A VB program for playing with Inductance, Capacitance, Impedance and Frequency.
A program for a finding CRC/LFSR polynomials.
And some explanation.
A clean and simple way to play your MP3 tunes. PLAYLIST.BAT
Handy print utilities .
Yer basic factor utility, factor.com. Similar to the UNIX factor command. One argument or interactive loop. Range is 32 bits, ie 4,294,967,295. Worst case: 4,294,967,291(largest 32 bit prime).
And a Prime number utility, primes.com. Similar to the UNIX primes command. Two arguments as range or interactive loop. Max range is 32 bits, ie 4,294,967,295. Printing to the screen limits the speed. Dumping the first 78499 primes under 1 million to a text file takes about 6 seconds.
i.e. "primes 1 1000000 > primes.txt"
but "primes 1000000000 1001000000 > primesb.txt" takes almost 3 minutes on a P333.
Version of a tiny Postscript program for a Fractal Fern.