Hi, all. Here is my latest concoction, called "Random Zip" It will take you to a RANDOM room on the MAIN server. it will not work for other servers, as their room #s are different, sorry. I will post scripts for the other servers in the near future. Skeezil {"" CHATSTR = [86 87 100 101 103 106 108 109 118 119 123 124 125 150 151 152 153 160 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 250 251 666 700 701 777 800] 35 RANDOM GET ;the numbers in the square brackets are the room #s for the palace. bye saying 35 ;random get, you are saying "get one of the 35 numbers in the brackets, randomly" GOTOROOM ;GOTOROOM make ya goto the room that the puter picks from the array (the numbers in the ;square brackets) }CHATSTR "zip random" == IF