Some information regarding myself...

General Information

Name: Wade

Aliases: Loki, The WyldKatt, Swing Kid, Moonrite, Slim, Kattphreak, Le Chat Noir, Le Prince Des Voleurs, and my personal favorite, The Gambit

Date of Birth: January 11, 1983

Location: Central Illinois

Occupation: I am a full time student and have a part time job in a music store. I also am currently involved with an internship. On top of this, I'm a freelance historian/archaologist, paranormal investigator, and a free lance super hero. The motto is, "I can do anything."

Physical Characteristics

Height: Approximately 5'10"

Weight: 130 lbs

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Black


Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Where to reach me: Via e-mail, try,

Associations: The Errant Knight Foundation, The WildCards, and believe it or not, The Boy Scouts of America.

Associates/Partners/Friends: Archangel, Maverick, Timmy, Grigori Evergreen, Reverend X, Sean-O, Steve-O, Etoile, Natti Lyte, Priest, and Stryder, just to name a few.

Fighting style: I practice a mix of styles that make adequate usage of my size, speed, and body mass. My style is based largely on the movements of Capoeira, but encompasses many more styles than just that. I have a basic proficiency with Sais and am currently being trained in swordsmanship.

Areas of Interest/Study: History, poetry, music, adventure, travel, writing, theology, paranormal investigation, Celtic mythology and mysticism, Druidism, Lycanthropy, Vampirism, Cathedrals, Anything French, Anything Cajun... especially the food on either one of those previous two... Weaponry, especially swords, whips, any type of throwing weapon, and anything unique... Tribal customs, saving the world, playing cards, and anything else that piques my interest at the moment...

Personal Statement: I am the product of multiple ages, most of which are modern, but not all so modern as our own... I am the quest for freedom and rebelliousness with a cause personified... I am borne of Industrialization and Electronization. That is what I am... But it is not all that I am... I am a very nice guy... But make no mistake, I am a hunter... I am of the dark and the light; the angelic as well as the vampiric. I can do anything.

Anything else you want to know, just ask.