Master Chu and The Drunken Fu

This game on its own has some pretty **** good music to it, very original music (that music is japanese). Coding and programming are pretty good except Master Chu can't move while descending down from a jump. Also, many of the enemies parts of them will disappear if you are standing right next to them. And if you watch the demo at the titles screen you hear sound at one part of the demo but not at any other part of it. This game has a total of I think 7 stages. I have beat and the end is pretty good for an unliscensed game. This is one of the first unliscened games I have ever beat. The last 2 stages in the game are just boss stages where you go through and beat all of the bosses (as if they are different) again. Then you get a scrambled pic of a woman? in a cloud waving at you.

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