Air Force OneAir Force One is a movie directed by Wolfgang Peterson which stars Harrison Ford as the US President, James Marshall. Ivan Korshunov (Gary Oldman) plays a Russian terrorist who hijacks the President's plane and demands the release of the recently captured leader of the Kazakhstan. The President is in Moscow and makes a speech regarding the new US policy to refuse negotiating with terrorists. Just after the speech, he boards Air Force One with his wife (Wendy Crewson), daughter (Liesel Matthews) and some of his White House staff. Not long after, Ivan Korshunov and his group, acting as journalists, suddenly become terrorists and take over the plane. They threaten to kill one hostage each half-hour if their leader is not released. The action sequences are in my opinion the most exciting parts of the movie. Ford is a joy to watch as always and gives a great performance in Air Force One. Glenn Close also does a great job as the Vice President of the United States. Oldman, however, is not very convincing as the Russian terrorist leader. Air Force One is a very exciting movie and will leave you feeling proud to be an American. |
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