; Reflect-a-Spoof ; Programmed by Paul Jacobs aka DataŠ, 10-22-96 ; Distribute freely but do not remove comments. ; This copy of Reflect-a-Spoof originally uploaded to EricD's Iptscrae ; archive. This is the INCHAT section to be placed in the INCHAT handler ; reflecta GLOBAL { "$1" GREPSUB atoi x = "$2" GREPSUB atoi y = "$3" GREPSUB chatter = POSX x1 = POSY y1 = x x1 - x2 = x2 -1 * x3 = y y1 - y2 = y2 -1 * y3 = { { ")no" SAY 492 RANDOM 364 RANDOM SETPOS } 2 reflecta == IF WHOCHAT WHOPOS y4 = x4 = "@" x4 ITOA & "," & y4 ITOA & chatter & ROOMMSG } x2 30 < x3 30 < AND y2 30 < AND y3 30 < AND reflecta AND IF } CHATSTR "@(.*),([0-9]*)(.*)$" GREPSTR IF ; Reflect-a-Spoof ; OUTCHAT section to be placed inside OUTCHAT handler ; To use it type "reflect off" "reflect moveme" or "reflect nomove" ; moveme and nomove are the two settings reflecta GLOBAL { "$1" GREPSUB option = { 0 reflecta = "Reflect-a-Spoof is Off" LOGMSG } option LOWERCASE "off" GREPSTR IF { 1 reflecta = "Reflect-a-Spoof is On, set to nomove" LOGMSG } option LOWERCASE "nomove" GREPSTR IF { 2 reflecta = "Reflect-a-Sppof is On, set to moveme" LOGMSG } option LOWERCASE "moveme" GREPSTR IF "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR LOWERCASE "^reflect (.*)$" GREPSTR IF