Thawte Personal Certificates

Notarization Info for Joe Lewis

Contact me via email at:

I can meet for notarizations during normal working hours at my office in San Mateo. I do not charge for this service and do it just for the sake of the promotion of personal email certificates. However, if you really feel obligated to pay me something, feel free to bring an interesting bottle of microbrew or a chatchkee from your company! ;-)

Please bring the original ID that you used for your Thawte ID, must be either a Driver's Licence, Social Security Card, or Passport.

Bring one additional ID with your photograph on it.

If we meet away from my office, you will need to bring a photocopy of the two IDs.

I will have you sign a Statement of Notarization. If you would like a copy and we are not meeting near my office, we should meet somewhere near or a fax machine.

Please see the Thawte Web of Trust Rules for more information.

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