What is HTML?

The HyperText Markup Language is just one of the document types, that are specifically used for web pages. HyperText refers to the clickable links which are characteristic of web pages. Markup Language refers to the tags used to specify links, graphics, formats, and other functions in a web document.

HTML is based on SGML (the Standard Generalized Markup Language), a more encompassing document-processing system. HTML, by virtue of its SGML heritage, is a standardized language for describing structured documents. A HTML document can be read on any computer as long as you have a browser written for that computer that can interpret HTML.

What do I need to create an HTML file?

HTML documents are plain text files that can be created and processed with a simple plain text editors such as, Notepad on Windows; vi or emacs on Unix. But now-a-days there are so many sophisticated WYSIWYG authoring tools available.

Of course, you need a browser such as, Netscape or Internet Explorer to view your HTML document.

What is the HTML syntax?

Every HTML document should contain certain standard HTML tags. Tags consist of a left angle bracket <, a tag name, and a right angle bracket >. Tags are usually paired. The ending tag looks like the beginning tag except a / precedes the text within the brackets of the ending tag.

How do I create an HTML document?

I thought of writing an html tutorial but found so many good tutorials out there.

HTML Tag Reference - supported in Netscape 4.0 and earlier


The SGML/XML Web Page

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Meanwhile, you can visit a Tutorial on Perl"