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Aug 20, 2008
  Perhaps you could just consider Freeband Land 11 Meter DX Academy as my contribution toward the betterment of the 11 meter DX hobby.
    We can certainly better anticipate a higher quality operator by encouraging courteous and "professional" operation at all times on the 11 meter band.
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Message to the Academy:
I certainly don't claim to know it all, so for the sake of accuracy in education, I welcome input from experienced DX operators who may have additional information, corrections or suggestions to further enhance the concept of this site and the accuracy of the information presented.

   If you have any particular questions, comments or suggestions regarding content of this site or just have questions about the 11 meter DX hobby itself, please submit them on the mail form to the right and I will try to respond as soon as possible.

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An 11 meter WebRing that is !
The disclaimer thing !

You are encouraged to operate your radio equipment in compliance with  your national, regional or local laws regarding radio transmissions from the private sector.

This site is informational only for those visitors seeking a better understanding of the activities and radio traffic that occurs worldwide on mostly unallocated frequencies surrounding the Citizens Radio Service of the USA .

Since activity on these frequencies is legal in other countries, this site will serve as a source of 11 meter education of good operating practices for these  operators outside of USA.

  This site's owner will in no way be held responsible for any consequences served upon a radio operator as a result of activities implemented based on information provided by this site.

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   In the interest of promoting goodwill AND good operating practices within the unwieldy radio environment that is known as the 11 meter Freeband , the FBL Academy is proud to present this continuously growing collection of " how to " operating and procedural information to assist YOU in honing your 11DXing skills to exemplary levels!

    By providing these guidelines, new AND experienced operators alike, just might develop and/or improve the quality of performance on the 11 meter freeband. There are many great sites on the web devoted to 11 meters, yet few seem to have addressed these informational needs.
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By 2AT062 - Pete