Home of Jon A. Cruz

It's time to take action.

For anyone concerned with the recent events of September 11th, please check this page I've put together.

We remember
This ribbon art was created by Alon Cohen

Well, I'm just in the middle of revamping things here. For basic info on my and some of my interests, see my me page. This also includes my list of links to various tools and such.

This page has been accessed Counter times.

Send me some feedback at joncruz@geocities.com.


For a utility to create a scene of 3D objects from an image, see the TGAMosaic page.


I've made a patch for POV-Ray 3.1 to allow Unicode text. See the UniPatch home page.

The IMP Tech Team

Tech Info

I have a base page with info on the IMP Tech Team. This includes the member list, screen resolution issues, etc.


Wow. Been quite a while. I seem definitely to have been hit with that ancient Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times". As my wife now says "I'm ready for boring now." (I've glossed over and left out minor things like Jared having walking pneumonia, my emergency dental work, etc.)
You know.
Jasmine comes home!!
Jasmine Seraphina Cruz born!!!
She's doing great. Just needs to wait till she's grown enough.
Tina's water broke quite early. Off to the hospital for her.
Moved into our new house!!! Yay! We finally own. Due to Tina being pregnant, and mega-crunch at work, it will be just a bit before we can unpack.

(I also have my resume in HTML and in MS Word format posted.)

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