Friends Gallery
Here are some pictures of my friends at Peters 30ith birthday.
The event took place at Michaels place.

As you can see we had a great evening, with the best food and company money can buy.
The menu was:
Starter: Marbled Cod, Tuna, and Samon pressed to a filet.
Main corse: A 300 g deer tenderloin cooked as tornados, with chrambon ham, and a delisious garniture
Desert: The most delisious orangeflavored chocolatecake i've ever tasted, with sinnamon cream

The birthdayboy Peter
30 years old, now he can finaly be considered a real man.

Michael the host
Not only the host, but also the cook, and what a marvelus cook he is! Yum yum :-).

Jesper Halvorsen



And offcause I was there too

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