This picture was taken in February 1998.

            Family: I have a family..  two cats and a dog.. and they are enough to look after. My dog is a German Shepherd named Bushka; we have been members of the German Shepherd Club of South Australia since July 1997. I would like eventually, when I have finished the basic obedience training, to start competing in Obedience Trials, but considering that since we have started training we have progressed as far as Grade 2, that may take a while.

            Interests: Well I guess I have become a chat line addict...  its fun!  At last count I had about 100 contacts on ICQ , and I am always on the lookout for more interesting people that I can waste time talking to, when I probably should be doing something really exciting like the vacuuming.....  so please feel free to  contact me on ICQ 

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            I also have a lot of email friends... and can be contacted at:

            And a lot of the jokes that come my way via email are so funny that I have been sending them on.....  and then I thought.....  I spend a lot of time surfing websites that have crazy joke sections, and so I ought to have my own crazy jokes site.   And I make no apologies for any of the content there...   if I like it then in it goes... whether it is sick or rude or just plain lame. But then, I have a weird sense of humour, and the fact of the matter is.... so do a lot of others!! 

            And speaking of surfing crazy sites.... well, I am not one to be selfish, so if you would like to share some of them you will find out about my current favourites by visiting my crazy url site.  Please note that, as with the jokes, I will not make any apologies for the contents of these websites. 

            And when I am not either at the computer or (shock, horror) doing some work, then I have my nose in a book.  I am not just a keen reader...  I am a total bookaholic.  I have a house full of them, I have them in the shed,I vaguely remember dumping a boxful at my sister's house.  It is not safe to let me near a book shop, because I am quite capable of buying half a dozen novels in one go.

            Work: I do it because I have to, so I don't really want to talk about it... I do contract work for the Australian Government, and my current contract is with the Australian Bureau of Statistics, doing admin work.

            I also do some computer programming for myself, and am studying for the Bachelor of Computer and Information Science at the University of South Australia. When I get my degree, I plan to go into programming full-time... and have a job that I enjoy (theoretically...).

            My Home: I have put this section in because I am so often asked about it... I live in  Adelaide, South Australia , and if you would like to know more then use your mouse... and find out.  

            A Final Note: All graphics used on these pages are from the Tuscany Rose Collection, which is kinda special to me because my one and only sister,  Felicity,   is the genius behind it. Please visit Tuscany Rose to download graphics... most of what I have used is freely available, but if I find any that she has done especially for me, on other sites, then I will be kind of upset, to say the least.... 

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