increases).

The images in these tables took a combined total of 5 hours, 9 minutes on a Pentium 166 to generate.

Just for humor, I calculated there to be 279,552,000 samples taken in the lower 3 tables (that means that the Pentium was making a little over 15 thousand samples per second). Running some benchmark traces on one of the ultra60s had about 52 thousand samples per second.

1 sample per pixel
focal length F8 F32 F128 F512
Focal length 1
Focal length 4
Focal length 16
Focal length 64

16 samples per pixel
focal length F8 F32 F128 F512
Focal length 1
Focal length 4
Focal length 16
Focal length 64

256 samples per pixel
focal length F8 F32 F128 F512
Focal length 1
Focal length 4
Focal length 16
Focal length 64

Since I had some complaints about my field of view, I generated another image, camera at <0,0,-8>, looking in the direction of <8,8,0>, focal length 16, aperture F8, 512 samples per pixel, size 640x480. It was created on an ultra60, and took 42 minutes 55 seconds to generate (61,082 samples per second).