Instructions for generating rain:

1. As usual make a backup copy of your current "region .cfg" file in your Seattle regional folder.
2. Add the lines in red to the bottom of the .cfg file in your regional folder.

rain_MaxParticles 60000
rain_TermVel -8.0
rain_minOpacity 0.1
rain_maxOpacity 0.3
windshield_MaxDrops 100
windshield_MaxSpecks 800
windshield_MaxSplats 40
windshield_VelAirspeedFactor 0.5
windshield_CurvatureYFactor 0.75
windshield_ForceFactor 6
windshield_JitterFactor 0.5
sky_RainOpticalDepthHW 500

3. Save your new "region .cfg" file.
4. Now run Flight Unlimited III.
5. Select the airport.
6. Click on weather.
7. Move the weather severity slider to the far right (severe).
8. Move the season indicator to the top for summer (default).
9. Click on generate till you bring up clouds with precipitation.
10. Click and drag the front to position the
clouds with precipitation over the airport of departure.
11. Change the direction and velocity of the winds if desired.
12. Accept and go into the F5 view. Rotate the view to observe the rain effects.
13. Repeat steps 9 to 12  if you did not achieve overcast, wet weather.
14. If you like the rain you see, go back to the weather, edit the title and save under new file.

Depending on the type of precipitation map used, you can achieve the entire spectrum from a light rain shower to sheets of torrential rain with extremely low visibility.
If you feel that the rain is generally too heavy, reduce the
rain_MaxParticles value from 60000 to 50000.
To increase or decrease the visibility, change the value in the line
sky_RainOpticalDepthHW 500 (a value of 50 (default) gives poor visibility and a value of 2000 produces excellent visibility).
When using a cold front, as the temperature drops, rain can also turn to snow with this configuration. Kinda neat

Go to Summer and Rain Screenshots

back to the weather selections

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