----------------------------------------------------------------- README for Location Applet September 10, l997 ------------------------------------------------------------------ (c) Copyright David Chan, 1997 This document provides information you may find useful in running Location Applet. HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT ======================== To view locate.txt on screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. To print locate.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor, then use the Print command on the File menu. DESCRIPTION =========== Location Applet is a freeware Java(tm) applet that acts like the location field of a web browser. Enter a url, press "Go!" and the applet will take you to where you want to go. Make sure you enter the url exactly as the applet is case sensitive. The following parameters can be entered in the Frame field: "_self" show in the current frame "_parent" show in the parent frame "_top" show in the top-most frame "_blank" show in a new unnamed top-level window name show in a new top-level window named name HTML CODING =========== Place the following code in your HTML file to use this applet: USING APPLET ON YOUR OWN SITE ============================= To use Location Applet on your own site you must first create a html document which references the applet. This code can be found in this readme under the "HTML CODING" title. The html document and the applet class file should then be uploaded in "ASCII" and "BINARY" modes respectively. A link back to my site would be much appreciated. SENDING SUGGESTIONS, CONTENT ENHANCEMENTS, AND ERRORS ===================================================== If you have suggestions for features you would like to see in future editions of Location Applet or comments about the current version, please send them to: Internet: http://www.geocities.com/davidchan E-mail: davidchan@hotpop.com Comments about errors, comprehensiveness, or validity of information presented are welcome. Please send these comments by e-mail. Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. David's Java(tm) Gallery is independent of Sun Microsystems, Inc.