your presence
Now that you can
find out if you page has been indexed or not, you can go ahead and see
if your page has been included in the active index of a search engine.
GO ( Infoseek )
Go makes checking
easy. Simply enter your URL in the keyword box,such as:
The first method
reveals every page under the root domain. If you are under someone else's
domain, the second method will narrow the search to pages under your
area. The last method will find a specific page. Note that the Urls
don't include the www prefix. You can add this, but if these search
engines have indexed your pages without them, the pages won't appear.
You're covered both ways by leaving off the www prefix. Don't use the
http:// prefix, either.
Hot Bot
At HotBot, to find
everything from a particular web site, simply enter the domain in the
keyword box, using the domain: command as shown below:
After your search,
you will usually be shown either one or two web pages from any site
that contains the domain you entered.
In order to see
all your pages, you next need to click on the "See results from this
site only" link.
What happens if
you need to see pages from a particular section of a web site? This
is especially important for those hosted within domain. In
these cases, you would have a web address such as:
HotBot offers a
Check URL page that can help you narrow your focus. It can be found
Unfortunately, the
page isn't particularly intuitive. Instead, you may find it easier to
use the domain: and originurlpath: power commands. We've already seen
how the domain: command works above. We can combine it with the originurlpath:
command to narrow a search to a particular directory within a site.
For example, this search:
works to find all
pages from within this section of Search Engine Watch:
At AltaVista, follow
the same instructions as for HotBot, and select the "More pages from
this site" option to see all your pages. Should you need to find a particular
page or a section of a web site, use the url: command, which works just
as at Go.
There's no easy
way to do a URL check in Excite. The best method is to enter the URL
without the http:// prefix, such as:
Bear in mind that
any pages containing this URL will appear, with no guarantee yours will
be first. Generally, your page will come near the top, if it is in the
catalog. You might also try searching for the root domain, to find many
pages from the same site at once. Enter your root URL, such as:
then choose List By Web Site, which will help concentrate your pages
Lycos has a Check
URL service:
Unfortunately, this
service really only confirms if a page has been visited by the Lycos
spider. That's not the same as the page actually being present in the
Lycos index. To see if your pages are really in the index, you'll need
to search for them creatively.
Start off by searching
for your root domain, such as:
Usually, some of
your pages will be listed. If not, try the search again, but drop off
the www prefix and any suffixes, such as .com. For example: searchenginewatch
To find particular pages, or if the suggestions above fail, try searching
for unique text on the page or for words in the title. Enter your page
title, or several words from it. Remember, if the words are common,
you may not find the page among the others that will match your search.
Web Crawler
As with Lycos, finding
your actual listing can be tricky. Entering the URL may turn up anything
but your site. Again, try searching for unique words.