Well thanks to all you guys who helped out with this script.... "Zip" is a script which changes rooms in a more dramatic way.... sort of like a teleporter. YOU MUST KNOW THE ROOM # not the name.... To find the room # of the room you are currently in on the palace simply type "/ROOMID ITOA SAY" without the quotes. To activate zip type zip xxx where xxx equals the number of the room you want to go to. real easy.. pretty neat too! Oh... and this goes in your OUTCHAT handler by the way... HAVE FUN! ;Zip Script ;By Clay Johnson (Turtle Boy) ;Give us script writers a little credit-- ;Keep our names in them { "$1" GREPSUB ATOI roomstr = USERNAME " IS LEAVING VIA ZIP" + ROOMMSG 0 150 220 PENCOLOR PENFRONT 3 PENSIZE POSX 22 - x = POSY 22 - y = { x y x y 44 + LINE 4 x += } { x POSX 22 + < } WHILE 0 i = { i ++ PAINTUNDO } { i 11 < } WHILE PAINTCLEAR ")choir" SAY "" CHATSTR = roomstr GOTOROOM }CHATSTR "zip (.*)$" GREPSTR IF ;End ZIP script