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Starcraft Boxshot. In the distant future, a small group of human exiles have been doomed to fight for survival on the edge of the galaxy. The time for war has come. As the military leader for your species, you must gather the resources you need to train and expand your military and lead them to victory. Thirty unique missions will challenge you across three different campaigns as you control the fate of the galaxy. Boasts advanced control features and training queues to provide enhanced gameplay, superb SVGA graphics, and outstanding sound and music.

Buy It!

Price and Requirements
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
Requirements:Pentium-90, 16 MB RAM, 2X CD-ROM, SVGA w/ 1MB, mouse, sound board, Windows 95; Windows NT
Product Code:DAT01
RRP:$49.95 AU
Our Price:$38 AU

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