-- Place the following under ON INCHAT -- ; Lagometer script v1.10 (c) 1996 Justin Streufert (INCHAT) ; Monitron -- cdolphin@access.digex.net ; You must keep this message in here no matter what you do with ; the script! pingtime GLOBAL { ticks pingtime - 60 / newtime = "System Lag: " newtime ITOA + " second(s)" + LOCALMSG } CHATSTR "^;PING1" GREPSTR WHOCHAT WHOME == AND IF -- Place the following under ON OUTCHAT -- ; Lagometer script v1.10 (c) 1996 Justin Streufert (OUTCHAT) ; Monitron -- cdolphin@access.digex.net ; You must keep this message in here no matter what you do with ; the script! pingtime GLOBAL { ticks pingtime = ";PING1 Please ignore this message" SAY "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "lagometer" == IF --- END ---