Advantages Of Java(tm)Java has significant advantages over other programming languages. Java is platform independent. This means that Java programs can move easily from one computer system to another. Java is platform independent at both source and binary level. The binary code is in the form of bytecodes which are independent of hardware architectures, operating system interfaces, and window systems. This format of system independent binary code is architecture neutral. The architecture neutral approach allows the same version of an application to run on all platforms. The main benefit of using interpreted byte code is that compiled Java programs are portable to any system on which the Java interpreter and run-time system have been implemented. Java achieves this partly by defining standard behavior that will apply to data types across all platforms. The Java environment itself is readily portable to new architectures and operating systems. The Java compiler is also written in Java. Java is easy to learn. The language was designed to be small, simple, yet powerful. Keeping the language small makes it more robust as there are fewer chances for programmers to make errors. Also, Java is portable and object-oriented, making it easier to write, compile, debug and learn. As Java was modeled after C and C++, people familiar with these languages will find Java particularly easy as many of the complex issues such as pointers and memory management have been taken care of. |
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