The waves are starting to pick up! The first of the north pacific swells came last week.
I now find myself working
down town in the
big city. Before that, I spent a few months at
Cisco, working on an interesting workflow automation project, only find out that the network giant was experiencing more than just severe growing pains, laying off some 8500 workers.
In the twilight of the Internet gold rush, I spent 10 months working as the lead developer at
The WeTalk Network, a dot-com startup founded by Dan Shafer, and
WR Hambrecht. I wrote almost all the code for our product called Community Catalyst and licensed out at an hefty 6 figure price. Community Catalyst allowed anyone to launch personalized, customizable community websites in minutes, like
We Talk Sports.
Before that I worked at this startup called
Galatia in Sunnyvale doing interactive, dynamically generated web sites on Netscape Enterprise Servers, Apache and Sun's Java Web Server writing Server-Side Javascript, Java (servlets mostly), and Perl. We tried to launch, but couldn't find an VC's interested in a funding a web based tool collecting and organizing legislative information. Great people and it was fun while it lasted.
I graduated from
Georgia Tech with a BS in
Computer Science where I specialized in two areas,
graphics & animation and
Software Engineering. I really enjoyed all the senior and graduate level specialization classes, but animation was by and far my favorite, where I worked on a short computer animated film. Most of the animation involved programming (C, C++, OpenGL, Inventor, Glut) as well as working with applications like Alias/Wavefront and Renderman. I've got a few of my animations on the web. With my software engineering classes, I wrote some Java and a little C++, but mostly I assumed project management roles, setting schedules, meeting with "clients", and one semester we completed a CMM assessment of a startup called
Radiant Systems.
If you need to contact me,
send an email.
Hits since February 11, 1997: