Laurentiu Flavius Herbei

Birth place and day: Arad, Romania, 07.23.1974.

Adress: Orion Street, No. 24, Apt.17, Timisoara-1900, Romania, Europe,

Telephone: +(40 56) 28 58 56

Cellular: +(40 95) 83 56 64



Civil status: single.

Nationality: Romanian.


1992 graduate high school "Moise Nicoara" Arad.

1997 graduate "Computers and Automation Faculty" Timisoara (see on the web at ), Automation specialty, Application Oriented Programming Engineering section (5 years). At the license exams the average was 10 (a scale from 1 to 10), and the diploma paper was appreciated with 10 also.

1998 master in "Automated Systems" at "Computers and Automation Faculty" Timisoara. Dissertation paper was appreciated with 10 (a scale from 1 to 10). (1 year)

Professional experience:

August 1995 collaborate with national electric company RENEL at development of a software product for steam control parameters. The project was developed with Borland C++ 3.1, and uses the RS232 interface to communicate with the measuring equipment (Honeywell steam meter) .

1996-1997 graduate project. This project consists in software made with MICROSOFT Visual C++ 4.0. It provides mapping ECG representation for medical diagnostics.The software (Ecg manager) , also compress the data from ECG’s (EKG’s) to minimize the medical work. It uses mathematical compression theoretical studied algorithms in the diploma work paper. (You may see several captures from this software at, MapECG)

October 1997-June 1998 teaching assistant at "Computers and Automation Faculty" Timisoara. I teach the students about C++, Java and Pascal languages. During this period I also have application classes at "County Hospital" Timisoara and "Children Hospital" Timisoara and I learn the students about medical equipment (Gamma camera, Ecg acquisition system, computerized tomography, blood analysis automated systems, UNIX UNISYS Computer hospital management system – System V operating system used) .

November 1997-April 1998 software engineer and manager (administrator) at SC.INSOFT SRL Timisoara. Here I developed 4 software projects. This was my company with 20 % of shares. The software was developed with MICROSOFT Visual C++ 4.0, MICROSOFT Visual Basic 4.0, Borland Delphi 2.0, AutoCAD Development System (ADS). The domains of interest are: medical applications, control applications, telecommunication software (software used for telephone central billing- see a demo at, economic applications, CAD applications.

Projects description:

Medical cabinet software (Cabinet) used for management of the dentist cabinet. It provides medical work representations and time management. Project was developed with Borland Delphi 2.0, using Dbase databases (dbf).

Based on this project I developed an other general cabinet application using Visual FOXPRO 5.0. The application works on PROMEDICA private clinic. (a demo presentation is available at request)

Database system for Autocad. It was a database extension for AUTOCAD. It consist from a dll develop with Visual C++ 5.0 developed according with ADS (AutoCAD Development System) specifications. This database was an Access database, and we use it with DAO. Every component from an AutoCAD drawing was registered in this database with some characteristics like weight, height, material, … .

A database application, for employees. It was a multi-document application developed with Visual Basic 4.0 , using Access databases (mdb) accessed using DAO. You can define forms in this application and store that structure in a database. The forms can be completed by employees, which can respond to the questions. Every question has points, and at the end of the questionnaire you can see the results (how many points) you obtain.

A driving school questionnaire application was developed based on this software. (a demo presentation is available at your request). Forms defined with the previous description application can be completed in a closed environment with this browser. The application was developed using Visual Basic 5.0, and Access databases (mdb) accessed using DAO.

A telephone central monitoring software (Telgest2000). The application was developed with Visual Basic 5.0, and collects the data’s from up to 6 telephone centrals , connected through RS232 interfaces or through a RS232 multiboard to a Windows95/98/NT computer. The software collects the data’s and stores it to an Access database. It implements also tariffs configuration (ROMTELECOM, CONNEX, DIALOG) and custom tariffs configuration, clients configuration, and many others features. It also provides reports generated from the databases, representing the client telephone costs, every central costs, detailed billing reports for every or all clients connected.

For full descriptions please visit the site:, where you may download a demo English version. A demo presentation is also available at your request.

April 1998-April 1999 software engineer at ABB Rometrics SRL Timisoara, an ABB Network partner. Here I work in a team at developing Automated Meter Reading System (for ABB Alpha meters), including ISAPI dlls, ActiveX controls, and installation kits. The software was developed with MICROSOFT Visual C++ 6.0 , MICROSOFT Visual Basic 6.0 and InstallShield 5.0.The software use also the following products to work : MICROSOFT Windows NT 4.0 SP4 , MICROSOFT Internet Information Server, MICROSOFT SQL Server 6.5/7, MICROSOFT Data Objects, MICROSOFT Internet Explorer 4.01. The system have a different version for different companies (industrial companies: Guardian, transport and distribution companies: Galaxy, power plants: Genergy). The system was fully web integrated. In the configuration exists a Raportation Server (Windows NT workstation + IIS 4.0), a Reading Server (Windows NT workstation + Reading program) and a Database Server (Windows NT Srver + Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 or 7).The web extension was developed using ISAPI dll’s, HTML pages, ActiveX controls and VB scripts. Usually the system was implemented in a company intranet (FREE Vaslui, ALRO Slatina, Iron Gates I, Iron Gates II, Silcotub Zalau, Tantareni, Urechesti), using the regular phone lines for meter reading, or using an GSM or radio modem network (GSM are used for Jilt miner exploitation) . The users connected to the network may see the system reports, and can make different configuration in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 web browser, using the self-registered ActiveX controls.

Projects description:

ActiveX controls developed using Visual Basic 6.0, used for billing reports, meter indexes, data representation (graphic), access control.

HTML pages using the ActiveX controls, using also the VB script for control initialization, and operation.

ISAPI extensions written in Visual C++ 6.0 used like a IIS extension for data (ODBC connected Microsoft SQL Server 6.5/7 data source) storage of the manual read meter indexes. ISAPI extension used for meters, reports and system configuration that are used to store the data’s to the Windows registry.

Installations kits, using dll extensions (for special operation like stopping/starting the Web Publishing Service in NT or Personal Web Server in Windows95/98, automatic meter configuration (registry settings) reports configuration, security settings, ODBC/DAO database configuration), for 3 metering systems (Genergy, Galaxy, Guardian). The software was developed using InstallShield Professional 5.0 and Visual C++ 6.0 .

For other information about ABB metering systems, please visit the homepage .

May 1999-present software engineer at Dataproducts Romania SRL Timisoara, a software division of Hitachi Koki Imaging Solutions USA. Here I work in a team at development and bug fixing of the Windows NT 4.0 kernel part of DDS 32 and DDS 40 printer driver (PostScript, PCL5). Here I work also at implementing PCLXL language for Windows 95 printer driver (specific at following issues: download bitmap and scalable fonts, download characters and text rotation, font substitution, logical image operations, page settings, reverse order) . An other project developed by me was "Job accounting for DDS 32 and DDS 40 printer servers" , developed in Visual C++6.0, using TCP/IP communication through sockets with the UNIX based printer server. I also work at implementing Adobe Type1 font downloading for PostScript printer driver. An other current activity was to fix bugs for Windows95 PCL/PCLXL/PS printer driver (related with halftone algorithm, clipping, downloading Adobe Type 1 fonts).

From March 2000 senior software engineer at the same company. Since I am the most, I also have a coordinator role in the company.

Projects description:

PCL6 (PCLXL) language implementation for Windows95/98 printer driver. The project was developed using Visual C++ 1.52. It includes downloading bitmap and scalable fonts part, glyph downloading for bitmap and TrueType fonts, font substitution feature, logical operations, page settings, reverse order mechanism. The project was developed using the HP documentation for PCLXL printer language. The company uses this language for DDS70 printer server.

Job accounting for DDS32 and DDS40 printer server. The printer server is a Unix based machine, and the communication between him and Windows Sockets is through sockets. The Windows station monitors the jobs sent to the printer, and other parameters like time, duration, number of jobs, job id, paper used, and stores the data’s in a proprietary database. The project was developed using Visual C++ 6.0, MFC and Socket extension.

Adobe Type 1 font downloading for Windows95/98 and Windows NT/2000 driver Postscript driver. For more documents accuracy we need to download the fonts like Type 1 instead of Type 3 (previous implementation). Also this downloading reduces the amounts of data transferred through network. The project was developed using Visual C++ 1.52 for Windows 95/98 driver and Visual C++ 5.0 for Windows NT/2000 driver. It provides a faster and compact Postscript generated code.

Professional skills:

Five (5) years experience in developing Windows applications.

I know very good and use frequently the following programming languages and products: C, C++, Borland C++ 3.1, Windows API programming, Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, Microsoft Visual C++ 1.5, Microsoft NT DDK, Windows 95 DDK, Pascal, Borland Pascal 7.0, Borland Delphi 2.0, Basic, MICROSOFT Visual Basic 6.0, VB Script, MICROSOFT Access 97 (Jet Engine programming and Client-Server applications with Access an Visual Basic), SQL, MICROSOFT SQL Server 6.5/7, Microsoft Visual FOXPRO, MACROMEDIA Dreaweaver (at request you may see a DemoCD created by me with Dreamweaver), InstallShield 5.0, WINDOWS 95, WINDOWS 98, WINDOWS NT 4.0, NOVELL NETWARE, LINUX C++ programming, ADS programming for AUTOCAD, assembling languages for INTEL 80X86, MOTOROLA 680X0, INTEL 8031-8051,Z80.

I am experienced with Web design (HTML 2 standard).

Other skills:

Driving license (B category).

Foreign languages: English: good (speaking, reading, writing).

Hobby’s: pop music, tennis and mountain biking.


Sorin Marghitoiu, software engineer, Hitachi Koki Imaging Solutions USA,

249 Country Club Dr #13

Simi Valley CA 93065


805-5226177 (home)

805-578-4317 (work)


Petre Maierean, software engineer, Insystems Technologies Inc, Canada,

Tel: 1 905 513-1400 ext 3740 (work)

1 416 385-1485 (home)


Valentin Suta - Senior Design Engineer , ABB Power T&D Company Inc,Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

Tel: +1 919 250 5509 (work)


Radu Singer – SDE, Microsoft, Group: US-SQL Data Warehouse, Redmond, USA.

Tel: 1-425-7032255 – ext. 15181 (work)



Please send me any questions at , or call +(40 95) 83 56 64 .

For an updated resume always visits my web site:

Please keep my personal information, confidential and do not release them to other companies.