David M. Howard

Sun Microsystems Certified Java Developer
Faculty Member of Embedded Systems Conference

Animated Algorithms in Java


Balanced Tree

Red-Black Tree

Skip Lists

Embedded Systems Conference East 1997
Session #247

Multithreading Support in Java

Download Embedded Systems Conference Presentation (76KB zipped PowerPoint 4.0)

Embedded Systems Conference West 1996
Session #425 and Embedded Systems Conference East 1997 Session #241

Using an Embedded Web Server as the User Interface for an Embedded System

Download Embedded Systems Conference Presentation (244K zipped PowerPoint 4.0)
The following archives have a directory structure. be sure to preserve it when you unzip it. (use -d option)

Baseline Embedded Web Server Source (260K DOS PKZIP archive) - a basic embedded system web server with compiled in content. unzip in an empty directory with the -d option and follow the (brief) instructions in readme.txt. Setup as a Windows/95 console application for prototyping. Easy to port to an RTOS that has queues, tasks, and sockets.

File System Update Source (18K DOS PKZIP archive) - support for pages stored on a local filesystem. Unzip in an empty directory, and follow the instructions in readme.txt

October, 1998