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Police Quest: SWAT 2 Just Play!
Police Quest: SWAT 2 Just Play! Boxshot. Real-time action simulation with authentic police tactics. Players can challenge friends or work cooperatively over modem, network or the Internet. Allows gamers to play as SWAT officers or terrorists in an isometric, third-person view. Put out an APB on this totally authentic and engaging game!

The crime-busting Police Quest series is back, and this time you can play the heroes or the bad guys! The all-new SWAT 2 features 30 built-in missions, plus a Map Editor that lets you create your own missions. Play with as many as three other players via network, modem or Internet.

Buy It!

Price and Requirements
Developer: Yosemite Entertainment
Publisher: Sierra On-Line
Requirements:Pentium-133, 16 MB RAM, 4X CD-ROM, mouse, sound board, Windows 95
Product Code:DAT05
RRP:$29.95 AU
Our Price:$23 AU

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