Poker by Eran Dror 286k S
A poker game, with heavily commented source code.

Nordic 3009k
This is a top-view shoot'em up game in the spirit of the old dos and atari games.It features fast,smooth animations ,intelligent enemy movement,power up's ,several different kinds of firepower, music tracks,digital sounds effects and a cool storyline...This is the best thing I have ever made in VB.

Space Shooter 2000 by One Ring Software 538k
"Space Shooter 2000 is a vertical scrolling arcade style shootem' up. Collect up to 3 levels of power ups to blast away the enemy! See if you can beat the high scores... This game has been written entirely in Visual Basic 5.0 using DirectX 5.0 for maximum speed.
  • MS DirectX 5.0 or higher
  • Pentium 133 MHz or compatible processor
  • 16 Megs of RAM Direct Sound compatible sound card
  • Optional: joystick "
This game is a truly impressive piece of work ,although it's still under construction .The only thing I could complain about is some of the graphics that are in 256 colors and look kinda weird.
DPC Online Chess v2.1 3105k S
My first attempt at an online game , using the Winsock control. Two people can play on the same PC using keyboard and mouse or you can play internet chess by simply providing the IP address of a remote computer. Some of the additional features include:
  • Integrated MDI enviroment
  • Realtime chat with your opponent
  • A wide variety of chess sets and chess boards to select from
  • Fully customisable interface and gameplay
  • Online statistics,moves list,captured pieces etc
  • Animated movement of chess pieces
  • Digital sound effects in wave format
  • Checkmate detection
  • All the official chess rules

As of version 2.1 the zip includes the full VB5/VB6 source code.
SpaceMachines 2.0 by THEMA software
This is an asteroids clone with excellent gameplay and some great features .There are several ships that you can buy ,while you raise money by killing your opponent on each level. The greatest thing about it IMHO is the option to play against a human or a computer opponent ,although the computer one is very,very challenging to beat!
3DMaze v1.2 by James L. Dean 40k S
"Generate and solve mazes under Windows 95.The mazes are displayed in three dimensions." This outstanding project generates genuine mazes (no backtracking) made up by either square or hexagonal cells and displays them with a cool 3D perspective .You can use the arrow keys to solve the maze or just click 'Solve' to see the solution.
VB5 Tetris v1.05 1059k
Your standard Windows Tetris clone,some of the features include:
  • 20 levels of increasing difficulty .
  • Digital sound effects (in wave format) and a dynamic database of soundtrack themes to choose from or add to.
  • A built-in Level editor.
  • A top 10 highscores table.
  • Fully customisable interface.

Want to know more about VB5 Tetris? Click here for some more screenshots and here for the readme.txt file.
TicTacToe 12k S / C
The purpose of this program is obviously not to impress you with graphics and animation but to get your attention with it's tough-to-beat AI ! This was originaly meant to always win or tie,but it turns out that there is one sequence of moves that allows the human player to win. (Have to update this sometime...) It was built as an entry to Rod Stevens' VB Helper's June contest , Rod gave us the main form with all the controls and the game engine and challenged us to implement the AI .

BREAK-THRU! by Unknown author 50k S / C
A great Visual Basic example of a classic arcade game . The source code is heavily commented and one can catch some great coding techniques going through it. This project is an outstanding tutorial for the beginner in game programming.

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*All these need VB's runtime library Msvbvm50.dll in your Windows/System folder
*Hoover the mouse over the disk icon to see the size of the ZIP archive.
*S indicates that the ZIP includes the source Visual Basic files.
*C indicates that the source code is well commented.