PPPPPPPPPPP DDDDDDDDDDD P P D D P P D D P P D D PPPPPPPPPPP D D P D D P D D P D D P DDDDDDDDDDD First edited on February 2, 2001 1:02 PM Last Edited on May 2, 2001 3:43 PM This FAQ is 3562 lines long This FAQ is 53.96 pages long ***************************************************************************** * THRASHNET GROUND ZERO SIX'S NO LIMIT FAQ ON PERFECT DARK FOR THE N64! * ***************************************************************************** *-Table Of Contents * *1) Thrashnet's POV * *2) Story * *3) Weapons * *4) Classic Weapons * *5) Other Equipment * *6) Characters * *7) Combat Simulator * *8) Solo Missions & Special Assignments * *9) Unlock The Cheats * *10) Carrington Institute * * a) Firing Range * * b) Device Lab * * c) Simulant Training Room * * d) Information Center * * e) Other Things * *11) Co-Operative * *12) Counter Operative * *13) Challenges * *14) Hidden Solo Weapons * *13) Glitches & Tricks * *14) Credits * *15) Disclaimer * ***************************************************************************** ============================================================================= T H R A S H N E T ' S P O V ============================================================================= People say that this game is worse than Goldeneye, which is NOT true. It has exceptional graphics, sound, an excellent Combat Simulator, tons of cheats, and tons of weapons to use. The only bad thing about this game is that it is not as challenging as Goldeneye was (at least I don't think so). I'm not going to sit here and bash the nostalgic Bond-lovers but I will say this: "Give new things a chance and judge them fairly, don't be like fans of a legendary rock band and hate all the replacements that come and go." ============================================================================= S T O R Y ============================================================================= A long time ago a sentinent alien ship crash landed onto the surface of our planet. Years later, it came under the watchful eye of the malicious alien race known as the Skedar. They wanted to extract it and use the super powerful weapon it included to wipe out all other races and claim total dominance of the universe for themselves, but in order to get it out of the ocean in which it rested they would need the help of the local inhabitants of the planet, our Earth. The Skedar then contacted the head of Datadyne Cassandra De Vries, and told her of their plan to get the ship out of the ocean. In order to get her to agree, however, they dangled the promise of proprietary technology in front of her face and she agreed to help the Skedar without even asking why they wanted the ship out of the ocean. At the same time, Joanna Dark was training at the Carrington Institute, she was one of the most successful agents in training; however she was very inexperienced in the field. That is until Daniel Carrington (head of the Institute) asked her to come up to his office where he gave her, the first assignment she had. She was to proceed to Datadyne and extract Dr. Caroll, a scientist in the Datadyne labratory, because Datadyne was to put him through mind conditioning because he refused to do the project to which he was assigned. So Joanna Dark hopped in the aircraft waiting in the hangar and flew to Datadyne Corporation, little did she know what she and the rest of the world would be plunged into. ============================================================================= W E A P O N S ============================================================================= There are a ton of weapons in Perfect Dark and this section deals with all of them. It will explain their use and how long it takes to reload the weapon. The rating system for reloads is as follows: 1=Slow 2=Quick 3=Fast Very simple. First a chart that shows the ability to carry 2 weapons or just 1 and the Rate Of Fire speed, and lastly how fast it reloads. NA means Not Applicable, it is only used if the weapon is not a gun and doesn't need to be reloaded also if it doesn't have a rate of fire (such as the Grenade and the proximity mine). Also I will list the First Mode and the Secondary Mode. \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ |NAME |DOUBLE|RELOAD SPD|FIRE RATE|FIRST & SECONDARY MODES | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Unarmed* |NA |NA |NA |1st: Unarmed | | | | | |2nd: Disarm | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Falcon 2 |Yes |3 |Quick |1st: Single Shot | | | | | |2nd: Pistol Whip | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Falcon 2 (silencer)|Yes |3 |Quick |1st: Single Shot | | | | | |2nd: Pistol Whip | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Falcon 2 (scope) |Yes |3 |Quick |1st: Single Shot | | | | | |2nd: Pistol Whip | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Magsec 4 |Yes |3 |Quick |1st: Single Shot | | | | | |2nd: 3-Round Burst | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Phoenix |Yes |2 |Quick |1st: Single Shot | | | | | |2nd: Explosive Shells | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |DY357 |Yes |1 |Slow |1st: Single Shot | | | | | |2nd: Pistol Whip | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |DY357-LX |Yes |1 |Slow |1st: Single Shot | | | | | |2nd: Pistol Whip | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |CMP150 |Yes |3 |Fast |1st: Rapid Fire | | | | | |2nd: Follow Lock-On | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Cyclone |Yes |2 |Fast |1st: Rapid Fire | | | | | |2nd: Magazine Discharge | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Callisto NTG |No |2 |Fast |1st: Rapid Fire | | | | | |2nd: High-Impact Shells | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |RC-P120 |No |2 |Very Fast|1st: Rapid Fire | | | | | |2nd: Cloak | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Laptop Gun |No |2 |Fast |1st: Rapid Fire | | | | | |2nd: Deploy As Sentry Gun | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Dragon |No |3 |Fast |1st: Rapid Fire | | | | | |2nd: Proximity SelfDestruct| |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |K7 Avenger |No |3 |Fast |1st: Rapid Fire | | | | | |2nd: Threat Detector | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |AR34 |No |3 |Fast |1st: Rapid Fire | | | | | |2nd: Use Scope | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |SuperDragon |No |3 |Fast |1st: Rapid Fire | | | | | |2nd: Grenade Launcher | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Shotgun |No |1 |Slow |1st: Shotgun Fire | | | | | |2nd: Double Blast | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Sniper Rifle |No |3 |Slow |1st: Single Shot | | | | | |2nd: Crouch | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Mauler |Yes |3 |Quick |1st: Single Shot | | | | | |2nd: Charge-Up Shot | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Farsight XR-20 |No |2 |Slow |1st: Rail-Gun Effect | | | | | |2nd: Target Locator | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Reaper |No |2 |Very Fast|1st: Reapage | | | | | |2nd: Grinder | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Devastator |No |2 |Slow |1st: Grenade Launcher | | | | | |2nd: Wall Hugger | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Rocket Launcher |No |3 |Slow |1st: Rocket Launch | | | | | |2nd: Targeted Rocket | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Slayer |No |3 |Slow |1st: Rocket Launch | | | | | |2nd: Fly-By-Wire Missile | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Combat Knife |Yes |NA |Slow |1st: Knife Slash | | | | | |2nd: Throw Poison Knife | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Crossbow |No |1 |Quick |1st: Sedate | | | | | |2nd: Instant Kill | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Tranquilizer |No |3 |Fast |1st: Sedate | | | | | |2nd: Lethal Injection | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Laser |No |NA |Quick |1st: Pulse Fire | | | | | |2nd: Short Range Stream | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Grenade |No |NA |NA |1st: 4 Second Fuse | | | | | |2nd: Proximity Pinball | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |N-Bomb |No |NA |NA |1st: Impact Detonation | | | | | |2nd: Proximity Detonation | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Timed Mine |No |NA |NA |1st: Timed Explosive | | | | | |2nd: Threat Detector | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Proximity Mine |No |NA |NA |1st: Proximity Explosive | | | | | |2nd: Threat Detector | |-------------------|------|----------|---------|---------------------------| |Remote Mine |No |NA |NA |1st: Remote Explosive | | | | | |2nd: Detonate | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| |*-This weapon is really just your two fists when you dont have a weapon. | /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 1) Unarmed The ol' one-two. You'll use your fists when you run out of ammo or when you don't have a gun (similar to your state in the Carrington Villa on Perfect). Punching an enemy from behind guarantees a Knock-Out, while the secondary mode Disarm snatches guns away from an enemy. --- 2) Falcon 2 The Carrington Institute workhorse. The gun is exceptionally accurate but not extremely powerful. You can get a quick fire rate if you press the trigger as fast as you can with ALL pistols. This gun's secondary mode is used to whack enemies with the Pistol Whip. This gun has an 8 bullet magazine. --- 3) Falcon 2 (silencer) A modified variant of the Falcon 2, with a silencer, which makes it a perfect choice for a stealth mission. Consequently, you will be using this gun on Stealth Missions, such as the G5 Building Mission. --- 4) Falcon 2 (scope) Another modified variant of the Falcon 2, with a small scope mounted on top of it. This scope takes even further advantage of the gun's accuracy. --- 5) Magsec 4 This gun sacrafices accuracy for power. In secondary mode it can deliver 3 bullets in a burst. This gun has a nine-bullet magazine. --- 6) Phoenix This Maian pistol has incredible flexibility it either can shoot a normal bullet or in secondary mode it can deliver a bullet that explodes on contact. This gun also has a high fire rate as well. It has an eight-bullet magazine. --- 7) DY357 This big bulky silver six-shooter still has a place in the high tech world of espionage. However, the reload speed is very slow and is very inconvenient in a fire fight. This weapon has a slightly faster fire rate than its more powerful (and more deadly) counterpart the DY357-LX. The secondary mode is a Pistol Whip identical to the secondary mode of the Falcon 2. --- 8) DY357-LX The DY357's big brother. This gun was custom made for Trent Easton, head of the NSA. Any shot from this gun is instant death to the opponent it hits thanks to the guns enhanced velocity. This guns bullets are as special as the rest of the gun. As with the DY357 it has a 6-bullet magazine, and it reloads slowly. The secondary mode here is also a Pistol Whip. --- 9) CMP150 This gun is the primary weapon of the DataDyne security force. It has a high fire rate and a magazine clip of 32 bullets, though the 32 bullets may seem generous you will quickly expend them if you hold down the trigger. The Secondary Mode is a Follow Lock-On, it can be useful against cloaked enemies. The reload rate is fairly quick. --- 10) Cyclone This gun was specifically designed not to be accurate, however it can put out all of the 50 bullets in its magazine very quickly and it is an excellent suppresion weapon because of it. The Secondary Mode is very inaccurate, it puts out all of the 50 bullets in under 5 seconds. The reload rate if fairly quick. --- 11) Callisto NTG This funky-looking Maian infantry weapon is another submachine gun. It has a 32 bullet magazine. The Secondary Mode is very useful when you need to penetrate doors and other walls, its very useful in the multiplayer mode when an opponent is on the other side of the door you are facing, you can get teh first few shots in that way and possibly eliminate the threat before it comes to be. The reload rate is fairly quick. --- 12) RC-P120 The best gun in the game. This gun as an astounding 120 bullet clip and a phenomal high fire rate, but thats not all, the Secondary Mode is a cloaking device that uses the bullets as the fuel. This gun should have a special place in your arsenal. The reload rate is also very quick. --- 13) Laptop Gun This gun is also a contender for the best weapon in the game. It can be folded up to disguise it as a PC and it can also be deployed as a Sentry Gun in the Secondary Mode, to protect a location. It also has a 50-bullet clip. --- 14) Dragon This gun lives up to its name with a fast rate of fire and a Secondary Mode to leave it as a proximity mine to blow up in teh face of unsuspecting opponents. It has a 30 bullet clip. --- 15) K7 Avenger This gun has a high fire rate, but a small 25 bullet clip. The only thing that makes this gun any good is the Secondary Mode which senses threats such as mines, sentry guns, etc. The reload rate of this gun is fairly quick. --- 16) AR34 The Institute's first attempt at a fairly basic assault rifle. It doesn't have any gadgets to distinguish it, but it does have a Secondary Mode that lets you zoom constantly while moving. This gun has a 30 ammo clip. This gun also has a fairly quick reload. --- 17) SuperDragon As it name suggests, its a heavier variant of the Dragon. It has the proximity mine removed to make room for a six-round Grenade Launcher. Use the Grenade Launcher by puttin it into Secondary Mode. The regular rapid fire gun has an ammo clip of 30. This gun also has a fairly quick reload. --- 18) Shotgun This gun has a slow reload rate so plan your movements accordingly, even though it has a 9 bullet clip. The Secondary Mode will fire 2 shotgun shots. --- 19) Sniper Rifle This precision-enigeered, finely-tuned sniper rifle is perfect for picking off distant enemies (maybe even some snipers themselves). The limited (8 bullet) clip and slow fire rate makes this a bad choice for a primary weapon. This gun can zoom to an astounding 30x, and lastly this gun's reload rate is somewhat fast. --- 20) Mauler The primary weapon of the Skedar. The Secondary Mode charges up the gun and delivers a devastating shot. The gun also has a good sized clip, 20 bullets. It has a high fire rate, if you hold down the trigger and it has a fast reload rate. --- 21) Farsight XR-20 Its very easy to cheat with this weapon in multiplayer matches. It has a slow fire rate, a quick reload rate. But it more than makes up for all of its defeincies with the Secondary Mode, you can scan for enemies with an X-Ray Scanner and shoot at them thru solid matter, and kill them with one hit (see how easy it is to cheat with this!!). This gun has an eight round magazine. --- 22) Reaper This gun is big, and hard-to-control and it also the most inaccurate. However, it fires an insane number of bullets at your enemy so you really dont need to aim, just point it and hold the trigger. This weapon has an 200-ammo clip and a somewhat fast reload rate. The Secondary Mode uses the barrels of the gun as a grinder, to inflict more damage on your enemy. --- 23) Devastator This gun is a high-velocity grenade launcher. The secondary mode fires a Grenade that sticks to a wall for a few seconds then drops and explodes. This allows you to place delayed time action bombs on walls. It has an 8 ammo clip. And a fast reload rate. --- 24) Rocket Launcher This DataDyne Rocket Launcher has a tracking system in it similar to the CMP150's targeting system. The Secondary Mode allows you to lock on to an opponent and then fire a tracking rocket on its tail, however the targeted rocket moves slower than the regular rocket. This gun has a single ammo capacity. And a slow reload rate. --- 25) Slayer Pretty cool weapon. The first mode fires a rocket, plain and simple. The secondary mode however shoots a guided rocket that you can control with the control stick and press the Z button to detonate. Its very fun to play with the secondary mode (espiecally in the Skedar Solo Mission and see the glitched areas of the stage). Its reload time is somewhat quick. --- 26) Combat Knife The first mode is a knife slash (which doesnt require reloads or an ammo capacity), the secondary mode though lets you throw poison-tipped knives at your enemies 2 or 1, depending on if you have a second knife or not, can be thrown at once and the reload rate is fast. You can carry 10 of these at once. --- 27) Crossbow This is another stealth weapon (since the reload time is inconceivably slow) the first mode delivers a drugged shot, whereas the secondary mode is an instant kill. This weapon as a 5 ammo capacity at once. You can carry 69 bolts at once. --- 28) Tranquilizer This weapon is for the times when you don't have anything else and want to make an opponent dizzy so he cant kill you. Once he's dizzy walk up and switch the gun to its secondary mode (Lethal Injection) and press the trigger to kill him. As said above, the first mode is a drugged shot and the secondary mode is a lethal injection (it takes 4 pieces of tranq ammo) that must be delivered at close range. --- 29) Laser A new and experimental weapon. The laser never needs to reload, and the first mode delivers a powerful pulse shot and the secondary mode provides a continous short range stream which is perfect for cutting things. --- 30) Grenade There's nothing really complicated about this weapon, pull the pin and throw it and it goes "boom". The Secondary Mode is more fun, the grenade will bounce around until it comes close to an enemy and it will explode; just be careful not to blow yourself up with the secondary mode. You can carry 12 of these at a time. --- 31) N-Bomb Handheld Nuetron Bombs that disorient opponents and cause them to drop their weapons, you can carry 10 of these at once. And there is no reload rate since these are handheld thrown explosives. The first mode is an Impact Detonation setting, whereas the secondary mode uses a proximity fuse. --- 32) Timed Mine The normal mine with a timed fuse on it that last for a few seconds before it detonates. The first mode sets the mines, while the secondary mode is a Threat Detector similar to the one in the K7 Avenger. You can carry 10 of these at once. --- 33) Proximity Mine This mine has a proximity fuse on it that detonates whenever an object or person moves close. The first mode sets the mines and the secondary mode is another Threat Detector. You can carry 10 of these at once. --- 34) Remote Mine This mine detonates only when it is shot or when the person who set it gives the detonation command. You can carry 10 of these at once. The first mode sets them, while the second is giving the detonation command. =========================================================================== C L A S S I C W E A P O N S =========================================================================== These weapons are reappearances of the guns used in Goldeneye 007. To access ALL of them you might complete all of the tests in the firing range at the Carrington Institute. --- 1) CC13 The cousin of the DD4 Dostovei is just as loud and powerful as its counterpart. Using two of these weapons will give you quick reloads and great speed. This gun has an ammo capacity of 8. --- 2) PP9i The same design as Bond's workhorse the PP7, these weapons fire and reload quickly, however they are not extremely powerful.This gun has an ammo capacity of 7. --- 3) KF7 SPECIAL Another in the long line of noisemakers. This gun is a perfect technical remake of the KF7 Soviet, right down to its sound. This gun can fire fast. This gun has an ammo capacity of 30. --- 4) KLO1313 The metal noisemaker from Bond's years, the KLOBB is back to ring in a new era of espionage. Nothing beats the visceral sound of this weapon. This gun has an ammo capacity of 20. --- 5) DMC The small D5K Deutsche makes a return appearance as the DMC. These weapons are very small and they have a high fire rate. This gun has an ammo capacity of 30. --- 6) RC-P45 Its new name maymake you think that this weapon is as half as good as the RC-P90 but there is no difference. The same buzzsaw perforator. This gun has an ammo capacity of 80. --- 7) AR53 This gun is a remake of the AR33. The old AR33 was near perfect so very few and minor changes were made to it. This gun has an ammo capacity of 30. --- 8) ZZT (9mm) The ZMG (9mm) is gone but this weapon is here to take its place. This gun isnt very different from the DMC. This gun has an ammo capacity of 32. ============================================================================= O T H E R E Q U I P M E N T ============================================================================= Other Equipment section deals with items that are not weapons but you will use in your missions anyway. \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ |NAME |FUNCTION | |------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Data Uplink |Lets you break into doors, safes, etc | |Camspy |Lets you record meetings, and see whats beyond the walls| |Night Vision |Lts you see good in the dark, duh | |R-Tracker |Lets u see locations of mission objectives on a radar | |Combat Boost |Take one of these (press Z); slows everything down | |X-Ray Scanner |Lets you see thru walls | |Horizon Scanner |Lets you zoom in to faraway things, useless really | |IR Scanner |Lets you see cloaked enemies | |Cloaking Device |Uses an alien crystal to make you hard to see | |Door Decoder |Use it to break into the safe in G5 Building: Recon | |Comms Rider |Use it in Area 51: Infiltration and attach it to a dish | |Alien Medpack |Use it in Area 51: Escape and revive Elvis with it | |ECM Mine |Use it to jam communications, used in Datadyne: Defect | |Tracer Bug |Use it to track a limosuine in Chicago: Stealth | |Backup Disk |Used in Deep Sea: Nullify Threat to restore Dr. Caroll | |Target Amplifier |Used in the Skedar: Battle Shrine to ensure destruction | |Drug/Bombspy |Drugspy-Air Base, Bombspy-Blondes Revenge | |Suitcase |Used to conceal equipment in Air Base. | /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ============================================================================= C H A R A C T E R S ============================================================================= 1) Joanna Dark The best Carrington Institute Agent around. Her flawless training destroyed the learning curve so completely that a new class had to be invented. Hence the call sign "Perfect Dark". --- 2) Dr. Carrington He formed the Institute years ago hoping that it would stand for the pursuit of truth and decency. He was a respected scientist and anthropologist until contact with an alien changed the course of his life forever. --- 3) Cassandra de Vries A corrupt power hungry woman who sees only money to be gained from her contact with the Skedar. She is blind to their real intentions. She sees only power to be gained and is willing to risk anything and everything. --- 4) Dr. Caroll The name of this sapient is merely a psuedonym. A sapient is an artificial intelligence unit that was created by Datadyne to break into the ship below the sea that holds the key to Armageddon. It has a glitch, however, a conscience. --- 5) The Maians The benevolent race of Aliens that have observed or many years, without risking contact. Once they learned of the plot by their archenemies the Skedar they contacted the leader of the Carrington Institute for help. On the way over however they were captured and one earth-loving Maian named Elvis must be rescued. --- 6) Trent Easton Another corrupt and powerful megalomaniac. This one runs the NSA and is the closest advisor to the president which gives him direct access to him, perfect for Cassandra to use. --- 7) Mr. Blonde These young, powerful Nordic men are actually disguised, and disgusting, Skedar Warriors. Mr. Blondes appear only when the Skedar feel the need to manipulate or oversee matters. --- 8) Jonathan The man who previously held all Institute records before Joanna came and broke them all. While Joanna has racked up better training stats, Jonathan still has the advantage of experience. He is currently undercover inside Area 51. --- 9) The US President The president seeks to do the right thing while negotiating the shaky ground of politics, unfortunately his advisor is Trent Easton who is corrupt and willing to go to any length to seize power. --- 10) The Skedar The cultist race of aliens exist for no other reason than to wipe all other races, species, and planets into oblivion. Although they are small serpent like organisms they have developed advanced technology which allows them to walk about in mechanized armatures. They contacted Cassandra de Vries cause they need Datadyne's help to reach the ship that holds the key to Armaggedon. =========================================================================== C O M B A T S I M U L A T O R =========================================================================== 1) Challenges The challenges are 35 preset scenarios that when you complete them they will unlock certain things inside of the combat simulator. Such as weapons, scenarios, presets, arenas, simulants, and combat characters. Below is a chart telling you completing what challenge unlocks what. Also, you can unlock many of the same things in the Challenges by completing the Solo Missions and find the weapons, and seeing the characters there. \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ |# |Arena |Weapon(s) |Preset |Sims |Scenarios | |--|-----------|-------------------|------------------|-------|-----------| |1 |Complex |FarSight XR20 |Complex FarSight |-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-| |2 |-----------|Combat Knife |Hold The Breifcase|-------|Hold The | | |-----------|Grenade |------------------|-------|Breifcase | | |-----------|Timed Mine |------------------|-------|-----------| | |-----------|Shield |------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-| |3 |Warehouse |Falcon 2 (silencer)|Pistol 1 Hit Kills|-------|-----------| | |-----------|Shotgun |------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-| |4 |-----------|-------------------|Capture The Case |-------|Capture The| | |-----------|-------------------|------------------|-------|Case | |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-| |5 |Ravine |Laptop Gun |------------------|-------|-----------| | |-----------|SuperDragon |------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-| |6 |Temple |Remote Mine |------------------|-------|Hacker | | |-----------|-------------------|------------------|-------|Central | |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-| |7 |-----------|Tranquilizer |Tranquilizer |Hard |-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |8 |-----------|Falcon 2 Scope |Slow-Motion |-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |9 |G5 Building|Reaper |------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |10|-----------|Cloaking Device |------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |11|Grid |Devastator |Temple Explosives |-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |12|Felicity |Proximity Mine |------------------|Perfect|Pop A Cap | |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |13|-----------|Slayer |Slayer |-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |14|Villa |Phoenix |------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |15|-----------|Combat Boost |------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |16|Sewers |Mauler |Cloaking |-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |17|Car Park |Callisto NTG |------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |18|Base |Crossbow |------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |19|-----------|RC-P120 |------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |20|Fortress |DY357-LX |------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |21|-----------|N-Bomb |------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |22|Ruins |-------------------|------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |23|-----------|-------------------|------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |24|-----------|-------------------|------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |25|-----------|-------------------|------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |26|-----------|-------------------|------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |27|-----------|-------------------|------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |28|-----------|-------------------|------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |29|-----------|-------------------|------------------|-------|-----------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-| |30|-----------|-------------------|------------------|-------|-----------| /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 1a) Explanation of Scenarios: Basically Scenarios are the type of game that you want to play. There are six total to unlock they are: a) Combat: Battle to the death with other players or simulants, basically. You'll earn points for every opponent you defeat and lose a point if you kill yourself or kill a team member. b) Hold The Breifcase: A game of flag tag. Once you find the breifcase in a level (it will look like a green mark on the radar) pick it up and hold it for 30 seconds for one point. Continue to survive holding the breifcase, the number of times you are killed doesnt make a difference at all. Just hold the case until you have enough points and win. c) Hacker Central: In this scenario you must find a data uplink somewhere in the stage (it appears as a green mark on the radar) and then find the computer (it also looks like a green mark on the radar) and take out the Data Uplink and press Z while next to the computer to start downloading if you complete a successful dowload without an enemy finding you and killing you, you will earn one point. Download as many times as neccessary to win. d) King Of The Hill: Ever played this game as a kid??? In this version however the "hill" is a green colored part of the stage that you must find and stand in and defend successfully for 15 seconds to earn a point, the hill is mobile and will change to one of different 3 locations in the stage. It doesn't matter how many times u die just keep on capturing the hill to win. e) Capture The Case: This game plays just lik the classic "Capture The Flag", except that a breifcase serves as a flag. To earn one point you must capture the enemy's case and then go back to your base and capture yours (or kill the player or simulant that has your case and then go back to your base to reclaim it) to earn one point. How many times you die does not matter as with the previous. f) Pop A Cap: This game puts a slight twist on straight Combat. You and the other players alternate between being the "Aggressor" and the "Victim". You always get a point for killing an opponent and two points will be yours if you kill the "Victim". And if you are the "Victim" you get a point for staying alive for 55 seconds. All six of these are unlocked by playing and completing the challenges listed above. 1b) Explanation of Presets: These are basically game settings files that are already programmed into the cart. You just have to select them (several of them are available at the start, however some will ahve to be unlocked by using the challenges above) and start playing. You can alos select a setup that you created thats been saved either to the game itself or to a controller pak. An explanation of all 14 presets are below: a) Rocket Launchers: Add an explosive flavor on to a battle with this preset. b) Complex Farsight: Now you can stomp on the old Goldeneye complex with the new and cool Farsight XR-20. c) Capture The Case: The scenario "Capture The Case" set inside the Skedar arena. d) Temple Explosives: This preset will take you back to reminescence of Goldeneye with the Temple and the explosive grenades of the SuperDragon and Devastator. e) Simulants: Lots of MeatSims and NormalSims and the expansive Skedar arena hold a recipe for lots of fun. f) Hold The Breifcase: Another fun scenario already set up for you in the Skedar arena. g) Tranquilizer: This preset will allow you to use the Tranquilizer in the Warehouse and cause extreme dizziness. h) Slayer: Ah the fun of the Fly-By-Wire missiles. This will be yours in the Skedar arena when you select this. i) No Shields: This preset eliminates all Shields and protective gear in a battle. j) Automatics: A mix of Laptop Guns, CMP150s, and AR34s will appear in the Pipes arena, when you select this. k) King Of The Hill: This preset lets you play the "King Of The Hill" scenario in the Skedar arena. l) Pistol One-Hit Kills: When you select this preset ever shot is fatal in the Area 52 arena. m) Slow Motion: This preset slows everything down in the Felicity (Facility) and makes the fast dance of doom, a graceful one. n) Cloaking: When you select this preset be aware for opponents to pop out of thin air. 1c) Explanation Of Arenas: Arenas are basically the level you play in, more are also unlocked by completing the challenges. The arenas that are in this game are as follows: a) Skedar b) Pipes c) Area 52 d) Warehouse e) Ravine f) G5 Building g) Grid h) Villa i) Sewers j) Car Park k) Base l) Fortress m) Ruins n) Felicity o) Complex p) Temple BTW, the last three are remakes of Goldeneye favorites. 1d) Explanation Of Characters: Characters are your outer skin and appearance they are people from the Solo Missions. There are 61 different characters to choose from (once you have unlocked them all). Below is a chart of all of them and whether or not you need to unlock them. You can personalize your character by changing their head by pressing up while on the character select screen. \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ |Name |Unlocked Or Available From Start. | |---------------------------|---------------------------------------------| |Joanna Combat |Always Available. | |Daniel Carrington |Always Available. | |Cassandra de Vries |Always Available. | |CI Male Lab Technician |Always Available. | |CI Female Lab Technician |Always Available. | |CI Soldier |Always Available. | |DataDyne Shock Trooper |Always Available. | |DataDyne Security |Always Available. | |DataDyne Infantry |Always Available. | |DataDyne Trooper |Always Available. | |Secretary |Always Available. | |DataDyne Female Guard |Unlock. | |Office Suit |Unlock. | |Office Casual |Unlock. | |DataDyne Sniper |Unlock. | |Trent Easton |Unlock. | |NSA Lackey |Unlock. | |Joanna Leather |Unlock. | |G5 Guard |Unlock. | |G5 SWAT Guard |Unlock. | |Mr. Blonde |Unlock. | |Joanna Trench Coat |Unlock. | |CIA Agent |Unlock. | |FBI Agent |Unlock. | |Area 51 Guard |Unlock. | |Area 51 Trooper |Unlock. | |Pilot |Unlock. | |Overalls |Unlock. | |Male Lab Technician |Unlock. | |Female Lab Technician |Unlock. | |DataDyne Lab Technician |Unlock. | |Bio Technicain |Unlock. | |Elvis |Unlock. | |Maian |Unlock. | |Elvis (Waistcoat) |Unlock. | |Maian Soldier |Unlock. | |Air Force One Pilot |Unlock. | |Steward |Unlock. | |Stewardess |Unlock. | |Head Stewardess |Unlock. | |Joanna Arctic |Unlock. | |Alaskan Guard |Unlock. | |The President |Unlock. | |Presidential Security |Unlock. | |NSA Bodyguard |Unlock. | |President's Clone |Unlock. | |Pelagic II Guard |Unlock. | |Joanna Party Frock |Unlock. | |Joanna Party Frock (ripped)|Unlock. | |Joanna Stewardess |Unlock. | |Joanna Negotiator |Unlock. | |Joanna Wet Suit |Unlock. | |Joanna Aqualung |Unlock. | |Joanna Lab Technician |Unlock. | |Carrington Evening Wear |Unlock. | |Jonathan |Unlock. | |Negotiator |Unlock. | |Dinner Jacket (1) |Unlock. | |Dinner Jacket (2) |Unlock. | |Dinner Jacket (3) |Unlock. | |Dinner Jacket (4) |Unlock. | /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ 1e) Explanation Of Simulants: The Simulants are AI (Artificial Intelligence) that you can fight against in teh Combat Simulator and you will fight against them in the Challenges. The choices of the first six settings ranges from the very stupid, to the very smart, to the cheating. And the other 12 settings are considered to be types and can be used to fill all sorts of Game Niches. Below is a list of the first six difficulty settings and how hard it makes a sim, and below that are the other 12 settings that gives the sim its "personality". \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ |Name |Explanation | |----------|--------------------------------------------------------------| |MeatSim |The name says it all. Its your basic snack. It has no sense,| | |it does not know where you are, and if it does find you it | | |can't shoot straight for the life of it. This basic Sim is | | |available from the start. | |-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| |EasySim |This Sim is not like its moron-cousin, it has basic rudiment | | |survival skills, it has a decent aim and it can make some | | |intelligent choices in battle; however, it can't put up much | | |of a fight for experienced players. This is avialable from | | |the start. | |-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| |NormalSim |Take your basic human player and you have this Sim. Although | | |it may not have any specialitys to strike fear in your heart, | | |you must still be on your toes. This is available from the | | |start. | |-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| |HardSim |The next step up in intelligence. This Sim will lay crafty | | |traps, it uses the radar wisely to hunt you down, finds the | | |best weapons and blows you to smithereens the second it sees | | |you. This Sim is as skilled as a seasoned veteran. This one | | |and the other two below it must be unlocked. | |-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| |PerfectSim|This Sim comes close to living up to its name, it uses | | |masterful techniques and superb intelligence, it will destroy | | |most human players. If you want a challenge choose this! | | |This must be unlocked. | |-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| |DarkSim |Check that name out, its the ultimate one. It is a prototype | | |cyborg created by DataDyne with the sole purpose of killing | | |Joanna Dark. It operates at a level above what a human can | | |ever hope to do. You will think this Sim is cheating and you | | |are probably right. | |-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| |PeaceSim |This technical scientist hates violence. So it will run | | |around stages, disarming those that use weapons and taking | | |them. It will also collect all weapons in a stage and since | | |a PeaceSim takes weapons it makes a prime target to kill when | | |you've just spawned and dont have much. | |-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| |ShieldSim |This Sim believes in the power of protection. If it can find | | |a shield it will take it and the moment it is depleted it will| | |run away and search until it finds a new shield and will get | | |back in the fray. Best to kill it quickly before it has a | | |chance to pile on the Kevlar. | |-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| |RocketSim |This Sim likes to demonstrate the concept of the Big Boom | | |theory. It will pass up all non-explosive weapons in search | | |of heavier explosive Rocket Launchers, Grenades, Grenade | | |Launchers, etc. Watch out for this Sim. | |-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| |KazeSim |This Sim will fly at you with its fists flying no matter what | | |the chances are that it will be defeated. If you see this Sim| | |flying at you don't expect it to stop just because you are | | |shooting at it and hitting it!! | |-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| |FistSim |This Sim will disarm you and punch the hell out of you! It is| | |not a pacifist like the PeaceSim, it will use other weapons, | | |but it prefers it fists. It may even disarm you and use your | | |weapon on you! | |-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| |PreySim |This Sim always trys to go after the player that has either | | |just spawned or doesnt have many weapons. It will always try | | |to go after the easiest kill. | |-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| |CowardSim |This Sim will run from every confrontation unless it has the | | |upper hand. So most of the time you will not have to worry | | |about this Sim. | |-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| |FeudSim |You better hope on your life that this Sim doesn't fixate on | | |you! Because it will stalk you to the end of the game | | |regardless of whether or not is has been defeated. | |-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| |SpeedSim |This Sim believes in the light of foot. It runs faster than | | |any normal character (including you) can. It almost runs | | |twice as fast as any character. | |-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| |TurtleSim |This Sim is extremely protected with a shield twice the power | | |of the normal shield. But it moves extremely slow. And | | |because it moves so slow it makes a perfect target. | |-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| |VengeSim |Do not defeat this Sim! If you do it will target and go after| | |you for the rest of the match, its much better to let it go. | |-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| |JudgeSim |One of the few Sims with a sense of decency, it will target | | |the player (or Sim) in the lead and go after it in an attempt | | |to even the score. So if you are in the lead beware of the | | |long hand of justice. | /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Quick Start This option lets you select the number of participants then choose from a limited option menu that includes the scenario, arena, weapons, and the limits of the match. Use this when you are getting used to the setup of the scenarios. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Load/Preset Games This option lets you load unlocked presets from the game itself or from a file on the controller pak that you have created. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Advanced Setup If you want to be creative heres your chance. This option lets you select the simulants, handicaps, weapons, teams, arena, scenario, and limits. Use this option to create your own setup and then save it to a controller pak by using the last option on the menu. ============================================================================ S O L O M I S S I O N S & S P E C I A L A S S I G N M E N T S ============================================================================ There are three modes in this game to play in, Agent is the easiest, Special Agent is somewhat harder, and Perfect Agent is the ultimate challenge. As the difficulty levels increase, the objectives increase and the amount of damage you can take without dying decreases. Also, the enemies are smarter and react mucc more quickly and they also have a better aim. Below are walkthrus for every level only tho as if you were going thru Perfect Agent (since everything to do is in that highest Difficulty level and I need to keep this FAQ somewhat short). I will only have a seperate FAQ for a level if it starts ouy differently from the other Difficulty levels (ex. Carrington Villa: Hostage One) or if it is completely different on every difficulty level (ex. Deep Sea: Covert Assault). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGENT WALKTHRUS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #14) Deep Sea: Nullify Threat (Agent) Put on your Infrared Goggles when you start this level and head straight ahead and run into the first door and enter it then take out your shotgun and run forward, enter the door in front of you. Now take out all the guards you can see with your Infrared vision while they are cloaked, once they are all gone head forward and kill the two other cloaked guards, now head for the nearby door and enter it and afterwaords kill the last few cloaked guards (thats the last for a while anyways). Then head to the left and go down into the hole and kill all the guards you see and run straight then turn to the right and run forward and then turn to the left and run forward (past the first intersection) and turn right at the second and go forward and then turn left at the first intersection and go forward and kill all of the guards and Mr. Blondes in ehre and Elvis will complete the first objective for you. Now put your Infrareds back on and walk back out and kill the lsat two cloaked guards on your way out and then once out turn to the left and walk towards the wall to transport. Go to the left first and get teh shield at the end, then head back to the right and open the door at the end, and then walk into the wall in front of you. After Elvis says to keep everyone off his back his Farsight he gave you will be magically replaced by a Phoenix. Run to the first door in the hallway and enter it then enter the door to the left, Elvis will run for the controls and now you must protect him at all costs. Back up and get up on the incline leading to him and put on the IR Scanner to see Skedar coming towards you and take them out with your Shotgun, when Elvis is done eliminate anymore Skedar that are around and exit this room then enter the door to your right and then proceed down this long hallway (making sure Elvis follows) and then enter the door at the end....kill all of the Skedar and human guards in this room, thenrun around the circle to the other end of it and enter the door there. Run thru this tunnel and walk into the wall at the end. Now run down and then turn to the right enter the door here and kill the Blondes and walk up to Dr. Caroll and then run out the door you can watch Elvis run out of what door then follow him, then turn to the right and open teh door at the end of the tunnel follow the tunnel and kill the guards then go out the door on the left side, then go straight in this tunnel (ignoring the first passage on the right) until you see some more guards, kill them all then run thru the door on the left side and run for the next door and run thru it to complete this level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGENT & SPECIAL AGENT WALKTHRUS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #4) Carrington Villa: Hostage One (Agent & Special) From the start run up to the cement balcony and snipe the two men holding the negotiator at gunpoint before she gets capped. After you get the confirmation that objective one is completed turn around and run past the observatory and enter the cave. Make your way thru the cave and go to the left when you come to a fork. Then go to the right and run for the staircase striaght ahead that leads to a door, enter that door. Go down the stairs to your left here and down ehre shoot all of the guards and go past the room with the computers in it and down the hall and go down the stairs at the end of the hall. Here run past the first door on the left and enter the second and go down the stairs there. On this floor turn and go around the back of the stairs and go thru the door here. Here go striaght past teh first entrance to the left and follow the corridor to the right, here find the two consoles on the walls and activate both of them, then exit this room and take the path you went past before. Then turn left and find the console on the column here and activate it. Now go back into the corridor going straight (making sure you kill all the guards here now) enter the door when you come to one and then go to the right after going down the stairs and kill the guards there and then go back and go to the left this time and kill the guards you see in front of the door here and open it. Now its just a matter of going thru the wine cellar and killing every guard, the last guard you kill will have the door key to enter the room at the end that has Carrington in it. Pick up the door key and open the door at the wine cellar to finish this level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL AGENT WALKTHRUS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14) Deep Sea: Nullify Threat (Special Agent) Put on your Infrared Goggles when you start this level and head straight ahead and run into the first door and enter it then take out your shotgun and run forward, enter the door in front of you. Now take out all the guards you can see with your Infrared vision while they are cloaked, once they are all gone head forward and kill the two other cloaked guards, now head for the nearby door and enter it and afterwaords kill the last few cloaked guards (thats the last for a while anyways). Then head to the left and go down into the hole and kill all the guards you see and run straight then turn to the right and shoot the lantern on the floor and then turn left and then run forward and then shoot the lantern you see in front of you and then turn to the right and run forward and at the end turn to the right and shoot the green lantern to open up the final door, now run forward past two intersections and turn to teh right and run into the room ahead and kill all of the enmies and the Mr. Blondes in here and then run. Now put your Infrareds back on and walk back out and kill the lsat two cloaked guards on your way out and then once out turn to the left and walk towards the wall to transport. Turn to the right go forward and enter the door at the end and run straight ahead to transport. Now run ahead and kill all the guards ahead and run into the door at the top of the room and enter the door in front and then walk forward and turn to the right and walk down the stairs and run into the control room at teh bottom and position yourself behind the console, when Elvis runs to the console keep him safe at all times from the Skedar that will randomly appear behind you and to the left and right in front of you. And once Elvis is done run back up the stairs and follow the hall to the second teleporter and take it. Now go straight ahead and kill both Mr. Blondes and then go to Dr. Caroll and after the movie run out the door you can watch Elvis run out of what door then follow him, then turn to the right and open teh door at the end of the tunnel follow the tunnel and kill the guards then go out the door on the left side, then go straight in this tunnel (ignoring the first passage on the right) until you see some more guards, kill them all then run thru the door on the left side and run for the next door and run thru it to complete this level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL & PERFECT AGENT WALKTHRUS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13) Pelagic II: Exploration (Special & Perfect Agent) Run to the first door and move to the left of it a bit and shoot the guard in the head thru the glass. Use that tactic all throughout this level to keep the alarm from being set off, then enter the hallway and run down and ice the second guard in the hallway. Now run up to the next door, blow the first guards head off then do the same to the second guard that comes running to his dead pals aide. Now enter and kill the last two guards in the hall, then enter the door to the right on the right wall and kill the guard inside and destroy the camera on the back of the wall across from the door you came in. Then put on your X-Ray Scanner and look for the Green spots in the column and press B to shut them off, when they are all shut off you'll get a message saying the hatch is open. Take off the Scanner then go down the steps and turn around immediately, and shoot the camera behind the stairs til it explodes. Then move to the columns bottom and press B when in front of the tiny green light at teh end of the protruding tube. And then left and enter the door there now g up the hallway guarding the alarms and then go to the top of the hallway and then enter the door at the left at the end of the hallway and now shoot all guards here with your silencer and enter the door on the right, run to the right wall and press B while in front of the console and you will complete an objective. Now go back to the small room you entered with teh stairs to the left and enter the door on the left (at the end of the tunnel) now go up the steps to the left and then enter the door on the left off the hallway and head straight down eliminating the camera along the way and go to the left at the intersection and knock out the two scientists here with your fists and then head across the hallway to the next room and knock out the scientist there and pick up the disk he drops to complete an objective. Now go back up to the hallway and turn left and go up the set of stairs in front of you and kill both guards at the top and then go inside the next room and walk up to either one of the three scientists and watch the other two, before the first one shuts the "thing" off he will pull a Magnum, kill him and walk up to the other guard and he will turn off the other "thing" and complete your second objective. Then go back down the two sets of stairs behind you and then go back to where you completed to your first objective and enter the door down below go thru the hallways and walk thru them and find Elvis at the very bottom of the ship. Now follow Elvis back to the Moon Pool lift to end this level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERFECT AGENT WALKTHRUS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Carrington Villa: Hostage One (Perfect Agent) At the start, your the negotiator so pnch out one of the guards and take his gun and then take out the otehr guard, run into the Villa and then go to the end of this room and go up the stairs, turn to teh right at the top and run down to where the computers are and turn left and head forward enter the only door on the right wall near the end of the hallway and get the Sniper Rifle inside the bathroom. Now you should go to where you start this stage on Special and Agent level and take out all the Snipers. Anyways after you kill all the Snipers go thru the cave and head left at the fork and turn to the right and go down the steps now go to teh right side and go up the cave there and enter the Villa again from the main entrace. Now go the lower left corner of this room and open teh door there take the stairs and at the bottomturn left and head straight and then take the set of stairs thats near you (remember this area?). Head to teh door on the left wall and opwn it and go down teh stairs there, head to teh bottom stairs and go around them and enter the door behind them. Now go forward until you see a message and head back up the stairs you just came down. Enter the door to go back into teh hallway and turn right and go up the stairs there, at the top turn to the right and head straight and eliminate the first pair of hackers and then turn to the right and head down the hall (past where you got the Sniper Rifle) and go up the stairs at the end and turn to the right and walk forward and take care of the last pair of hackers. Now find your way back to where you got the message from and go down the steps and then go striaght past teh first entrance to the left and follow the corridor to the right, here find the two consoles on the walls and activate both of them, then exit this room and take the path you went past before. Then turn left and find the console on the column here and activate it. Now go back into the corridor going straight (making sure you kill all the guards here now) enter the door when you come to one and then go to the right after going down the stairs and kill the guards there and then go back and go to the left this time and kill the guards you see in front of the door here and open it. Now its just a matter of going thru the wine cellar and killing every guard, the last guard you kill will have the door key to enter the room at the end that has Carrington in it. Pick up the door key and open the door at the wine cellar to finish this level. --- 14) Deep Sea: Nullify Threat (Perfect Agent) Put on your Infrared Goggles when you start this level and head straight ahead and run into the first door and enter it then take out your shotgun and run forward, enter the door in front of you. Now take out all the guards you can see with your Infrared vision while they are cloaked, once they are all gone head forward and kill the two other cloaked guards, now head for the nearby door and enter it and afterwaords kill the last few cloaked guards (thats the last for a while anyways). Then head to the left and go down into the hole and kill all the guards you see and run straight then turn to the right and shoot the lantern on the floor and then turn left and then run forward and then shoot the lantern you see in front of you and then turn to the right and run forward and at the end turn to the right and shoot the green lantern to open up the final door, now run forward past two intersections and turn to teh right and run into the room ahead and kill all of the enmies and the Mr. Blondes in here and then run. Now put your Infrareds back on and walk back out and kill the lsat two cloaked guards on your way out and then once out turn to the left and walk towards the wall to transport. Turn to the right go forward and enter the door at the end and run straight ahead to transport. Now run ahead and kill all the guards ahead and run into the door at the top of the room and enter the door in front and then walk forward and turn to the left and walk into the telporter. Follow the tunnel and destroy the sentry gun after the third turn and continue down to a door and enter it and shoot out all of the pwoer cells with the Farsight and enter the next hall, follow it to another door and enter, here shoot out all of the power cells and continue to the next hallway, enter the door at the end and destory all of the powercells in this room, and enter the next room and destroy hte sentry gun in this hallway thats on the cieling. Head straight across the hallway here and enter the door at the end and destory all of the powercells here and enter the next hall and enter the next door, and now destroy all of the powercells here. Go back to the place where the Sentry gun was and enter the hallway three that goes off to the left, enter the next dorr you will see in the hallway and shoot and destroy the autogn in the cieling and look thru the walls with teh Far Sight's secondary mode to find the last two power generators hidden in the wall destroy both of them to disable the weapon. Now exit this room to the south and wall into the teleporter there, enter the next door an kill both of the Mr. Blondes and walk towards Dr. Caroll and after the movie run out of the door you can watch Elvis run out of what door then follow him, then turn to the right and open teh door at the end of the tunnel follow the tunnel and kill the guards then go out the door on the left side, then go straight in this tunnel (ignoring the first passage on the right) until you see some more guards, kill them all then run thru the door on the left side and run for the next door and run thru it to complete this level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL OTHER WALKTHRUS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Datadyne Central: Defection (ALL) From the start run off the helicopter pad and when you land take out the guard there, then run inside of the door and into the building, take out the guard on the way and then turn to face where you entered this room from (when on solid ground) and you should see a console in front of you, run up to it and select the ECM Mine and press Z to complete your first objective now turn around and go into the next door. Go down the steps all the way and enter the door there. Eliminate all the guards in this room and enter the double doors with the Pistol Whip on, knock out the woman who firsts talk to you to complete your second objective then run back to the lobby and then press B to signal the elevator on the far right and take it down two floors and exit it and turn to the right and follow the path and take teh door at teh very end of the corridor, now follow this room thru and you will overhear a phone conversation, when the man exits follow him until he stops and then follow him to teh elevator cue it and wait for it and take it up one level, follow the man as he walks out and follow him to a PC when he logs in crack him in teh back of the head and take out the Data Uplink and download the project files, now run back to the elevator on the right and then take it all the way down (shooting the guards on the way down) to the ground floor. Eliminate all the guards around here and then enter the door on the right side of the stairs you first came down. Defeat all the guards in this room and then walk towards the console on the lower part of the left wall adjacent to the couch and then take out your ECM mine and press Z to throw it on the console, this will complete your last objective now exit this room and head over to the door directly straight across from you. Kill alll the guards and walk towards the wall that has a design it'll open and the elevator is just beyond it. Go up to the elevator and press B in front of it and walk into it when it opens and end this level. --- 2) Datadyne Research: Investigation (ALL) At the beggining follow the bot moving around on the floor, kill the first guard you see on the way and then enter the secret door on the left wall that the bot opens, go thru the narrow corridor and shoot the glass at the bottom of the incline in front of you and drop down into it, walk to the monitor in front of you and press B, then move down the hall to the second computer on the wall and press B while in front of it to reprogram the bots, now find the door (its a bit further ahead) and go thru it, this time though go up the walkway to the left killing all of the guards and enter the door at the end. Kill all of the guards that come pouring out and then enter the next door on the left wall, enter the door ahead of you and kill both guards you meet up with and then go thru the door ahead of you. Pause the game and switch to your Camspy and send it into the next door ahead of you press B to open the door and then go straight up then press UP-C until the camera stops moving and press Z to complete your first objective. Exit this area and enter the big door in the previous room to the north then turn to the right and enter the hallway there and enter the door at the end, talk to the scientist inside and make him shut down the experiment, now return to the hallway and head to the next door on the left and enter it, kill teh guards here and then get on top of the grate and shoot the guard below, take his K7 Avenger he drops and go back up on the grate and go back to the main hallway. Go up a bit more and enter the door to the right, shoot the glass in teh room and take the second item now go back to the main hallway and then head to the north to the end of the hallway and turn to the left and enter the door there, persuade the scientist in ehre to shut down the experiment then find the big door on the top wall of this room and enter it to come to another door, enter it and you'll be in the last experimental lab, talk to the scientist and when he goes to one of the consoles, knock him out (cause he would've activated the alarm) and find the right computer to turn off the experiment. Now return to the hallway and then run to the door ahead of you and go thru the next door, and then go thru yet another door. Kill all the guards here in this hallway then head north and when you hit the wall in front of you turn right and go thru the big door down there. Here you will have to wait for the cleaning robot to come by and deactivate the lasers so you can pass through safely. Once you made it thru all the lasers safely, enter the door there, enter the next door. In this room kill both of the guards and collect the CMP150 ammo on the countertop. Then enter the door in the upper right corner, enter the next room. Here you'll have to take out the Data Uplink and then stand over at the computer and press Z, as soon as you do press Z take out your gun again and take ou thte two guards that try to ambush you while your hacking, once the door ahs been hacked with teh Data Uplink open it and go thru. Walk down the stairs here and then turn to the right and go thru the door here, kill all of the guards here in the huge room. and then go into the door on the south side and follow the tunnel to the end and pick up the shield there to find the last item, now head back to the big room and take the door on the north end of the room. In this room watch out for the autoguns and aim for them and destroy them, before they kill you (they are three of them on top of the three arches there) and proceed to the hallway and then open the door to end this level. --- 3) Datadyne Central: Extraction (ALL) Pause the game at start and activate your NightVision goggles. Then go thru the door in front of you and kill the first guard here and then open the second door and take out the guard here. Move in front of the doorway and take out 2 more guards hiding behind barricades. Now go around the barricades taking out four guards on the way and snatching up some CMP150 ammo on the back of the counter. Now run up the stairs and eliminate the guards behind the barricades at the top. Now take the elevator on the left up to the first floor you stop on, then go around this floor (you must watch out for the hovercopter floating around) all the while you make sure you kill all of the females. Then once you killed the last guard press B in front of the PC there to reactivate the office elevatore now go back to teh elevators and take the elevator on the left this time and go up one level. On this floor go around again and make sure you kill all the female guards. Watching out for the HoverCopter again, and then take stairs on the right up to the floor with Cassandra's office, when you exit the stair well you will hear an interesting dialogue between two guys and a pissed off guard. Blow the guard's head off and then grab the Rocket Launcher (you can also kill the other two office workers if you want to, you wont be penalized). Once you have the Launcher shoot out all of the windows to the left and right and then take out your Rocket Launcher and set it to the secondary Mode and wait for the hovercopter to appear and then target it with your site and fire the rocket thru an empty window and take off, the hovercopter will be destroyed. Now enter the door on the far left side of this room and go up the stairs here and enter the door at the top. Here run over to the light switch (its to the right side of the giant fan, close to the door you came in) and the second the lights go off turn them back on again, the female guards will be stunned, use this time to cap them all quickly. Once they are all dead, go up the catwalks to the door above and enter it, and then enter the second door. Now go back up to the helicopter pad to end this level. --- 5) Chicago: Stealth (ALL) From the start here go straight and you'll find a Datadyne guard and a civilian (dont hurt the civilians or you'll fail the mission) kill the guard and head thru the corridor and at the end you'll see the taxi (you'll need to come back here later) be careful here because a mechanical guard is flying thru the streets, once the way is clear make tracks for the wooden fence and follow it and go thru the gap in the fence to a gutter in the back. Walk thru the water (eliminating the guards as you go) find the short opening and crawl underneath the wall and then run towards the duct that runs acorss the street go underneath the duct and at the end of the duct you will find a breifcase, pick it up to complete the first objective. Now go back to teh gutter full of water and enter the tunnel closest to where you came in and follow it all the way to the end, now look up and stand up a bit and press B to open the door, and throw the Bug onto the bottom of the Limo. Now go back to the Taxi and when the mechanized guard leaves walk out and take out the Reprogrammer and reprogram the taxi. Now go to where you started this level from and walk out into the street and follow the street until you see a gap in the right wall and enter it, kill all the guards here and then throw a Remote Mine on one of the light brown part of the walls next to the fire escape. Nor you should go all the way back to where you completed the first objective and wait for the taxi to explode and then wait for a minute afterwards then move out from underneath the duct and then walk up to the street and head for the open entrance across teh street and thats the end of this mission. --- 6) G5 Building: Reconnaissance (ALL) In this level the guards are cloaked, which makes it by all means harder. In the first room cap the other guards and pick up the key card that the last one leaves behind, and then go thru the door. Cap the guard in the hallway in the head, then enter the next room. Cap all four guards here and then pick up the card the lsat one drops and enter the next room, immediately shoot the guard you see here. Go up to the next door but before you enter it theres something you should know. Now you have to worry about alarms, so when you do enter the next room immediately run to the right and find the alarm and guard it and blow all the guards in there away, and then wait a bit and see if anyone else will show up. Now turn around if you are next to the alarm and you will see a door behind you enter it and go down teh steps, and in the room below kill the guards without destroying the mainframe. Once all the guards are gone go to the computer monitor and press B in front of it. Now go back to the first alarm and then look for all of the other consoles and then go and press B while standing in front of the other three consoles to complete your first objective. Now you should go all the way back to the leftmost side of the room and go up the stairs there and walk on the pipes above (no lasers now) and crawl under the obstruction then walk on the pipes to another wall and crawl under it too then as soon as you exit turn to the left and take out the Camspy and run it up into the hole ahead of you. This will complete your first objective. After the movie sequence is done. Drop down and kill all the guards next to the alarm (I think three of them will show up). Then enter the door to the left of the alarm and go up the stairs. Follow the tunnel to a door. Enter the door (its guarded by two guards) and then after killing all gaurds around take out the Door Decoder and use it while facing the console on the right wall of the vault room. Now you must persevere while guards pour into the room until the safe door fully opens, when it does run inside the vault and grab the disk on the right side of the vault and then run back outside the vault room and go straight ahead and enter the door to the left (this will lead to more stairs going up) go up the stairs and look at the right wall for a open hole, if its there go thru it to end the level. If not, go back downstairs and see if its there, though it should be on the top level. --- 7) Area 51: Infiltration (ALL) Itd be best if you waited for the movie sequence to end that way you won't be immediately recognized as soon as you start out the level. Either way, kill all the guards in the first area and make sure you get the one guy who runs to the right because he will activate the autogun if you dont kill him quickly. After everyone's gone (did I mention the guards can throw grenades in this level?) Head north and then go to the left and cap the guard there. Destroy the Autogun and walk past the Autogun you destroyed to find another (ouch!) you might want to throw a grenade at this one. Once its destoryed strafe over to the tower and waste the two guards there and then press B while in front of the red console to open the main gate, then run back down and stop at the main gate. Take out a Magsec 4 and zoom into the brown colored guy at the north end of the area and cap the device behind him until it blows up. If you don't destroy it he will activate a Robot Interceptor that will cause pain and suffering. Now run down the hallway beyond the tower, and take care of all of the guards running up, now see the opening in the fence behind you? Walk no farther thean the entrance and throw a grenade into the field (not very far though) and wait until it blows up if you see three other explosions then your safe. Now run down the hallway to the right and kill the guards that come running up, don't run out in the opening field because there is another autogun right in the front. Destroy it and more guards will come, kill all of them and then walk up to teh attenae and find the console on the left side of it and press B in front of it to lower it, select the Comms Rider Bug and throw it on the satellite to complete your second objective, now go and shoot all the machines behind the satellite to complete your next objective. Now go back to the area where you threw the grenade in the mine field and run straight into the field your going towards the Rocket Launcher take it and run up and get up against the left wall and walk against it until you come to a small hole crouch down and crawl thru it. Kill all the guards that greet your entrance and then blow up all the autoguns on the walls from your vantage point behind there are two on the left and one on the right, now go back to the right side and walk to the hole in the ground and fall thru it. Enter the door ahead of you and then go to the computer console in the room. Take out the Explosives and press Z or B to plant them. Then run back to the door and kill all the guards that come in and get outta there before the timer goes down to zero. Once back up on the ground level, go back to where you blew up the device and the brown colored guy before and search the ground there for a keycard. Once you find it go to the double doors and move to teh end of them and press B (while standing in front of the monitors on the either end of them) to activate the lift. When the lift comes, take it and kill teh two guards there. Ride it down and exit to complete your third objective. Here kill all the guards in the room and then get up on the second level and run to teh elevator and take it up. Now run across the catwalks and go down teh stairs and then go around the stairs and open the door there to end the level. --- 8) Area 51: Rescue (ALL) From the start ignore the crate and run up to the first area and clear it of all guards, then take the lift up and slear out all guards on teh upper floor and take the door to the north, in this room kill all of the guards when they come down as well, now go back to the previous room and walk towards the door to the right of the lift's entrance down a long tunnel (if you kept the brown colored guy alive in the first level he will lead you to a Phoenix pistol) anyways after you are done messing around, go back to teh start and stand in front of the crate and press B to carry it. Take it all the way to the last room you visited and put it in front of the wall where the "X" is marked (you can also use the X-Ray scanner in your inventory to check for the weak wall) and then stand a distance back from the crate and open up on it with the Dragon's automatic fire. It will take out the weak wall, run in and then turn right and run to the next intersection turn right again and run down that direction, at teh end of the hallway kill any guards following you and enter either one of the doors to the left or right, now in teh showers run down to the toilets and kill the man tehre and take his uniform and put your gun away and select the uniform in your inventory. Go back to where you entered the labaratory and enter the door ahead of you and then enter the containment facility to the right and then raise all four compartments by activating the red consoles by pressing B while in front of them now put on your X-Ray glasses and find the body in the wall and stay still to complete your second objective and then go back to the beggiining where you blew up the wall and then go straight ahead to the first intersection and run right and go thru the door go straight and enter the first door on the right, destroy the autogun quickly and then run to the computer with the Data Uplink and use it on the computer, and exit the room and turn left and go straight down and enter the door now turn right and open the door and destroy the Computer inside to complete an objective and now go back to the hole you created and enter the medical research labs and then take a look at the wall to the right of you there should be a door enter it, run thru the hallway here to the next door. Stand at the next door and as soon as it opens run in and kill all the guards with a gun and take the keycard dropped by the one who ran into the autopsy lab. Now you can fire whenever you please, since you are discovered now but it doesn't matter since you have the keycard to where the alien is. Now exit the autopsy room, and go thru the hallway again and thru the door at the other end. Turn right and go thru the door now watch the right wall for another door, open it. Proceed thru this hallway and enter both the doors at teh end. Then kill all of the guards in this final room (I find that grenades launched from a SuperDragon do a wonderful job) and pick up the keycard the last one leaves behind. Then enter the door in the room that leads to the alien. Run to the next door in the tunnel and this level is over. --- 9) Area 51: Escape (ALL) When you start out this level immediately exit the first room and go thru the tunnel and exit. Turn to the right and enter the door. Kill both researchers here and go straight and enter the next door, go down the hill and press B to let go of the guerney then open the door and push the guerney in the room. After that go back to the room where you killed the reasearchers and enter the containment lab to the right and go around the pillar and down the hall on the other side and open the door there, enter it. Here kill all of the guards and then run for the door and open it and go thru. Go across the catwalk and fight your way over to the door on the other side, open it and enter and push the gas can to the glass partition and shoot at it to blow it up and run into the area that the glass partition was blocking and press the console and it will open a door a bit further, now continue in this tunnel and open teh door on the right side you'll see sooin to get the Alien MediPack, now continue on to the room with the mainframes and you will find Jonathan in a corner. Then return to the previous room (the one where you smelled oil), before you go in though change your SuperDragon to Grenade Launcher mode and fire on in the middle of the greeting party to kill them all quickly. Now you must keep an eye on Jonathan's personal space and kill any guards that come in both of the doors in this room. After he says he is done get away from the wall he was standing in front of, it will explode, enter the hole and walk across the catwalk and kill all of the guards up there and then return to the oil room and make sure no more guards are coming. Then drop down off the incline down and turn around and go into the brown door there, after the sequence is over exit the room and strafe (following Jonathan and Elvis) keeping an eye on the entrance to this area. Once no ones coming thru go over to Jonathan and Elvis to start a dialogue then run back to the door and protect it and once you hear yourself say "There Must Be A Way out of here!" run up the catwalk and go back as far as you can so you can still see the door and when Jonathan starts approaching go over to the console to the right, Jonathan will go over to the other one. Press B while standing in front of it to open up the door and Jon will open the other. This ends the mission. If you get too close to Jon he will make you stay behind to open both doors and make your way of finding a way out much harder. --- 10) Air Base: Espionage (ALL) At the start knock any guard out you see in your area with the Crossbow so the alarm doesn't get set off. Once thts done run into the cave and hit the woman with a bolt to make her drop her disguise then select it to put it on and then put your weapon away and run into the main door of the Base. go to the lower left corner of the room and take the elevator there up, get teh suitcase and knock out both of the guys there. Once the doorwomen opens the door enter it and go down the escalator to the left and select the suit case and press A to put it on the conveyor there run into the passage to your right and then run thru this room, ignoring the man in black, and enter the hallway on the other side follow the path (ignoring the passage to the left) and go up the stairs at the end, shoot both guards here and press B while standing in front of the computer to complete your third objective. Now take out your gun (K7 Avenger) and start eliminating all the NSA lackeys that flood in. Now go back to the area where the NSa talked dirty to you and enter the door on the other side of the room (its the one on the rightmost side). Now follow the tunnel and enter the second door on the right wall adn enter and shoot the Remote Mine on the door, now run in and press B in front of the switch on the right wall and then press B again to open the safe, now run to the vault and take the flight plans to complete an objective. Now exit these rooms and turn left and then press B in front of the elvator at the end and take it all the way doewn then close the doors while still in the elvator and go up a few levels, and turn to the left and run to the inside of the plane to end the mission. --- 11) Air Force One: Anti-Terrorism (ALL) From teh start go back and enter the door, knock out the guard there to get his keycard and then press B in front of the red console there and then run over to the suitcase that comes up and pick it up now go into the next room, go into the next room then look for the console, press B when standing in front of the Red console to lower the jetbike (this is a big help on the next mission). Then enter either door to the left and right of the console. In this room subdue anyone who is here (if they are here at all) then press B while standing in front of the console at the top of this room next to the dumbwaiter, to call it down, when the dumbwaiter door opens, crouch down and enter it, it will take you up a floor. When it stops exit and go into the door ahead of you, then go up the stairs in front of you, turn to the right and head straight and enter the first door you see. Stay in here and talk to the president to get him to come with you. Now you must stand by him and protect him from any attackers that will be flooding into the plane. Anyways, go down the stairs you went up earlier take care of any NSA agents here and go thru the door you came in earlier. Making sure the Pres follows. Enter either one of the next two doors, and enter the doors on teh other side of this room (making sure the President is safe) now before heading into the next room pop a Combat Boost and enter then start firing with the Laptop Gun at both Blondes to kill them and once they are gone head into the next room (btw, dont bother with Trent cause he is invincible) kill all NSA agents here and head down into the hole on the floor (is close to where you entered) kill the NSA agent down here and go thru the door, now kill the other Agent here (if there is one) and open the door ahead of you the President will run in shut the door and you can stop worrying. Now go back up to enter the area where you exited the Dumbwaiter and throw a Timed Mine into the Gray tunnel. Now run to the double doors and open and go thru them now go up the stairs and enter the door on the wall you'll come to and run thru this room and enter the door on the other side now enter the door in front of you in the new room. Kill the two guards in the cockpit and then press the red button below you and the mission is done. --- 12) Crash Site: Confrontation (ALL) Hop on the jetbike (it appears behind you if you lowered the cargo bay in the last mission. Then go up and turn to the right and head for the escape pod that the president was in. Get off the bike if your on it and press B while in front of the pod to complete the second objective. Get back on the bike and then go into the hole to the right of you and then go to the right side of the plane and look for the suitcae and pick it up to find the scanner now head back to where you started and continue straight ahead & take the opening to the right in the wall, kill the guys there (kill the Mr. Blonde for a Sniper Rifle) and head forward and when you see the piece of wood goign across the chasm get off your bike and get on the piece of wood and walk across it to the other side. Go straight ahead until you reach Elvis's Saucer, then go to the upper right corner of this area (you should pass by an overpass) and then go into the cave there and go to the right ignoring all openings to the right until you reach the last one and go thru it, now head straight ahead and go thru the hole in the wall in front of you and kill all the NSA Lackeys and then look down into the hole in front of you and take a Remote Mine out and throw it down there and detonate it, you should complete your third objective. Now go back into the cleraing and walk across the higher walkway and turn left at the first intersction and go straight and then turn to the right and follow the path and run to the ship in the clearing and blow it up with Remote Mines, Now get back to where you sniped the Clone and enter the cave to the right of the entrance to the area where you blew up the clone and then go down inside the cave you were in before and go all the way to the right in the cave and look down (you'll see Trent holding the president hostage) when he says "You'll never save him now." start shooting at Trent until he runs away and then go forward to the last passage out of there and wait for the President to show up (if any sentries come at you back up and make sure the Pres follows you if hes there and start shooting at them. Then go enter the last passage (this passage should lead back to the field with Elvis's saucer) now run for Elvis's Saucer keeping an eye on the Pres and when he makes it to your saucer he will be safe and the mission will be over. --- 15) Carrington Institute: Defense (ALL) As soon as the level starts turn around and run down the incline and go down the steps and then turn to the left and enter the door there behind the stairs. Now go across the catwalk and now enter the door on the other side. Press B in front of the console and then go into the next door follow the path and enter the door at the end, wlak to the end of the hall and find the console and press B while in front of it to activate it, now enter the door to the right of you, walk thru this tunnel and enter the door you first see and walk down and take the path to the right and press B in front of the console and now the first objective is over. Now walk back to the start of the stage and now enter the room ahead of you and kill the Skedar there and walk into the door there that leads to the firing range and run in there and take out the two Datadyne guards, hopefully before they kill Foster and his assistant. All enemies in this stage are shielded which means it will take longer to take them down. Now exit the firing range and walk to the next room and go towards the door leading to the simulant training room, pop a combat boost, enter the door and take your AR34 out again. This time shoot down all three guards before they can shoot one of these people in the room. Now exit this room go to the left and take the elevator upstairs, go to the left and go to the first door you see, pop a combat boost, and enter the door with your AR34 out, then shoot both of the guards here before they can execute a hostage. Now exit this room, turn off the combat boost and get up to the next door ahead and pop another combat boost and then enter the next room and shoot both of the guards before they can shoot anyone. Now go back downstairs and go back to the firing range, press B while in front of the computer and then get the RC-P120. Now go back up to teh second floor using the nearest elevator to the left and then turn to the left and head to teh lsat door and enter it (if you exited Area 51: Escape using the hover bike Jon will appear here and take out guards for you while you are destroying the senstive info) now take out your laser and change it to its secondary mode and run to the gray patch on the left wall of this room and focus the laser into the patch until it breaks open, now focus it on the blue device to destroy it. Now run down to the first floor and run down to the hangar and take a right at the intersection, go all the way down to find a Skedar Ship. Clear the area of all guards and then take out your Data Uplink and use it on the ship to make it fly clear of the institute and detonate. Now run back up the incline you came down ehre on and head straight and open the door at the end and go inside to end this level. --- 16) Attack Ship: Covert Assault (ALL) After Cass screams exit your holding cell and take out the Combat Knife you have set it to Throw and throw it at the Skedar that has it back turned. If you hit it it will turn around and start blasting at you, run back into your cell and shut the door. When you hear a final roar from it proceed. Take the fallen Skedar's Mauler and charge it up and use it to kill its buddy, then grab its Mauler and run to the consoles that are around the elevator, destroy them all with the Mauler's Charge Up Shot to complete your first objective. Now take the elevator you passed up before, go up a floor and run forward and then run across the open area over to the second tunnel and turn to the left and enter the elevator at the end, kill the lone Skedar guard here and run to one of the consoles below you and press B in front of it to complete an objective now go back down on the elevator and run forward to meet Elvis, he will give you a fully loaded Assault Rifle the AR34. Now proceed forward and a fierce battle is underway keep all of your eyes on all four doors. When Skedar appear near you and Elvis kill them. Take their Mauler ammo too. When Elvis runs towards the elevators follow him amke sure no more Skedar are coming and go up on the elevator, Elvis will soon follow. Go to the door to the north and go thru it, turn to the right and enter the door there, kill teh Skedar in this room and take the shield there on the table, enter the next room, head straight across this room and enter the next room. Turn left and take the door there. Kill all Skedar in this room and then wait until Elvis comes and go into the next room, turn right here and enter the door ahead of you. Go up the stairs. Follow the tunnel and then take the hallway to the right that leads to a door enter it and kill the Skedar right beyond it and then run to either of the doors and enter them and follow the tunnels to the engine room, kill all the Skedar here and look up, destroy both of the braces holding the core together and take off and get the fuck out of there and then go to the right or left and go up the second set of stairs and take them up. Follow the tunnel to the door on the right side and open it, open the next door. Kill all the Skedar in here and walk up the wlkways and enter the door at the top. Now enter the elevator here, and go up. Then go forward and take another elevator up. In this room kill all the Skedar and walk around where the one highest up was to get Double Maulers. Take the Maulers out and charge them up and walk back down to the elevator that you took up. You'll have a huge fight n your hands when Elvis reappears if you survive and Elvis survives and kill the Skedar that appear, the mission is completed. --- 17) Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine (ALL) All the enemies are cloaked in this level so be careful! At the start walk forward until you hear a noise and then back up and take out your Callisto NTG with its secondary mode on to make short work of the Skedar. Now go forward to the next big area and shoot the Skedar towards the end of the area. One will decloak to the left kill it. Then walk towards the pillar, if Joanna says something pause the game and then select the R Tracker and then select the Target Amplifier. Unpause, and chuck the Target Amplifier onto the pillar and then press A to take out your Callisto again. (If she doesn't say anything just walk on until she says something about one of the pillars, their locations are mentioned in here.) Walk into the next area and turn aroudn and walk backwards until you hear and you will see a Skedar appear in front of you, kill it, then turn around and walk forward and kill the Skedar that appears. Then turn around and walk back wards and anothe Skedar will appear in front of you, kill it and then continue on. When you reach the next intersection two more Skedar will appear one to the left and one to the right kill them both, now check your radar at the intersection if you see a block to your right turn right and chuck the Target Amplifier on to the pillar at the end if not, turn to the left and then turn right and continue forward, kill the Skedar welding the Reaper ahead fo you and if you see a yellow block on your radar in front of you, chuck a target amplifier onto the pillar behind the Skedar with the Reaper. Did you catch the Reaper gunfire? Turn to the right and ice both Skedar that harassed your previously, then continue to the next area, here the other two pillars are here. The one is tor your left as you enter this area the other one is around the wall in front of you (in an area with two cloaked Skedar, you might want to throw the Target Amplifier from a distance if this the case.) Once you find the last special pillar and mark it wiht a target amplifier head out and go back to the area where the second pillar that I mentioned is (or was, btw, if you want to destroy the other two pillars with the Devastator's grenade launching capability you will get two Phoenixes before you go across the chasm ahead, they will help tremedously during the last battle and they will help you get inside the Inner Sanctum) and turn right and head straight. Look down before running off and kill the Skedar to the left and then drop down CAREFULLY and kill the one to the right. Now you can either go around the chasm or if you are feeling lucky you can take a running leap off of the upper ledge you were just on but you may kill yourself doing this so go around and go across the small land bridge at the end at then go to the right on the otehr side and go up the ladder there, run straight and stop again before you run off the ledge and take out your Callisto and fall down looking to either side and if the Skedar you hear appear doesn't show up on that side turn around and immediately blast it. (Some of the Skedar's positions can be random in this stage, this is true right after the first ambush in this stage). Once the Skedar is dead, follow the gray wall and put on your IR Scanner til you find the weak part of it (it will appear lighter than the rest of the wall) when you find it use your Phoenix and set it to the Secondary Mode and shoot the weak wall to gain access. Walk in ice the first Skedar that appears and run to where it was before any more can appear if none appear go forward to the next run where two more Skedar will appear kill them quickly and run to where they appeared to stop any more from appearing. Then go back a bit and open the door on the wall, kill the Skedar waiting inside and move the block until it is on top of the switch (the switch is the tile that is a different color from the rest, and the panel is facing the open air) this will activate the bridge. Go back and go across the bridge. Now you must be careful because Skedar will appear no matter if you run where they spawn, so take them all out so no more appear then run to the next turn in the tunnel and kill the Skedar that appear, then go forward and open the door on your left, kill both of the Skedars you'll see in the next room (they have Rocket Launchers so be careful) and then take out your Grenade Launcher and walk up to the flower design at the end of the tunnel and press B to activate the generator now go back to wher you killed the last Small Skedar and walk up the hill and take out your Phoenixes and blast the Skedar Warrior at the end of the transparent walkway. And enter the door behind it, run thru the tunnel and enter the dor at the end, now you will have to defeat a Secret Skedar Army, they appear out of the seven capsules in this order: TO SKEDAR LEADER |----------------DOOR--------------------| | (4th) Capsule| |Capsule (6th) (1st) Capsule| | | | | |Capsule (2nd) (5th) Capsule| |Capsule (7th) (3rd) Capsule| |----------------DOOR--------------------| FROM INNER SANCTUM Kill all of them and grab the ammo they drop and then enter the next door leading to a small room then the Skedar Leader's HQ. He can do three things: cloak and run around on the floor trying to smack with you with one of his claws, raise his staff and call a small or big Skedar Warrior to attack you, and/or shoot rockets at you (shooting rockets is his main attack). He is very heavily shielded and to run his shields at wuickly constantly fire Phoenix Explosive Shells at him and when he runs out of shield power (his shield will turn green) he will run under neath the glowing statue in the top-center of his walkway. When he does shoot at and destroy the parts of the statue in this order: 5 | 3 | 4 | | | | | | | | | \ | / \ | / \|/ 1------- -------2 / \ / \ Since the statue is far away and the first two parts are small you may want to use the Falon 2 Scope gun to take out the first two parts and then use the Calliston NTG to destroy the last 3. AS you destroy more parts of the statue his shield gets weaker and weaker, by the time the last one is left his shields will be so weak just a couple of High Impact Bullets from the Callisto will take them back down to green. Once he runs down under for the last time destroy the fifth one and it will come down and impale him and kill him, the game is over, congratulations. Now you've unlocked a special mode called Perfect Dark, check it out in the tips and tricks secion! You've also unlocked the last special assignment, War! Go to the last section of this area for the special assignment info. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Special Assignments The Duel (Agent) This assignment is more like the classic pistols and ten paces, but you dont need to stand still anything goes once you turn around. As soon as you turn around shoot the Datadyne guard after he jumps to the side (it isnt too difficult). - The Duel (Special Agent) This assignment is more like the classic pistols and ten paces, but you dont need to stand still anything goes once you turn around. As soon as you turn around shoot the Datadyne guard after he jumps to the side (it isnt too difficult). After you will ahve to fight Jonathan, when you turn around he will be gone (he ran around the left wall) run behind the left wall and try to get behind him and use your Pistol Whip to knock him down. You can always shoot him of course. - The Duel (Perfect Agent) This assignment is more like the classic pistols and ten paces, but you dont need to stand still anything goes once you turn around. As soon as you turn around shoot the Datadyne guard after he jumps to the side (it isnt too difficult). After you will ahve to fight Jonathan, when you turn around he will be gone (he ran around the left wall) run behind the left wall and try to get behind him and use your Pistol Whip to knock him down then switch it back to single shot. You can always shoot him however. Now you will have to fight Trent Easton, as soon as you stop moving run and strafe behind the wall and SLOWLY walk forward and zoom in until you can see the edge of Trent's hand, and then shoot his hand and then target his body when he backs up a bit and finish the job by pumping bullets into him. --- Mr. Blonde's Revenge (Agent) At the start cloak yourself and run to the elevator on the left and then cue it and decloak. No guards should see you. When the elevator comes down take it up to the lowest floor, then turn to the left and open the door to the stairwell and go up the stairs, to the next floor. Now here take the elevator on the left up to the next floor, now select your weapon as being Unarmed and then change it to Disarm and enter the double doors. Cassandra is in ehre and she will activate the alarm and pull out a Falcon 2 so Disarm her and follow her up to the helipad to complete the mission. - Mr. Blonde's Revenge (Special Agent) At the start cloak yourself and run to the lab elevator and then enter it and decloak and shut the elevator door, now plant the Skedar Bomb in here by pressing Z while selecting it. Now cloak yourself again and make a beeline for the elevators that are up the stairs and cue the one on the left. No female bodyguards should see you. When the elevator comes down take it up to the lowest floor, then turn to the left and open the door to the stairwell and go up the stairs, to the next floor. Now here take the elevator on the left up to the next floor, now select your weapon as being Unarmed and then change it to Disarm and enter the double doors. Cassandra is in ehre and she will activate the alarm and pull out a Falcon 2 so Disarm her and follow her up to the helipad to complete the mission. - Mr. Blonde's Revenge (Perfect Agent) At the start cloak yourself and run to the lab elevator and then enter it and decloak and shut the elevator door, now plant the Skedar Bomb in here by pressing Z while selecting it. Now cloak yourself again and make a beeline for the elevators that are up the stairs and cue the one on the left. No female bodyguards should see you. When the elevator comes down take it up, but it stops halfway up....kill the guard that appears and continue on to the lowest floor, then turn to the left and open the door to the stairwell and go up the stairs, to the next floor. Now here take the elevator on the left up to the next floor, now select your weapon as being Unarmed and then change it to Disarm and enter the double doors. Cassandra is in ehre and she will activate the alarm and pull out a Falcon 2 so Disarm her and follow her up to the helipad to complete the mission. --- Maian SOS (Agent) As soon as the level starts walk up to the guard at teh console from behind and knock him out, take the Flacon 2 he drops and go thru the door at the top wall and shoot the scientist bending over the table in the next room. Grab the Psychosis Gun from the table and then head out the door behind you. Go to the north once outside the glass encased lab and enter teh door at teh north wall, enter the second door. In this tunnel kill all of the Dragon-toting guards and take their guns too, and then go thru the tunnel and enter the door at the end. Turn left and go straight in this tunnel, go thru the door ahead fo you and at the intersection turn to the right and go straight ahead thru that door, follow this tunnel to the door at the end and enter it. Kill all the guards here and then run up the incline and go ahead and then turn left at the intersection and enter the door at teh end. Enter the door in front of you and enter teh second door in front of you, now crouch down and walk against the right wall and fall down thru the hole in teh bottom, kill all the guards here and head up against the left wall and go up the lift in front of you, when it stops at the top run out and turn to the right and walk ahead and go thru the door at the end. Here turn to the right and walk across the walkways and turn to the right at the intersection and head for the elevator, take it up. Follow the tunnel to a room that is half blocked off with cubicle panels, shoot one of the panels until it goes down and then go over to teh computer on the other side and press B while in front of it to end the mission. - Maian SOS (Special Agent) As soon as the level starts walk up to the guard at teh console from behind and knock him out, take the Flacon 2 he drops and go thru the door at the top wall and shoot the scientist bending over the table in the next room. Grab the Psychosis Gun from the table and then head out the door behind you. Go to the north once outside the glass encased lab and enter teh door at teh north wall, enter the second door. In this tunnel kill all of the Dragon-toting guards and take their guns too, and then go thru the tunnel and enter the door at the end. Turn left and go straight in this tunnel, go thru the door ahead fo you and enter the door on the left wall, go thru the tunnel and enter the door at the end, enter the second door. In here shoot at the floating guerney thats beyond the glass until it blows up now head back to the main tunnel that led to the this room and turn left and continue going ahead and at the intersection turn to the right and then go straight ahead thru that door, follow this tunnel to the door at the end and enter it. Kill all the guards here and then run up the incline and go ahead and then turn left at the intersection and enter the door at teh end. Enter the door in front of you and enter teh second door in front of you, now crouch down and walk against the right wall and fall down thru the hole in teh bottom, kill all the guards here and head up against the left wall and go up the lift in front of you, when it stops at the top run out and turn to the right and walk ahead and go thru the door at the end. Here turn to the right and walk across the walkways and turn to the right at the intersection and head for the elevator, take it up. Follow the tunnel to a room that is half blocked off with cubicle panels, shoot one of the panels until it goes down and then go over to teh computer on the other side and press B while in front of it to end the mission. - Maian SOS (Perfect Agent) As soon as the level starts walk up to the guard at teh console from behind and knock him out, take the Flacon 2 he drops and go thru the door at the top wall and shoot the scientist bending over the table in the next room. Grab the Psychosis Gun from the table and then head out the door behind you. Go to the north once outside the glass encased lab and enter teh door at teh north wall, enter the second door. In this tunnel kill all of the Dragon-toting guards and take their guns too, and then go thru the tunnel and enter the door at the end. Turn left and go straight in this tunnel, go thru the door ahead fo you and enter the door on the left wall, go thru the tunnel and enter the door at the end, enter the second door. In here shoot at the floating guerney thats beyond the glass until it blows up now head back to the main tunnel that led to the this room and turn left and continue going ahead and at the intersection turn to the right and then go straight ahead thru that door, follow this tunnel to the door at the end and enter it. Kill all the guards here and then run up the incline and go ahead and then turn left at the intersection and enter the door at teh end. Enter the door in front of you and enter teh second door in front of you, now crouch down and walk against the right wall and fall down thru the hole in teh bottom, kill all the guards here and head up against the left wall and go up the lift in front of you, when it stops at the top run out and turn to the right and walk ahead and go thru the door at the end. Here turn to the left drop down and walk to the UFO shoot at it until it blows up (you should be a healthy distance away from it, however or youll die) now go back up to the walkways and follow them to the elevator and take it up. Follow the tunnel to a room that is half blocked off with cubicle panels, shoot one of the panels until it goes down and then go over to teh computer on the other side and press B while in front of it to end the mission. --- War! (Agent) Go up and go to the right and enter the hallways and then all you need to do is just find your way to the power generator just ahead of the inner sanctum (this is where you activate the door leading to the inner sanctum on Special agent or Perfect on Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine) and kill the Skedar King to the left side of the power generator to complete this mission. - War! (Special Agent) Go up and go to the right and enter the hallways and then all you need to do is just find your way to the power generator just ahead of the inner sanctum (this is where you activate the door leading to the inner sanctum on Special agent or Perfect on Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine) and kill the first Skedar King. Now go up to teh walkway above and go across the walkway and walk into the door there and then go where you fought the Secret Skedar Army on Perfect Agent in the Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine stage. The second Skedar King is here and he has a Slayer, so kill him quickly using the Phoenixes Explosive shells. - War (Perfect Agent) Go up and go to the right and enter the hallways and then all you need to do is just find your way to the power generator just ahead of the inner sanctum (this is where you activate the door leading to the inner sanctum on Special agent or Perfect on Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine) and kill the first Skedar King. Now go up to teh walkway above and go across the walkway and walk into the door there and then go where you fought the Secret Skedar Army on Perfect Agent in the Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine stage. The second Skedar King is here and he has a Slayer, so kill him quickly using the Phoenixes Explosive shells. Once hes dead pick up his rocket launcher and run into the area where you fought the first Skedar Leader in the Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine and you'll find the last Skedar King here. Use the Explosive Shells of the Phoenix to detonate the Rockets next to him and cause severe damage, do this until he dies. ============================================================================ U N L O C K T H E C H E A T S ============================================================================ In this section I will tell you of the cheats you can earn as well as how to earn those cheats-I'll explain a quick way to rip thru the level needed to finish quickly. Once unlocked these cheats can be accessed by pausing the game and pressing right on the stick once and then select Cheats. You can also go to the Carrington Institute and press B in front of the computer the woman is sitting in front of in the Information Center, to access them. Cheats cannot be used to unlock levels and/or other cheats. \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ | FUN CHEATS | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |STAGE |DIFFICULTY|TIME|CHEAT UNLOCKED | |Chicago: Stealth |Any |None|DK Mode | |G5 Building: Reconnaissance |Any |None|Small Jo | |Area 51: Infiltration |Any |None|Small Characters | |Air Base: Espionage |Any |None|Team Heads Only | |Area 51: Rescue |Perfect |7:59|Play As Elvis | |DataDyne Research: Investigation|Any |None|Slo-Mo Single Player | /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ | GAMEPLAY CHEATS | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |STAGE |DIFFICULTY|TIME|CHEAT UNLOCKED | |Area 51: Escape |Agent |3:50|Invincible | |G5 Building: Reconnaissance* |Agent |1:40|Cloaking Device | |DataDyne Central: Defection |Agent |1:30|Marquis Of Queensbury Rules | |Deep Sea: Nullify Threat |Any |None|Jo Shield | |Carrington Institute: Defense|Agent |1:45|Super Shield | |Carrington Institute: Defense|Any |None|Enemy Shields | |Pelagic II: Exploration |Any |None|Enemy Rockets | |Crash Site: Confrontation |Any |None|Perfect Darkness | /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ | WEAPONS FOR JO IN SOLO CHEATS | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |STAGE |DIFFICULTY|TIME|CHEAT UNLOCKED | |Datadyne Central: Extraction |Any |None|Rocket Launcher | |Carrington Villa: Hostage One|Any |None|Sniper Rifle | |Area 51: Escape |Any |None|SuperDragon | |Air Force One: Anti-Terrorism|Any |None|Laptop Gun | |Attack Ship: Covert Assault |Any |None|Phoenix | |Chicago: Stealth |Perfect |2:00|Psychosis Gun | |Crash Site: Confrontation |Agent |2:50|Trent's Magnum | |Deep Sea: Nullify Threat |Perfect |7:27|Farsight | /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ | CLASSIC WEAPONS FOR JO IN SOLO CHEATS | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |STAGE |CHEAT UNLOCKED | |GET GOLDS ON THE ALL THE FIRING RANGE TESTS|PP9i | |GET GOLDS ON THE ALL THE FIRING RANGE TESTS|CC13 | |GET GOLDS ON THE ALL THE FIRING RANGE TESTS|KLO1313 | |GET GOLDS ON THE ALL THE FIRING RANGE TESTS|KF7 Special | |GET GOLDS ON THE ALL THE FIRING RANGE TESTS|ZZT (9mm) | |GET GOLDS ON THE ALL THE FIRING RANGE TESTS|DMC | |GET GOLDS ON THE ALL THE FIRING RANGE TESTS|AR53 | |GET GOLDS ON THE ALL THE FIRING RANGE TESTS|RC-P45 | /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ | WEAPON CHEATS | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |STAGE |DIFFICULTY|TIME|CHEAT UNLOCKED | |Datadyne Central: Defection |Any |None|Classic Sight | |Air Force One: Anti-Terriorism|Perfect |3:55|Unlimited Ammo - Laptop Gun| |DataDyne Central: Extraction* |Agent |2:03|Hurricane Fists | |Pelagic II: Exploration |Special |7:07|Unlimited Ammo | |Air Base: Espionage |Special |3:11|Unlimited Ammo - No Reloads| |Area 51: Rescue |Any |None|X-Ray Scanner | |Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine* |Any |None|R-Tracker/Weapon Caches | |Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine* |Perfect |5:31|All Guns In Solo | /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ | BUDDY CHEATS | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |STAGE |DIFFICULTY|TIME|CHEAT UNLOCKED | |Datadyne Research: Investigation|Perfect |6:30|Pugilist | |Area 51: Infiltration |Special |5:00|Hotshot | |Carringtone Villa: Hostage One |Special |2:30|Hit And Run | |Attack Ship: Covert Assault |Special |5:17|Alien | /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ *=This cheats can be earned by plugging a Perfect Dark Game Boy Game into a Transfer Pack. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Agent-Difficulty Cheats --- 1) DataDyne Central: Extraction (Cheat: Hurricane Fists, Time: 2 min 3 sec) Don't worry about Dr. Caroll at all in this stage, at teh beggining put on the night vision and run to the elevator and take it up to the first floor it stops on, run around the floor and kill all the female bodyguards and then run up the stairs to the next floor and kill every female there as well. Now go up another floor using the elevator or stairs and kill the lone guard and grab the rocket launcher take out the rocket launcher and walk into Cassandra's trap. Fire the rocket towards the far wall to kill most of the bodyguards. Use your CMP150 to take care of any survivors now run back up to the helicopter pad outside to finish this level. - ABOUT THE CHEAT: Hurricane Fists with it enabled lets you whip your fists into a frenzy if you hold down Z while being unarmed. Your fists punch at more than double their original speed. -- 2) G5 Building: Reconnaissance (Cheat: Cloaking Device, Time: 1 min 40 sec) This time is possible, just pay attention. Take care of the cloaked guards in the first two areas as fast as you can, you ahve to be lucky to be fast enough. Kill all the guards near the first alarm and then walk across the ductwork and take out the CamSpy but do NOT send it in yet! Leave it in front of the hole leading to the meeting room and press A to switch back to yourself. Now drop down and ice the two guards, and run upstairs and put the door decoder on the sfae lock and as soon as you do that pause the game and switch to your CamSpy and send it in. Let teh cinema play and if it plays all the way thru the safe will be unlocked. Grab the backup disk and run out of the hole made for you. - ABOUT THE CHEAT: The Cloakign Device cheat lets you use a cloaking device for 200 seconds and it enables you to walk around freely in a tage and check out what the guards do in their free time. -- 3) Area 51: Escape (Cheat: Invincible, Time: 3 min 50 sec) You are at the mercy of Jon's "cover me" sequences during this level. So as soon as it starts push Elvis to his hiding hole and run to the place where you meet up with Jon without stopping and start killing the guards on the way back to the hangar. Fire a grenade at the greeting party in the hangar and then cover Jon's back until he blows open the wall. Then fall down off the ramp to teh door below and run in to start teh cinema sequence and stop it immediately, once its over take out any guards that are shooting at you and run to where Jon and Elvis are and then while they talk run to the console in the upper right corner of the room (its straight across from the blast hole)and then keep an eye on the door you come out of and the blast hole, and when Jon arrives start pressing B in front of the console like mad until it says hangar door is opening and then wait for Jon to finish messing with his console to end the level quickly. - ABOUT THE CHEAT: The name says it all. It makes you invincible to any fire and totally bulletproof. Activate this cheat to complete a Perfect Agent level that is driving you nuts, sadly though it wont let you unlock other cheats or levels with it (as with any cheat). -- 4) Crash Site: Confrontation (Cheat: Trent's Magnum, Time: 2 min 50 sec) You should've lowered the jetbike from the cargo bay on the previous level or you will have a hard time, getting thru this time trial. Anyways, at the start hop on the bike and buzz over to teh escape pod and press B when off the bike to activate the signal, now buzz over to the log bridge and get off the bike and go across it. Now go to the hole where you snipe the clone and dont wait for the Blondes to come after you, run abck to where the Pres is being held hostage by Trent and shoot Trent until he runs away. Now run down to meet the president and take care of all of the robots along the way, and then run back to Elvis's UFO to finish the level, at this point there are probably ton of guards on your tail so stay close to the President. - ABOUT THE CHEAT: The DY357-LX delivers a fatal blow no matter where on teh body it hits. Turning this cheat on will ensure that you will be the baddest gunslinger out there. -- 5) Carrington Institute: Defense (Cheat: Super Shield, Time: 1 min 45 sec) As soon as the level starts run forward take the elevator up and save all the hostages in both offices and grab the Devastator the last one will drop, and then go back downstairs and go to teh Simulant Training Room and fire a Devastator Grenade into teh party of guards wanting to shoot the hostages, it will hopefully kill them all before they can kill one. Now run to the Weapons lab and kill both guards there and then press B in front of the PC to unlock the RC-P120, grab it and run for the downstairs ramp kill all of the Mr. Blondes you'll see here and download the virus with your Data Uplink while to teh side of the ship and then hurry and head back up the ramp and enter teh door on teh right to finish this level quickly. - ABOUT THE CHEAT: Teh Super Shield cheat will give you a huge pile of protection to start a level out with. It will give you an edge in an otherwise difficult mission. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Agent-Difficulty Cheats --- 1) Datadyne Central: Defection (Cheat: Marquis Of Queensbury Rules, Time: 1 min 30 sec) If you want to beat this time trial you will have to avoid enemies who arent directly in your way. From the start run straight and leap off and run into the building and go to the Internal Comms Hub and throw the ECM mine on it, then change the gun's function to Pistol Whip and run to Cass's office and knock her out and get her necklace, then go out and run down the stairs and then activate the elevator and take it all the way down and then shoot out the glass in front of you and drop down and take both of the CMP150s on the back of the counter and go to the security room on the right wall and throw the ECM mine on the External Comms Hub next to the last chair, and assuming your still in one piece run for the lab elevator to finish this level. - ABOUT THE CHEAT: For this difficult this cheat isnt much of a reward. The only thing it does is makes all enemys unarmed, and instead of shooting at you they punch you. -- 2) Carringtone Villa: Hostage One (Cheat: Hit And Run Buddy, Time: 2 min 30 sec) The better sniper you are the easier time you will have finishing this time trial, so fire the instant the targeting box turns red, since one shot from the rifle will kill the soldiers who are holding the negotiator at gunpoint or any of the snipers. Dive off the ledge behind the first soldier in the opening tunnel now then head to the bottom of the orange stairs to pick off four of the snipers then go back in the tunnel and head thru the cave to the right and pick off the last eight snipers (dont forget the one walking around on the horizon), now dash into the basement and power up the windmill and then run to the wine cellar and kill all the shock troops there to get the keycard and then enter the last door down there to exit this stage. - ABOUT THE CHEAT: This is your first buddy cheat, this buddy will charge his foes and fire his gun as he goes. Hes the first of the four other buddies besides Velvet Dark that you can unlock, to activate go to the Cheats menu and activate one of them and then go to the Co-operative select and select 1 Simulant as a Perfect Buddy. -- 3) Area 51: Infiltration (Cheat: Hotshot Buddy, Time: 5 min) Eliminate all the guards at the beggining taking out the sentry guns as you go. Do not engage the guys in the tower from afar run in a serpentine motion to avoid the fire and then run up to the tower and go up the ladder and ice them. Throw a grenade into the mine field and then haul down the tunnel and take out the gun there and run around the building and cue the antenna and throw the Comms Rider on it and then haul back up the tunnel and do not engage anyone. Run thru the mine field where the grenade blew up the mines and then drop down and crawl thru the narrow opening and then drop down into the bunker and kill the technician down there to get the Keycard and then throw a grenade in the corner to the left of the door to destroy some of the lasers and then plant the explosives and then exit and run to the console near the lift and cue it and then get into the lift when it shows up (the robot interceptor and sentry gun should miss you if you are fast) when your below run and gun to the end, just watch out for people with grenades. - ABOUT THE CHEAT: This buddy is very good at eliminating enemies, he has two magnums one of the gold variety and he mows thru the enemies with brutal efficiency. To activate go to the Cheats menu and activate one of them and then go to the Co-operative select and select 1 Simulant as a Perfect Buddy. -- 4) Air Base: Espionage (Cheat: Unlimited Ammo - No Reloads, Time: 3 min 11 sec) Make tracks for the stewardess at the beggining sniping all of the guards along the way and pick up her disguise and put it on then put your gun away and then run to the front desk and when you hear good morning run to the elevator in the upper right corner and grab the suit case up there and then knock out both of them and go back down, now go into the base and check in your gear and haul up to teh security console and shut it down and then knock out the NSa agent and grab his K7 Avenger and then run downstairs and run and cut a swaht thru the flood of the attackers, and then run for the elevator and take it all the way down and close the doors and then go up a bit more and then run to the left and run forward to board Air Force One to end this level. - ABOUT THE CHEAT: This cheat is the best in the game (and should be you worked hard to get it no doubt). It lets you fire your gun continuosly and without reloading either. -- 5) Pelagic II: Exploration (Cheat: Unlimited Ammo, Time: 7 min 7 sec) Its important to eliminate all guards before they trip an alarm and to take out all of the three cameras in your way (two of them are in the reactor room the third is towards the area where you meet up with Elvis). Complete the objectives as they are listed when you pause the game, when you deactivate the GPS and AutoPilot go up to the gold colored hallways and run thru the hallways killing all the guards and open the door on the left at the end of the hallways and go straight into the big area and then go to the left wall and press B in front of the console there to open the door next to it, go thru it to reach the Moon Pool lift console, and then go down to the bottom of the ship and meet up with Elvis then run back to the Moon Pool lift console and go up and go thru the door you opened earlier and run to the left side of the room to finish the level quickly. - ABOUT THE CHEAT: This cheat is the last one's weaker counterpart, you shouldn't even bother with unlocking it if you unlocked the Unlimited Ammo No Reloads cheat, because this one requires that you reload your weapon. -- 6) Attack Ship: Covert Assault (Cheat: Alien Buddy, Time: 5 min 17 sec) Don't rush things at the start or you will be dead. Wait for the first Skedar to turn its back then throw a knife at it and if it hits it, it will roar. Wait until it dies and then pick up the Mauler and do in its buddy. Then shoot and blow up all three consoles below you and run to the elevator and take it down. After Elvis gives you the AR34 run around and collect Mauler ammo from the fallen Skedar, once Elvis says something about the elevators run to one of them and take it up. Now run to the navigational map room making sure the way is clear and when Elvis arrives run to the upper floor, and blow up the engines. Then make your way for the upper deck making sure the way is clear for your buddy, and when you get to the bridge get your hands on those double Maulers and finish all the Skedar that show up to beat the time trail. - ABOUT THE CHEAT: This alien buddy is a lot better than Elvis. Since he keeps his mouth shut and covers your back with a RCP120 he may fall behind a bit but he can really kick ass in a fire fight! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perfect Agent-Difficulty Cheats --- 1) Datadyne Research: Investigation (Cheat: Pugilist Buddy, Time: 6 min 30 sec) Run past the robot at the beggining and shoot the lone guard at the door. Open the silver door while you wait for the robot to catch up and take out as many guards as you can once the robot opens the hidden door run into it and shoot the glass below you and drop down into where you reprogram the cleaning robots, and from there run thru the level as outlined in the above walkthroughs (you may want to shut down the experiments yourself, so you dont have to wiat for the scientists), if you are lucky the robot wont make you wait by the lasers for long. If you are lucky you will make it. - ABOUT THE CHEAT: This cheat lets you use a butler buddy with huge fists. He is in the business of busting heads, let him tidy up after you when you want to tear thru a level. -- 2) Chicago: Stealth (Cheat: Psychosis Gun, Time: 2 min) You will have to be light on your feet to beat this time, kill all the FBI guards in brown trench coats to save yourself a lot of time. Run to the gutter and pick up your equipment then run to the limo and kill all the guards around and chuck the tracer on the back of it, then run into the alleyway and make sure no civilians are aound then push the oil cans near the dumpster and blow them up to get the Bomb spy now pick up the Bomb spy and run forward shooting all of the guards in brown trenchcoats, eliminate all of the guards and throw a remote mine on the lowest blocked door and then send the Bombspy into the carport and detonate it when all four guards are near this will cause an alternate diversion, now run into the carport to finish the level. - ABOUT THE CHEAT: This cheat will let you use the Psychosis Gun on any enemy or all enmies. Making levels super easy. The Psychosis Gun lets you create friends out of enemies. -- 3) Area 51: Rescue (Cheat: Play As Elvis, Time: 7 min 59 sec) Go to the weakened wall (making sure you have at least one Dragon from a fallen guard) find the marked section of it and press and hold B then press A to throw your Dragon at it and then stand a good distance away and shoot at the Dragon Proxy Mine til it blows up and takes the wall with it, now run in and go left and take your picture, go to the room where you download the virus and then destroy the computer with the evidence in the other room. Head all the way to the back of the other hall and blow a Grenade to draw the guard out, run in and then get the diguise then fly to the angled doors and if you zip thru the level as I outlined it you will be able to mess with the Maian. - ABOUT THE CHEAT: Playing the game as Elvis provides a big challenge, you are slower and your big skull is easier to target. It is however amusing to see Elvis behave like Joanna in the cinema scenes. -- 4) Air Force One: Anti-Terrorism (Cheat: Unlimited Ammo - Laptop Sentry Gun, Time: 3 min 55 sec) First of all complete the previous mission by boarding Air Force One, thru the cargo bay (go up the ladder after the laser grid) that way you'll be close to whewre you need to collect the evidence. Turn around and go thru and knock the guard out and get the evidence then go upstairs in the dumbwaiter and contact the president and then take him to the escape capsule and after that throw a timed mine in the UFO's umbilical and then run back up to the floor where you met the president and run up to the cockpit and kill both of the guards there and press the red button there to secure your cheat. - ABOUT THE CHEAT: This cheat makes some missions very easy. It gives your Laptop Sentry gun unlimited ammo and it will always shoot anyone that comes around to it. Just put the gun in secondary mode by pressing and holding B and then press A and watch the fireworks. -- 5) Deep Sea: Nullify Threat (Cheat: Farsight, Time: 7 min 27 sec) Elvis will have to hold his own to beat this time trial, when you get to the room where Elvis reactivates the teleportals, don't wait for him to show up, run to the first teleporter, and by the time you get there he will be done and once you take the teleporter he will be on the other side. Do the same for the next area wipe out everyone you see and then take the next teleporter then things will get tough. You must wipe out all of the power cells and leave Elvis behind to deal with any Skedar stragglers if he survives long enough for you to destroy the last two cells you'll be home free. Kill the Blondes and use the backup disk then bug out of there. - ABOUT THE CHEAT: This gun is sweet. It lets you see enemies that are far away from you and thru walls and floors. This is one cheat you will definitely want to earn. -- 6) Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine (Cheat: All Guns In Solo, Time: 5 min 31 seconds) Its hard enough just to finish this level on Perfect as it is. Use the Callisto NTG to kill Skedar as you run but take the few extra seconds to blow up the otehr two pillars that are not on the radar. The double Phoenixes will save time later. Make a running jump over the gorge and once inside the temple run while using the Phoenixes explosive shells to cut down the small Skedar. Activate the bridge and once in teh room with the secret Skedar army use the map I made up to anticipate where they will come from. Use the Phoenixes explosive shells with teh leader and blow out the Skedar Rockets near it with them and if you are successful you will be doing the victory dance in no time. Or to do this the easy way, just plug the Perfect Dark GB game in a transfer pak. - ABOUT THE CHEAT: This cheat gives you every weapon in the game, some of the trackers aren't available but this cheat will pack you with the majority of the heavy artillery. ============================================================================ C A R R I N G T O N I N S T I T U T E ============================================================================ The Carrington Institute is a training ground for you to mess around in before you go on any missions. The thing you can do are listed below and some of them must be done in order to unlock different features among other things. --- 1) Firing Range This one is located before the ramp to the hangar. Here you will have to get all golds on all weapons that can be unlocked by completing challenges or using them in the Solo Missions to access every classic weapon in the game. I will explain how to get the medals here. But first a chart showing the limits of every test. \------------------------------------------------------------------------/ |Weapon |Difficulty|Targets|Ammo|Acc.|Time|Points | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Falcon 2 |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|120 | | |Silver |-------|----|----|0:15|80 | | |Gold |-------| 24|----|0:10|170 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Falcon 2 (silencer)|Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|120 | | |Silver | 9|----|----|2:00|30 | | |Gold | 3|----|----|0:30|80 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Falcon 2 (scope) |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|120 | | |Silver |-------|----| 80%|2:00|120 | | |Gold |-------| 8|----|0:10|80 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |MagSec 4 |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|135 | | |Silver |-------| 18|----|2:00|135 | | |Gold | 4|----|----|0:12|80 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Mauler |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|200 | | |Silver | 8| 50|----|2:00|------------------| | |Gold | 6| 35|----|0:15|------------------| |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Phoenix |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|90 | | |Silver | 8| 18|----|2:00|------------------| | |Gold | 6| 3|----|0:20|------------------| |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |DY357 |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|90 | | |Silver |-------| 3|----|2:00|80 | | |Gold |-------| 5|----|0:12|50 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |DY357-LX |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|90 | | |Silver |-------|----|----|0:30|200 | | |Gold |-------| 12|----|0:50|100 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |CMP150 |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|240 | | |Silver | 4| 80|----|2:00|------------------| | |Gold | 6|----|----|0:20|350 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Cyclone |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|750 | | |Silver | 5|----|----|0:20|------------------| | |Gold | 1|----|----|0:18|400 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Callisto NTG |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|480 | | |Silver | 1|----|----|0:30|------------------| | |Gold | 2|----|----|0:20|250 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |RC-P120 |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|1000 | | |Silver |-------|----|----|0:20|300 | | |Gold | 9| 180|----|0:20|------------------| |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Laptop Gun |Bronze |-------|----|----|0:30|750 | | |Silver | 3|----|----|0:20|90 | | |Gold | 2| 250|----|0:15|750 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Dragon |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|450 | | |Silver | 1| 1|----|2:00|------------------| | |Gold |-------|----| 90%|0:15|500 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |K7 Avenger |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|375 | | |Silver | 4| 4|----|2:00|------------------| | |Gold | 3| 30|----|0:15|------------------| |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |AR34 |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|450 | | |Silver | 9| 120|----|2:00|------------------| | |Gold |-------|----|100%|0:20|------------------| |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |SuperDragon |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|450 | | |Silver | 9| 9|----|2:00|------------------| | |Gold | 5|60/4|----|0:30|------------------| |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Shotgun |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|240 | | |Silver | 9|----|----|0:30|------------------| | |Gold |-------| 30|----|0:20|170 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Reaper |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|1000 | | |Silver | 18|----|----|0:30|------------------| | |Gold | 1|----|----|0:30|750 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Sniper Rifle |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|120 | | |Silver |-------|----| 90%|2:00|120 | | |Gold |-------| 15|----|0:12|150 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |FarSight XR-20 |Bronze | 3|----|----|2:00|------------------| | |Silver | 6|----|----|0:15|------------------| | |Gold | 6| 3|----|0:20|40 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Devastator |Bronze | 6|----|----|2:00|------------------| | |Silver | 6| 10|----|0:50|------------------| | |Gold | 6| 6|----|0:30|------------------| |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Rocket Launcher |Bronze | 9|----|----|2:00|------------------| | |Silver | 8| 18|----|2:00|------------------| | |Gold | 4| 4|----|0:30|40 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Slayer |Bronze | 6|----|----|2:00|------------------| | |Silver | 4| 6|----|2:00|40 | | |Gold | 6| 8|----|0:40|60 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Combat Knife |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|72 | | |Silver |-------| 18|----|2:00|90 | | |Gold |-------| 8|----|0:30|80 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Crossbow |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|72 | | |Silver |-------| 20|----|2:00|90 | | |Gold |-------|----|----|0:30|150 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Tranquilizer |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|120 | | |Silver |-------|----|----|0:20|250 | | |Gold | 18| 18|----|0:15|------------------| |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Laser |Bronze |-------|----|----|2:00|250 | | |Silver |-------|----| 80%|0:20|180 | | |Gold |-------|----|100%|0:20|250 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Grenade |Bronze | 3|----|----|2:00|------------------| | |Silver | 18|----|----|0:30|------------------| | |Gold | 4| 8|----|0:30|------------------| |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Timed Mine |Bronze | 3|----|----|2:00|------------------| | |Silver | 6| 6|----|2:00|------------------| | |Gold | 6| 1|----|0:12|60 | |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Proximity Mine |Bronze | 3|----|----|2:00|------------------| | |Silver | 3| 6|----|2:00|------------------| | |Gold | 5| 4|----|0:30|------------------| |-------------------|----------|-------|----|----|----|------------------| |Remote Mine |Bronze | 3|----|----|2:00|------------------| | |Silver | 4| 4|----|2:00|------------------| | |Gold | 7| 2|----|0:12|------------------| /------------------------------------------------------------------------\ Falcon 2 Bronze: Aim the gun at one of the bullseyes and empty your clip then start shooting at the other one that appears. Silver: Follow the target when it moves back and forth and shoot at it, try to keep the gun at the bullseye. Gold: Before it starts head to the right one and zero in one of the bullseye and shoot until its gone and continue to shoot when the other two come. - Falcon 2 (silencer) Bronze: Move to the target and shoot its bullseye once and when it flips back over empty uour clip at it and do the same when the next target appears to the right. Silver: 1 bullet will destroy a target here so shoot at 3 of the target's bullseyes and then blow away the other size to win. These targets will flip. Gold: These targets will move left and right and flip over, shoot at them when they are moving dont bother being accruate since the real challenge is destroying all three targers. - Falcon 2 (scope) Bronze: Simple, hold R and zoom in and then move to the bullseye and fire away, then do the same to the next target. Silver: Zoom in and wait for the target to be moving from left to right and the farthest from you (it moves slower farther away) and open fire and empty your clip on it reload then pump two more shots into it and do the same to the next target. Gold: Go to the right side and zoom in and wait for the target to come and empty your clip on its bullseyes, if you hit the bullseye for all eight shots you'll win, there is however enough time for it to move back to you so its better to shoot 5 into it and wait for it to come back. - MagSec 4 Bronze: Zoom in on the target on the right and shoot at it when it flips back over, do the same to teh next two targets. Silver: Difficult. Zoom in on one of the targets when it is flipped over facing you and when the target closest to you is not in the way fire. Just be patient and wait for openings. Gold: Walk in front of the center of the one on the right and start shooting like mad you should destroy at least two targets and then destroy the otehr targets when they come back around. - Mauler Bronze: Just take aim and empty your clip at the targets. Silver: Change th gun to secondary mode and then go to the left most target amd shoot when fully charged up and when you are charged up again shoot another target, repeat and reload when you runt out of ammo necessary for a full charge (5 bullets) dont waste ammo and you will win. Gold: Make sure the gun is in secondary mode and as soon as a target flips over shoot at it with a charged shot and repeat, reload the second you run out of ammo neccessary for a full charge, let it recharge and then shoot if the target you stopped on to reload is destroyed your home free, charge up and then blow away the other two targets to win. - Phoenix Bronze: Stand in front of the center of the target on teh right and shoot it once to start. Wait for it to come back and flip over and unload on it then move to the one that appears on the right. And wait for it to come back and then reload on it. Silver: Switch to secondary mode and shoot at the targets in the back (they seem to be easier to destroy) destroy eight targets, easy as long as you dont waste bullets. Gold: Switch to secondary mode, position yourself directly in the center of the empty space between the two targets and when the two targes start to pass over each other...Fire! They should both be destroyed (do this for the remaining two pair). Not hard if you have good timing. - DY357 Bronze: Shoot at the bullseye once for each time the target flips over, when it is destroyed shoot at the other target. Silver: Aim at the exact center of each of the 3 front targets and hopefully you'll score enough points to win. If you fail next time try aiming at the center with a slight angle. Gold: Not too difficult just aim at the bullseyes of the front target when the ones in back are flipped over facing you and then do the same to the center row to win. - DY357-LX Bronze: Get to the left and fire at the bullseye continously as it makes it slow rounds and do the same to the next that appears. Silver: Get on the left and shoot at the center of the target then shoot it to start and wait for it to come back to youand shoot at the bullseye again and repeat until it is destroyed. Then stay on the left and wait for the next pair to come over and start shooting. Gold: Difficult, stand in front of the PC and wait for the target to hit your crosshairs and fire, you need to have good timing to win. - CMP150 Bronze: Easy just stand aim at teh center and fire away when it is facing you. Silver: Shoot at the targets until they stop moving and flip over and if you conserve your bullets this wil be easy. Gold: Get over to the right and change the gun to secondary mode and then lock on to all three targets and start shooting, and then lock on to the next 3 that appear adn start shooting when the first one you locked onto is directly in front of you, somewhat hard, not too difficult however. - Cyclone Bronze: Aim at the center of a target and hold down the trigger do the same to the next closest target. Silver: Somewhat difficult, shoot at the targets as they move and when they are destroyed, STOP FIRING IMMEDIATELY! And pick another target and start shooting at it, repeat until you have won. Gold: Stand in the center and shoot at the target in the far back and continue to do so even though that targets closer to you will get in the way. Its easy as long as you concentrate on teh one in the back. - Callisto NTG Bronze: Put the gun into secondary mode and shoot at the center of one of the front targets, and then repreat on another target. Silver: To make this easier walk up to the door and then make sure the gun is in rapid fire mode and then shoot at the target in the back at an angle when it comes into view. Gold: Get in front of the one on the left and make sure the gun is in secondary mode and shoot at the center when the target flips over and stop shooting when it flips back over and repeat. - RC-P120 Bronze: Just aim at the center of the target and hold down the trigger. Only a moron could mess this up!! Silver: Press and hold B and then press Z as soon as you dissappear press B and Z again and start firing at one of the targets when they flip over and repeat. Gold: Press and hold B and Z as soon as you disappear press B and Z again and start firing at one of the targets after they flip over and destroy the other two behind it and repreat for the other two front targets. - Laptop Gun Bronze: Zoom in and aim at one of the targets and fire then aim at another target's center and repeat. Silver: Move to the door and throw the gun as a sentry gun (press and hold B then press Z) behind the three flipped over targets and sit back. If for some reason it runs out of ammo abort the test and do it again. Gold: Move to the right most target and hold down the trigger reload when neccessary and shoot only when a target is right in front of you. - Dragon Bronze: Zoom in and shoot at one fo the target's centers when they are flipped over and shoot at another target's center after that one is destroyed. Silver: Press and hold B and press Z to throw the Dragon beneat the one target and it will blow up destroying the target. Gold: Walk to the left targer and turn and face the one on the right and zoom in (after backing up) on the right one and follow the bullseye back and forth as you shoot at it. Very difficult. - K7 Avenger Bronze: Easy just aim at teh center of the four targets and fire. Silver: Change the gun to secondary mode and shoot at the targets with a red box around them and they will blow up. Tap the trigger every so lightly. Gold: Nearly impossible, it will take 10 bullets to destroy one targer and there are three of them which equals thirty bullets and you only have 30 bullets and this is compunded by the fact that the K7 Avenger is a burst fire weapon and its expenditure of ammo is nearly impossible to time right. Its best to cheat on this test using the Laptop Gun sentry trick mentioned in the Tips And Tricks section. - AR34 Bronze: Enter secondary mode and shoot at teh center of the three targets. Silver: Enter secondary mode and shoot at teh targets when they are farthest from you and shoot andlet go when it is destroyed. Gold: Crouch down back up and go to the left and face the target when it starts wait for teh target to come back and use teh secondary mode to zoom in on the center and let loose. You cannot miss once or it is over. - SuperDragon Bronze: Easy just shoot at the center of the targets. Silver: Shoot at the center of the 3 targets on the ground with grenades to blow them up at once and do the same for the last two groups adjusting the trajectory appropiately. Gold: After the targets come back around shoot a grenade between the two in the front to destroy them. And do the same to the back pair then shoot at the one in the center with normal ammo. - Shotgun Bronze: Change the gun to secondary mode and shoot at the center of the targets that appear. Silver: Change the gun to seconday mode and time your movement with your gun so that both rounds fired will destroy two targets. You could use the primary mode for more control if you want. But if you do use the primary mode it will go down to teh last seconds. Gold: Set teh gun to seconday mode and as you shoot at teh target you'll have to follow the target with the shotgun's crosshairs. Hard but you should be able to surpass the 170 pt limit in one magazine with practice. - Reaper Bronze: Crouch down and back up and shoot at the targets when they are turned over. Silver: Crouch down and back up and shoot at one of the targets and as seen as its gone move to another one, repeat to destroy all 18 targets you will have to be quick with teh gun. Gold: Crouch down and let loose on the targets when they pass closest to you and with luck one of them will be destroyed before the time runs out. - Sniper Rifle Bronze: Stay crouched or press and hod B and then press and hold R use the UP-C and DOWN-C buttons to zoom in and out and then press the trigger on the bullseyes of two of the targets to win. Silver: Same as the above except the targets flip over this time, watch out for that. Gold: Your going to have to hit the bullseye every time. Zoom to 15% and do not crouch stand and zoom in and pump 5 bullets into a bullseye and strafe in front of another target and do the same. - FarSight XR-20 Bronze: Change it to secondary mode and zoom in and shoot when the targeting box turns red. Silver: Use secondary mode and shoot at teh targets when they are flipped over you'll have to kep track of how they are flipped in your mind, of course you can always strafe to teh door and shoot at angle at teh six in the back. Gold: Go to the left most targets and stand in front of them and use the secondary function and shoot at the center of the one it locks onto before it starts. Nor move to the rightmost targets and do the same, now shoot at the one in the center. - Devastator Bronze: Shoot grenades at teh ground in the center of the two target groups. Silver: Shoot a secondary mode grenade at one of the targets moving back and forth so that it lands when the target is closest to you. And it will drop down and it will fall down and blow up the other targets. Gold: Be perfectly accurate in your launching of grenades to beat this one, if you are lucky your second grenade will destroy 3 targets if it blows up to the right a bit. - Rocket Launcher Bronze: Turn to secondary mode and then press and hold R to lock on to one of them and fire. Repeat for the other two groups. Silver: Stand on the left and launch rockets at any of the targets that are coming at you. Gold: Shoot one in the center of the first two pair and then do the same to the two in the back. It will take awhile for you to get it right. - Slayer Bronze: Switch the gun to secondary mode and guide the rockets into the six targets when they are flipped over. Silver: Do the same as the above says, except stand on the left side and fire them. Gold: Do the same as the above except guide the rockets into the space between the pair of targets and detonate when you see them begin to move back and forth. - Combat Knife Bronze: Just aim at the center and throw, however, remember that these are not bullets and that they take up space and remember to move around on the bullseye. Silver: Some as the above except now you have 3 targes and they flip over intermittently. Gold: Stand in the center and throw knives into the bullseyes of the ones that move in front of you until four remain then move to the left and throw knives into the target's center of those that come up and closest to you. - Crossbow Bronze: Pump 5 arrows into one of the target's centers and then move to another target to finish it. Silver: Empty a full magazine into one of the target's centers and then move to another target and finish it. Gold: Stand on the left and unloade your clip on the bullseyes and the first zones by using the method above. Reload when its at the other end and then unload on it again and repeat, good luck you'll need it. - Tranquilizer Bronze: Stand on the left and unload on the center of each target that comes by. Silver: Unload on the center of the targets when they flip back around uickly and repeat on 3 or 4 targets to win. You need to be lightning quick with the trigger finger. Gold: Your going to have to play this one over several times to win it. You'll have to play it enough until you can anticipate where teh targets will appear. One bullet, destroys one target in this test. - Laser Bronze: Aim at the center of one of the targets (preferably the one to the left) and hold down the fire button. Silver: Follow the target back and forth as you shoot at it when it moves, have a steady hand and good luck. Gold: Shoot the first two targets in teh center 12 times each then finish the job on the last target. - Grenade Bronze: Throw a grenade at teh first ones attachment from the cieling to get it to land right, it'll destroy it and use one on secondary mode for the second one, repeat the technique for the last one. Silver: Very difficulty you could try deflecting grenades on the right in Proximity Pinball secondary mode to blow them quicker, and then throw one in the back and two more deflecting on the wall to go up front. Gold: Use secondary mode, proximity pinball and take care of the first back two then used the primary mode to blow up the other two. - Timed Mine Bronze: Throw mines on the target in the center til they blow up. Silver: Throw a single mine behind the front cneter one as far back as you can. Gold: Throw a timed mine on the one in the target in the center. - Proximity Mine Bronze: Throw mines on the one in the center until they blow. Silver: Throw mines below all three moving targets one at a time. Gold: Throw a mine on the center one moving back and forth then take care of any remnants. - Remote Mine Bronze: Throw a mine on the center one and detonate. Silver: Throw a mine on each target and detonate. Gold: Throw a mine on the one in the center and on the one in the back in the third row and detonate when they are closest together. --- 2) The Device Lab This room is located on the second floor next door from the Information Center (Hacker Central as the dork inside it would put it). Anyways, in here you will be trained to use the different items in the game. Completing all the training in here won't get you anything unlocked, so I will not explain how to complete the training sequences. You'll learn to use among other things: X-Ray Scanners, CamSpys, Cloaking Devices, ECM Mines, Door Decoders, IR Scanners, and 4 others for a total of ten items. --- 3) Simulant Training Room This room is next door from the firing range. Here you can fight against holographic baddies in seven levels. These levels include such things as live and unarmed combat, looking, moving in 3D, and stafing. It doesnt change anything if you complete all seven levels so I will not explain it any further. --- 4) Information Center This room is located on the second floor, its the next door from The Device Lab. Aside from the loser in here, there are two computers on the left wall the one that is unoccupied will give you the information you have acquired in the Solo Missions about the story, and all of the other characters. The other computer with the woman in front of it will give you the ability to activate and deactivate cheats (something that you can do in the Main Menu when the game starts up, but oh well). --- 5) Other Things Go down into the hangar and enter the big room underneath the ramp you came down on and you will find a computer in the center of it, access the computer by pressing B to see any of the vehicles that you ahve seen in the Solo Missions and the info on those vehicles. After you are done there exit the way you came in and go down the rest of the ramp and you will come to a jet bike, stand in front of it and press b twice quickly to board it, you can get a hang for it now. That covers the Institute. ============================================================================ C O - O P E R A T I V E ============================================================================ If you like teamwork then select Co-Operative from the Main Menu that appears when the game starts, you can either use a friend with the second controller to help you complete the game or you can select a computer controlled simulant to assist you. As you unlock the Buddy Cheats you can select one of them to replace Velvet Dark as your buddy, but, unfortunately, the game considers this cheating and wont let you progress in the game if you do this. You will be able to compete in all missions with a friend, with the exception of the Duel special assignment. You can select whether or not the player will be human by selecting Perfect Buddy and changing it to 1 Simulant for a computer controlled player, or changing it to 1 Human for a human controlled player. As long as one of the player makes it thru a mission, it will be completed. You will start out with one buddy on Agent but if you complete teh game on the three difficulty levels in Co-Operative you will get more as the below says: 1. If you complete Co-Op on Agent you will get two buddies in the Agent difficulty and one for Special Agent difficulty. 2. If you complete Co-Op on Special Agent you will get three buddies in the Agent difficulty and two for Special Agent and one for Perfect Agent. 3. If you complete Co-Op on Perfect Agent you will get four buddies in the Agent difficulty and three for Special Agent and two for Perfect Agent. This will only apply to teh computer controlled Simulant buddies, however... bummer! You can also select whether or not you want to have Friendly Fire hurt your friend. Also, if you buddy is computer-controlled you can hold down A during the game and press Z twice to be able to change his personality from Passive to Aggressive. Your computer-controlled buddy will always be Velvet Dark unless you activate a Buddy Cheat you have unlocked or if you are playing the first two Special Assignments (Mr. Blonde's Revenge and Maian SOS) in Co-Operative. The form your helper will be is listed below for the Special Assignments. 1. Mr. Blonde's Revenge: Mr. Blonde 2. Maian SOS: Alien The missions in Co-Operative are all the same except for the fact that you have to watch out for your computer controlled buddy (if it is a Simulant) to make sure it doesnt trip any alarms that will cause you to fail the mission. That covers it for the Co-Operative mode. =========================================================================== C O U N T E R O P E R A T I V E =========================================================================== This mode is basically the exact opposite of the above Co-Operative. It is for two human players only. The first player will be Joanna and the second player wil be one of the many enemies in the stage. The second player will be considerably less bullet proof than Joanna and will have less ammo. However, the second player can take up residence in someone else in the stage if they are defeated or if they select the Suicide Pill in their inventory. If you are the enemy positon yourself in front of critical mission objects so your human counterpart cant complete an objective without a struggle at least. And if you are in a stage where alarms or a switch to lock a mission critical door (like in Chicago: Stealth) immediately run to them and activate them as soon as the level starts, this wil make it hard as hell, or even impossible for your human foe to complete the stage. The Counter Operative on the last special assignment War! is very interesting, as the foe anyways. If you kill the Maian armed with a Callisto NTG (hes all alone by himself at the start of the stage) your human counterpart will fail. THeres not much of anything to say about this mode. =========================================================================== C H A L L E N G E S =========================================================================== Here I will explain all of the 30 challenges. First I will state all of the weapons and Sims in a chart. \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ |# |Foes |Weapons |Arena |Limits |Scenario | |1 |MeatSim |Falcon 2 |Area 52 |5 min |Combat | | |----------|CMP150 |-----------|4 pts |--------------------| | |----------|Sniper Rifle |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|DY357 Magnum |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Dragon |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |2 |MeatSim |Combat Knife |Area 52 |5 min |Combat | | |----------|Falcon 2 |-----------|6 pts |--------------------| | |----------|Cyclone |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Dragon |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Rocket Launcher |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |3 |MeatSim |MagSec 4 |Pipes |5 min |Combat | | |MeatSim |CMP150 |-----------|8 pts |--------------------| | |----------|Timed Mine |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Dragon |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|AR34 |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |4 |EasySim |MagSec 4 |Skedar |10 min |King Of The Hill | | |----------|CMP150 |-----------|4 pts |--------------------| | |----------|Dragon |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|K7 Avenger |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Shield |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |5 |EasySim |Cyclone |Complex |10 min |Combat | | |----------|Grenade |-----------|10 pts |--------------------| | |----------|AR34 |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|FarSight XR-20 |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Shield |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |6 |MeatSim |CMP150 |Area52 |10 min |Hold The Breifcase | | |MeatSim |DY357 Magnum |-----------|6 pts |--------------------| | |MeatSim |Shotgun |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |MeatSim |K7 Avenger |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Shield |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |7 |EasySim |Falcon 2 (silencer)|Warehouse |10 min |King Of The Hill | | |----------|MagSec 4 |-----------|5 pts |(One Hit Kills On) | | |----------|Cyclone |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Grenade |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Shield |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |8 |EasySim |MagSec 4 |Skedar |10 min |Capture The Case | | |----------|K7 Avenger |-----------|9 pts |--------------------| | |----------|Shotgun |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|SuperDragon |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Shield |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |9 |NormalSim |Falcon 2 |Ravine |10 min |Combat | | |----------|DY357 Magnum |-----------|10 pts |(One Hit Kills On) | | |----------|Timed Mine |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Laptop Gun |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|FarSight XR-20 |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |10|EasySim |CMP150 |Temple |10 min |Hacker Central | | |----------|Cyclone |-----------|3 pts |--------------------| | |----------|Remote Mine |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|AR34 |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Shield |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |11|NormalSim |MagSec 4 |Complex |10 min |King Of The Hill | | |----------|Tranquilizer |-----------|10 pts |--------------------| | |----------|Shotgun |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|K7 Avenger |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Shield |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |12|HardSim |Falcon 2 (scope) |Skedar |10 min |Combat | | |----------|Sniper Rifle |-----------|3 pts |(Slow Motion On) | | |----------|Shotgun |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|SuperDragon |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Shield |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |13|NormalSim |Falcon 2 (silencer)|G5 Building|10 min |Combat | | |----------|Tranquilizer |-----------|10 pts |(One Hit Kills On) | | |----------|Laptop Gun |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Grenade |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Reaper |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |14|NormalSim |Cyclone |Area 52 |10 min |Capture The Case | | |EasySim |SuperDragon |-----------|10 pts |--------------------| | |----------|K7 Avenger |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|FarSight XR-20 |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Cloaking Device |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |15|NormalSim |MagSec 4 |Grid |10 min |Hold The Breifcase | | |EasySim |Dragon |-----------|10 pts |--------------------| | |----------|Shotgun |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Devastator |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Shield |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |16|PerfectSim|Falcon 2 |Felicity |10 min |Combat | | |----------|K7 Avenger |-----------|10 pts |(No Radar Option On)| | |----------|SuperDragon |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Proximity Mine |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Shield |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |17|PerfectSim|DY357 Magnum |Temple |10 min |King Of The Hill | | |----------|AR34 |-----------|10 pts |--------------------| | |----------|Reaper |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Slayer |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Shield |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |18|PerfectSim|Falcon 2 |Villa |10 min |King Of The Hill | | |MeatSim |Phoenix |-----------|10 pts |--------------------| | |----------|Tranquilizer |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Laptop Gun |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Shield |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Cloaking Device |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |19|HardSim |CMP150 |G5 Building|10 min |Combat | | |EasySim |Shotgun |-----------|10 pts |(Fast Movement On) | | |----------|Rocket Launcher |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|FarSight XR-20 |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Shield |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Combat Boost |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |20|HardSim |Mauler |Sewers |10 min |Combat | | |----------|Falcon 2 |-----------|10 pts |(One Hit Kills On) | | |----------|MagSec 4 |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|DY357 Magnum |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Shield |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |21|HardSim |Mauler |Grid |10 min |Hacker Central | | |----------|Reaper |-----------|10 pts |--------------------| | |----------|Shotgun |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Callisto NTG |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Cloaking Device |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |22|PerfectSim|Falcon 2 |Base |10 min |Hold The Breifcase | | |NormalSim |Sniper Rifle |-----------|10 pts |(One Hit Kills On) | | |----------|Crossbow |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|K7 Avenger |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Shield |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |23|HardSim |MagSec 4 |Complex |10 min |Combat | | |HardSim |Grenade |-----------|2 pts |(Slow Motion On) | | |----------|Laptop Gun |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|RC-P120 |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Shield |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Combat Boost |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |24|EasySim |CMP150 |Fortress |9 pts |Capture The Case | | |EasySim |Tranquilizer |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |EasySim |Devastator |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |EasySim |SuperDragon |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|DY357-LX |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |25|PerfectSim|Mauler |Ravine |3 min |Combat | | |HardSim |N-Bomb |-----------|10 pts |--------------------| | |----------|K7 Avenger |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|FarSight XR-20 |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Cloaking Device |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |26|PerfectSim|Falcon 2 |Ruins |10 min |King Of The Hill | | |HardSim |Mauler |-----------|10 pts |--------------------| | |----------|Cyclone |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Laptop Gun |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Reaper |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |27|PerfectSim|Falcon 2 |Sewers |10 min |Hacker Central | | |----------|MagSec 4 |-----------|10 pts |--------------------| | |----------|CMP150 |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Rocket Launcher |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Shield |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |28|DarkSim |Falcon 2 |Villa |10 min |Capture The Case | | |DarkSim |Falcon 2 (silencer)|-----------|9 pts |--------------------| | |----------|DY357 Magnum |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|AR34 |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Shotgun |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |29|DarkSim |Falcon 2 |G5 Building|10 min |Combat | | |DarkSim |Cyclone |-----------|10 pts |--------------------| | |----------|DY357 Magnum |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|CMP150 |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Dragon |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| |-=|-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=|-=-=-=-|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| |30|DarkSim |Falcon 2 |Skedar |10 min |King Of The Hill | | |DarkSim |Falcon 2 (scope) |-----------|10 pts |--------------------| | |----------|MagSec 4 |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Mauler |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|DY357 Magnum |-----------|-------|--------------------| | |----------|Disabled |-----------|-------|--------------------| /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ Challenge #1: Of course, the first challenge is easy as hell! You have to chase down a stupid Shock Trooper and kill him five times to win, not much of a challenge. --- Challenge #2: The simulant in this challenge is a bungling idiot too, but there are Rocket Launchers so its best to be a bit careful and blow the simulant to smithereens the second you see it, still its not much of a challenge. --- Challenge #3: The simulants outnumber you here but they are such simpletons. A Dragon will cut them down to size, just want for the Timed Mines they throw and just make sure one doesnt land on you. --- Challenge #4: For this King Of The Hill game constantly check the radar and look for the hill and run for it and defend it for 20 seconds to capture it, if one of the idiot Sims gets it by chance just frag it as soon as possible and take over the hill yourself. --- Challenge #5: This is another easy challenge. The simulant here is stupid, and this is the first time you get to use the awesom FarSight rifle. Fight the Sim until you find a FarSight and then switch it to its secondary function and use it to shoot the Sim thru the walls. --- Challenge #6: The simulants are still stupid in this challenge but there will be a whole gang of them and its a Hold The Breifcase scenario, so get the Breifcase and when a Simulant lurches into view blast them with an automatic weapon. --- Challenge #7: This only Warehouse challenge is a game of King Of The Hill with a simple and stupid simulant, however, this challenge is the first one with the One Hit Kills turned on and so you should pick up a Cyclone and if u pay attention u will be unstoppable. --- Challenge #8: You will need to have a good knowledge of the Skedar Arena to complete this challenge, look at the radar and run for your opponent's case after they have left (probably to get your case) and take their case and run back to your base and get your case, if the opponent has it kill them and it will return to your base. Luckily your opponent is fairly stupid. --- Challenge #9: Its a standard combat game but One Hit Kills are on and this is the most intelligent Sim youve seen so far, so put up a Laptop Gun in a fortirifed area then take ou ta FarSight XR-20 and go to work with the target locator. --- Challenge #10: This is your first Hacker Central scenario but fortunately your foe is easy. First grab an automatic weapon to defend yourself and then get the Data Uplink and then find the terminal on the map and use it and take out he Data Uplink and hope you have enough time before youe foe shows up to finish a download. If your foe gets near blow him away and start again. --- Challenge #11: The simulant you are up against now is the best so far, so make a beeline for the K7 Avenger in the #4 weapon slot and take and capture the hill after that. --- Challenge #12: This slow-motion game is made tougher by the fact that Joanna has a clone and she is the most intelligent sim youve seen in a while. She will make a beeline for the SuperDragon so assume she always has one and stay away from here line of sight and if at all possible sneak up on her with a Super Dragon of your own. --- Challenge #13: This is a high-tension challenge with single shot kills and your opponent is very smart so its best to throw a sentry gun in a fortified area of the G5 building and then stand and keep an eye on both exits and the radar, and start blsating when the opponent gets near to one of those exits. --- Challenge #14: The simulants here are smart as well, so its best to take their case when they are away gathering weapons and then go back and take yours quickly and then get a Farsight and mow them down when they get close. --- Challenge #15: Go for the Devastators first and foremost and then grab the case and find a good camping spot and toast any and all of the assailants that come near to finish this level. --- Challenge #16: The only challenge that takes place in the Felicity is a standard combat game without a radar and with Proxy Mines and Grenade Launchers and one Perfect Sim. Its best to get some Proxy Mines and put them down as booby traps on the doors and ammo boxes, and then hide in a room you've booby trapped the entrance (preferably a room off of the long hall) to and crouch down so the Sim cant see you thru the glass, wait for the first explosion and start firing grenades into the door when it opens. --- Challenge #17: This challenge has the Slayer's Fly-By-Wire missiles flying around so be careful when you capture the hill and always look for a telltale stream of smoke coming towards you from one the entrances, its a Slayer remote controlled rocket. The very smart Sim can use the Fly-By-Wire missiles very effectively, but sometimes he may end up killing himself by firing rockets into the wall that he is opening up in front of him. You can also use the Fly-By-Wire rocket to your advantage to and use them to kill the Sim from a safe distance, if you happen to be a victim of the Fly-By- Wire rockets strafe and fire at it with a machine gun and hope you hit it to blow it up. --- Challenge #18: The King Of The Hill scenario is hard on large levels and this one is enormous. The two Maians you'll fight in here are extremely smart and fast, but their oversized heads make a good target if you ahve a good aim you will drop them quickly. Once you take control of the Hill plant a Laptop Gun as a lookout. --- Challenge #19: You'll go to G5 for this challenge and your work will be cut out for you, you will ahve to fight two very intelligent Sims in an accelerated death match. And if that isn't bad enough there are a lot of nasty weapons around in this stage. Your onyl chane is to get a FarSight and use its Target Locator function to take out enemies from a healthy distance. --- Challenge #20: In this match you'll have to fight a very smart Simulant in a One Hit Kill combat scenario and if that isn't bad enough you'll be paired up with a stupid Simulant that you'll have to protect from the enemy. Find a weapon you like that reloads quickly and keep an eye on the radar and start shooting before the Sim comes into range. The simulant you are up against wont miss much. --- Challenge #21: The fact that the arena is small and the sim you are up against is very smart, makes this one very difficult. Your best shot is to use a cloaking device while you are hacking. If you have multiple players one can hack while the other is a lookout. --- Challenge #22: The only challenge in the Base is a game of Hold The Breifcase, which is made even more difficult by the fact that you ahve gifted simulants after you. Its better to take a K7 Avenger and use it to blow away the CPU behind crates while holding the case. If they both stand still for a second stop and see if they will stop moving for a long time (this can happen believe me) and if it does it will buy you the precios time you need to get the 10 points for the breifcase. --- Challenge #23: This is your typical deathmatch again except this time its in Slo-Mo and it doesnt take but a few points to win, and you are up against two expert Sims. The RC P120s cloaking secondary function can save your skin and you can also use Combat Boosts to slow down the action to a snail's pace if needed. --- Challenge #24: This is another Capture the Case game and it isnt made easier by the fact that you have a ton of Sims on your tail and mostly Grenade Launchers are in this level. If you are a good shot with a pistol you can use the DY357-LX and then you might have a chance by yourself, keep an eye on your radar as well, this is one of the challenges better handled by a group of humans and not just one. THe sims here (most of them) are EasySims but they will have explosive guns and it will be difficult to stay alive when you are out in the open. --- Challenge #25: This one has super smart Sims on it. If possible get a cloaking device and stand on the point where it reappears and if you have a FarSight XR20 you can camp and use the gun to kill the enemies from a safe distance just be careful that they are not around you on the radar when you shoot. --- Challenge #26: This challenge is another one of the hardest of the game, you will have to fight off two very very smart Sims and capture the hill and keep it. Go for the Laptop Gun and the Cyclone and use the Laptop Gun as a Sentry when you capture the hill and blow the enemies away with the fast firing Cyclone. --- Challenge #27: This challenge features a talented simulant opponent and the level is made harder by the fact that the sewers and very compact and the fact that the Rocket Launcher is available makes it even more deadly. And its nearly impossible to tell anything by the radar given the vertical passes and different levels. Hope that when you are hacking the PC that the Sim will stop and stay in one place, but this game is better won with a partner. --- Challenge #28: Two words describe this one: Nearly Impossible. Grab the AR34 and run thru the open spaces and pray that a DarkSim doesn't come for you, since the Dark Sims never miss if one gets a clear shot at you you will die without knowing what hit you. This is a Capture The Case scenario. --- Challenge #29: Standarad comabt with two Dark Sims, another nearly impossible one. Your only hope is to grab the only Dragon and deploy as a Proxy mine as soon as you get it and then stand still and then defend yourself with whatever, when a DarkSim moves in on you. --- Challenge #30: For this last King Of The Hill battle you are paired with another dumb Simulant against two DarkSims, your partner will be too busy getting wasted to care about capturing the hill. So its best if you do most of the work. Find a hidey-hole and defend it with charged-up Mauler shots is your best bet. =========================================================================== H I D D E N S O L O W E A P O N S =========================================================================== This section tells you of all the hidden weapons in the caches that are in the many of the Solo Missions, finding the weapons in the solo missions will unlock them in every other mode. This is an alternative to completing twenty seven of the challenges. --- 1) DataDyne Central: Defection DOUBLE FALCON SILENCERS: During the Perfect Agent level you will hear a phone conversation behind a locked wall, a little bit to the left of that door there is another one and you should open it and kill the man in the room there for two double Falcon silencers. These weapons are available on all difficulty levels, btw. LAPTOP GUN: After the man in the aforementioned phone conversation runs out of his office scared as hell let him run away and you will find him cowering in what was a locked room close to the elevators on this level, take the Laptop Gun hanging on the wall. - 2) DataDyne Research: Investigation PROXIMITY MINE: Do a quick lap around the room that has the radioactive Isotope in it to get a single Proxy Mine, you'll take a bit of damage, tho so you should wait for your sense to calm down. DOUBLE CMP150S: From the start close the elevator doors and wait for the guard to pass you and then sneak up on behind hikm and knock him out with the Falcon 2's secondary mode. Now run to teh first door, but do not enter it. Walk to the left wall and wait for teh cleaning bot to come by and open up a secret door and follow it in. Shoot the short glass pane and drop down knock out both guards down here without being detected then go to the computer in the enclosed area to open up the silver structure in the center of this room to get the Twin CMP150s, if you are detected your chance is ruined. - 3) DataDyne Central: Extraction DY357 MAGNUM: If you shoot the first five guards dead without being seen that fifth one will drop a Magnum. DRAGON & GRENADE: If you shot all of the guards downstairs without them seeing you a guard will appear on the 21st floor that has a key to her office, take it when you kill him and go up to her office and enter it. Take the Grenade on the table, and throw it at the right corner of the office next to the wall that has a man carved in it, when it explodes head into the hole that was created and claim your Dragon. - 4) Carrington Villa: Hostage One DEVASTATOR: At teh helipad shoot the crate on the left taht sits apart from the others it will explode and reveal a Devastator. DOUBLE CMP150S: If you can eliminate the sniper that guards the helipad in under 38 seconds from the start he will drop twin CMP150s when you kill him. - 5) Chicago: Stealth BOMBSPY: Enter the outside area with the oilcans and the dumpster, knock out both of the civilians and push the dumpster near the three oilcans and shoot at the cans til they explode and in teh wreckage is a BombSpy. DOUBLE FALCON 2 SCOPES: Enter the door behidn the limo to get to the Pond Punk, kill the first three guards and disarm the one in front of the door to the pond punk, he will run inside. Follow him and grab the Falcon 2 Scope on the Bar table. - 6) G5 Building: Reconnaissance CROSSBOW: Kill the first cloaked guard in teh first room and knock out the second with your fists and he will drop a Crossbow. N-BOMB: If you placed your Remote Mine (only on Special and Perfect) at the top door at the top of the fire escape, a box full of N-Bombs will appear near your exit. - 7) Area 51: Infiltration ROCKET LAUNCHER: Throw a grenade into the helipad area to take out some of the mines then run in and grab the Rocket Launcher in the center. DOUBLE MAGSEC 4S: After you attach the Comms Rider bug on the anttena (on special and perfect but you can do it on agent to draw him out) a man in a whit and brown body suit will come out, waste him and pick up the two Magsecs he drops. - 8) Area 51: Rescue DOUBLE FALCON 2 SILENCERS: Between some crates right to where you capped the first guard there is an oil drum at teh bottom shoot it until it explodes and then grab the Falcon 2 there by ducking and crawling in the spot the oil can was in. PHOENIX: If you left the technician in front of the Robot Interceptor in the previous level, go and try to open the door at the end of the upper walkway in teh first area and the technician will open the door on the other end follow him to a room inside of that room ona table lies a Phoenix. - 9) Area 51: Escape DOUBLE FALCON 2 SCOPES: Behind your starting point in teh medical lab where your alien buddy was there are two Falcon 2 Scopes lying on teh floor from where the medical staff dropped them after dying. PROXIMITY MINES: If you manage to get the Maian to the containment area in under 36 seconds a box of three Proximity Mines will appear in front of you exit the medical containment labs. - 10) Air Base: Espionage TWIN DY357 MAGNUMS: If you kill all of the magnum toting guards in this level you will get twin magnums. PROXIMITY MINES: Follow the tram tunnel all the way out to the embarkation point and you will find a box of Proximity mines lying in the snow. - 11) Air Force One: Anti-Terrorism DOUBLE CYCLONES: After the president is found and alerted go downstiars and wait for both security men in there to die, run in there and grab their keycards and then open both doors on the left and right side of the room and grab the cyclones you will find there to double up. - 12) Crash Site: Confrontation PROXIMITY MINES: Find and talk to Elvis before completing any mission objective and he will give you some mines. SNIPER RIFLE: Shoot the first blond you'll see in the level and he will drop a Sniper Rifle. DY357-LX: If you can Disarm Trent before he runs away or shoots the Pres you'll comew away with the DY57-LX. Good luck doign this. - 13) Pelagic II: Exploration FALCON 2 SILENCERS: If you kill all the guards in teh fifth hallway and the alarm still hasnt been set off the last guard will drop twin Falcon 2 Silencers. - 14) Deep Sea: Nullify Threat PROXIMITY MINES: If you manage to cap the alst cloaked guard in the first few areas before Elvis does him in you will find Proxy Mines on his dead body. - 15) Carrington Institute: Defense DEVASTATOR: If you save al of the hostages n the second floor the last guard holding the personnel hostage will drop a Devastator. - 16) Attack Ship: Covert Assault SLAYER: In teh center of the main deck past the Skedar comign out of the green sliding doors in the next room there lies a Slayer, its a lot fo trouble to go thru to get it, but its supercool secondary function makes up for the risk. DOUBLE MAULERS: WHen you first enter teh bridge kill the Skedar in the middle he will drop Double Maulers. - 17) Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine DOUBLE PHOENIXES: Destroy the other two pillars that are unidentified by the radar with teh Devastator and two Phoenixes will appear near the ladder next to the chasm. =========================================================================== G L I T C H E S A N D T R I C K S =========================================================================== Cheese Locations (from Pdark.com) Level 1 - Hidden on the 5th floor. Level 2 - Near experiment CPU. Level 3 - 4th floor near the Dragon. Level 4 - In the cellar near one of the exits. Level 5 - In a toilet in the Punk Pond bar. Level 6 - Near the Damping Field Generator. Level 7 - There is no cheese on this stage. No, there really isn't, even the guides don't list one in level 7. Level 8 - Near shortcut to locker room. Level 9 - In an empty and useless room shaped like this: [[ ]] Level 10 - In the area past the uniform. Level 11 - Near the back of the lower deck. Level 12 - Hidden in the area behind the Medical Scanner. Level 13 - Can't miss it, hallway, next to the first room you see. Level 14 - Right in front of the start! Level 15 - Behind the door that was always locked before this mission (behind the Skedar w/Mauler). Level 16 - Behind a Skedar to the right of the Callisto, well, generally. Level 17 - Next to the Shield (only there in A/SA) at the end of dead end tunnel (head the WRONG way at the start). Glitches (from Pdark.com) Stacking Up: Play Combat Simulator with 4 human players and no simulants and choose Temple as your level. The choice of weapons isn't important. Now get all the players to go to the top floor where the big hole in the center is. Now, one player fall down in a certain location on the floor below, and don't move. Now get the next player to fall down in the exact same position. With a little luck, he/she should be standing on top of the other player! Now repeat the step for the next two players and you got yourself a stack! Now, whoever the player is at the bottom of the stack, move and you should see the 3 other players standing, floating in mid air! FarSight Ending: Put any cheats on that you feel, but make sure you have the Farsight on. Now play Skedar Ruins on any difficulty, and get to the Skedar Leader. Take your Farsight XR-20 out, and defeat him like usual. Once there is only one piece of the statue left above him, aim with your FarSight and shoot. The entire ending sequence will be in FarSight vision! Hidden Guards: In the level Maian SOS if you use a explosive weapon by cheating you can find a hidden guard. He is wearing that blue suit like the bad guards at the end of the level (by the lift from Area 51: Rescue) He can be found in the hallway that leads to the cryochambers (where the guard with the twin DY357-LX comes out of) Just shoot the explosive gun (Phoenix works best) at the center of the floor and a guard will pop out dead. This will also work at the CI level by the stairwell that goes down to hangar. PDark Exclusive (Jonathan Dark & Guard): Here's a great new PDark exclusive Quirk that is in relation to the Mr. Blonde and Bodyguards quirk posted before. Go to Area 51 - Infiltration and put on your Cloaking Device cheat. You may want to put on Infinite Ammo as well. Get the lift keycard from the guard near the hoverbike. If he's not near the hoverbike, he'll be in the lower part where you plant the explosives. Open the lift and wait for it. Get in and don't kill ALL the guards. You need to have at least 1 guard alive, but keep more to be on the safe side. Don't go up the ramp which leads to the elevator. Instead, get the attention of a number of guards and lead them to the big door at the bottom of the ramp which is locked. Here you must cloak and uncloak yourself to get the guard(s) to come in your direction. When they're very close to the door, cloak yourself once more and eventually they will open the door. The door leads to the upper level of the next mission. Area 51 - Rescue. This time the big cargo elevator will not have a door and will not move. You can fall down to the next level. Near the mountains of crates you'll see Jonathan Dark motionless and the guard which he kills in the ending cinema scene! They'll be motionless like Mr. Blonde and the female bodyguards. Jonathan is easy to spot, but the guard will be behind a few crates and a little more hidden. You can shoot Jonathan's Magnum out of his hand and use it. This is a very cool Quirk to see, and hopefully we'll find more of them! Cloaked Endings: Play any mission you like with the Cloaking Device cheat enabled. Before you complete the mission, in an ending where it shows Joanna, put on your Cloaking Device and complete the level. The ending cinema scene should show Joanna Dark cloaked! You'll still be able to make her out a bit, but it's still fun. E-man Floating Ammo Crates (Combat Simulator): To get ammo boxes to float in the air all you have to do is shoot one of them (better with something fast like the AR34 or the RCP-120) and grab it while it's in the air. When it reappears it will be up in the air in the position it was in when you grabbed it! If you put it on slow motion it is even easier. The boxes will fall if you shoot them but even if you pick them up out of the air after they reappear they will pop up in the same levitated position again. Interesting: A couple interesting glitches. On Co-Op, in Deep-Sea: Nullify Threat, when playing, after Elvis has disabled the Alien Weapon, you go through a teleporter, and on the other side is a door, and past the door is Dr-Carroll and a cut scene. However, if one person goes to activate the cut scene while the other is being teleported, then the teleportee's screen goes white, and the cut-scene is not shown, but a white screen shows up! Also, go to the first dataDyne level, and put on slow motion. Go to any window, and look at the city. Shoot out the window, and you will be able to shoot at the passing vehicles! Finally, on Agent (or Special, I can't remember) in dataDyne: Escape, you can actually open the doors in the lobby, and step outside! But if you go too far, you fall off the edge, and Die -- Mail me if you find anymore tricks: tgz6@yahoo.com Note that I will not bother looking for glitches as there are tons of them! =========================================================================== C R E D I T S =========================================================================== http://www.pdark.com/ for the glitches and tricks. \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ | Disclaimer | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | IF YOU WANT THIS ON YOUR WEBPAGE DO NOT COPY IT! JUST ADD A LINK | |TO THE URL OF THIS FILE TO YOUR WEBPAGE! IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE THIS IN | |ANYWAY COME TO ME TELLING ME WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE BEFORE YOU CHANGE | |IT! AND ALSO GIVE ME CREDIT FOR IT ON YOUR VERSION! | /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\