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Costumes and Make-up

Costumes are an important part of movies RealMedia Actors and actresses arrive at the studio each day to be made up for their parts. A make-up artist is always on the set. The make-up artist can transform people with the aid of latex, wigs, powders and colour.

Make-up can let a young woman look old or an actor look like the president. Applying make-up requires a lot of skill, as every detail must be perfect for a successful illusion.

Costumes are important to help the audience believe that they are seeing reality. Actors did not always wear costumes, but soon studios had their own costume departments. Stars in new movies have their costumes specially created, but lesser parts are often dressed from the stock of costume hire companies. In close-ups, costumes must been accurate, so modern costumes are researched in detail so that they are convincing.

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