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Robert Sklar (1993) Film: An International History of the Medium Thames and Hudson Ltd p.16-32, 76-115

Brain Keyre, Michael Small (1994) Films Longman Chehire Pty Ltd, Australia p.3-11

Alan Mckenzie, Derek Ware (1986) Hollywood Tricks of the Trade Multimedia Publications Ltd, US p.6-52

David Hart (1990) Looking at Films Hodder and Stoughton Ltd, Suffolk p.5-13, 31-8

Roger Horreks (1988) On Film II Heinemann Publishers, New Zealand p.3-15, 25-29

Jane Bone, Ron Johnson (1992) Understanding the film National Textbook Company, England p.1-12, 28-47, 263-84

* Please see Book Reviews for Java(tm) books and Links for websites used in the creation of this site.

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