Hi Folks... been awhile since I've written a script, but this one is GREAT! Ever wish ya didnt always have to cut and paste those addresses from your buddies' web pages and e-mail addresses? Well, Now ya dont, with WebGrabber! Just activate webgrabber by saying 'webgrab on' or 'mailgrab on' or even 'allgrab on' for both grabbers, and the grabber will automatically take ya to the Address he says! I'm pretty sure you gotta have netscape to use this script... You might even have to have it running. NOTE: to go a web page, the user saying the message must include the http:// For Example *Turtle Man: Hey Man, whats your web page address? I'd love to check it out! *jbum: http://www.thepalace.com * Turtle Man: Great! To grab the e-mail, the user must say it in the following format: "e-mail user@generic.com" I.E. *Guest 555: Whats your e-mail Turtle man? *Turtle Man: e-mail cjoh@mindspring.com *Guest 555: Thanks! Here's the SCRIPT! Its in three parts... one is for your inchat handler, one is for your outchat handler, and one is for your signon handler! ;begin Webgrab and mailgrab INCHAT section!--cut here-- ;Webgrab and Mailgrab! Copyright Clay Johnson ;Please distribute as ya wish, but give us ;script writers some credit urlstr GLOBAL mailto GLOBAL {"$1" grepsub url = "Webgrabber is surfing to " url + LOCALMSG url NETGOTO }CHATSTR "http://(.*)$" GREPSTR urlstr 1 == AND IF {"$1" grepsub mail = "Webgrabber is surfing to " url + LOCALMSG "mailto:" mail + NETGOTO }CHATSTR "e-mail (.*)$" GREPSTR mailto 1 == AND IF ;end of mail and webgrab INCHAT section -- CUT THIS SECTION ;begin Webgrab and mailgrab OUTCHAT section!--cut here-- ;Webgrab and Mailgrab! Copyright Clay Johnson ;Please distribute as ya wish, but give us ;script writers some credit urlstr GLOBAL mailto GLOBAL {1 urlstr = "Web Grabber is ON" STATUSMSG "Web Grabber 1.0 ACTIVATED" LOCALMSG "" CHATSTR = }CHATSTR "webgrab on" == IF {0 urlstr = "Web Grabber is OFF" STATUSMSG "Web Grabber 1.0 DEACTIVATED" LOCALMSG "" CHATSTR = }CHATSTR "webgrab off" == IF {1 mailto = "Mail Grabber is ON" STATUSMSG "Mail Grabber 1.0 ACTIVATED" LOCALMSG "" CHATSTR = }CHATSTR "mailgrab on" == IF {0 mailto = "Mail Grabber is OFF" STATUSMSG "Mail Grabber 1.0 DEACTIVATED" LOCALMSG "" CHATSTR = }CHATSTR "mailgrab off" == IF {0 mailto = 0 urlstr = "All Grabbers De-Activated" LOCALMSG "" CHATSTR = }CHATSTR "allgrab off" == IF {1 mailto = 1 urlstr = "All Grabbers ACTIVATED!" LOCALMSG "" CHATSTR = }CHATSTR "allgrab on" == IF ;END OUTCHAT SECTION OF MAIL AND WEB GRABBERS!-- CUT HERE ;begin Webgrab and mailgrab SIGNON section!--cut here-- ;Webgrab and Mailgrab! Copyright Clay Johnson ;Please distribute as ya wish, but give us ;script writers some credit urlstr GLOBAL mailto GLOBAL 0 urlstr = 0 mailto = Well Thats it, just take each section and paste em in the sections indicated. To use type mailgrab on/mailgrab off webgrab on/webgrab off allgrab on/allgrab off Enjoy! --TurtleMan P.S. Any questions or comments? E-mail cjoh@mindspring.com