;Rain script, by )))Stereo((( ;generates a rain cloud and rains down on anything below it ;All props for this script are available at the outpost palace, palace://outpost.lag.com:9998, in the props & sounds room { MOUSEPOS Y = X = Y 42 - A1 = Y 0 + A2 = X 72 - B = A 120 + C = 384 Y - A3 = 0 i = { "rain-cloud" B 100 RANDOM + A1 40 RANDOM + ADDLOOSEPROP i++ } { i 16 < } WHILE { "rainwater" B 100 RANDOM + A2 A3 RANDOM + ADDLOOSEPROP i++ } { i 60 < } WHILE "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "rain" == IF ;++++++++++++++++++ END OF SCRIPT +++++++++++++++++++++ ;++++++++++++++++++ END OF SCRIPT +++++++++++++++++++++ This script uses the following props: raincloud, rainy This script uses the following sounds: Keyword to activate this script: rain Requires painting to be on to function completely: no