Ricardo Birtel

Homepage & Personal Resume

Systems Analyst, Mechanical Engineer, Computer Graphics Master Degree on going (Radiosity with Textures thesis almost completed)

Network experience: TCP/IP, NETBIOS, Servers configuration and tuning, Information Security

Programming Languages: C++, ANSI C, Java, REXX.

Operating Systems: WINDOWS 95/NT, OS/2, MVS/ESA, VM/ESA

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Birtel's I/T Jobs Links

If you are interested in retrieving my resume, here it is:

My resume in portuguese (DOC format)

My resume in english (DOC format)

Short version in english (TXT)

Short version in english (HTML)

Want to see what this thesis of mine is about ? Please click on the gif bellow !

Link to my computer graphics thesis page

Looking fot I/T books ? Please go to my personal bookstore, an association with Amazon.com !

Link to my Personal Bookstore

e-mail me: birtel@hexanet.com.br.

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