;Scriptname: Clothes ;Version: 1.1 ;Author(s): ?Swed, *?Myotis ;Original Concept: ?Swed ;Comments to: leif.lignell@mail.wineasy.se, iosys@voyageronline.net ;Date: 28JUL1996 ;Usage: Keyword 'clothes' is used to drop your props for another to copy. Use ; the parameters 1-7 to specify a line to drop them on example - ; 'clothes 4', 'clothes 1' "$1" GREPSUB ATOI NumLine = NBRUSERPROPS nup = 45 yprops = [ 0 46 92 138 184 230 276 322 368 414 ] xprops = { a++ xprops a GET yprops NumLine * DROPPROP } { a nup < } WHILE "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "clothes (.*)$" GREPSTR IF