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Version history:

1.1.2 Fourth release, 15th October 2000.
  • Trailing zero input/display bug fixed.

1.1.1 Third release, 12th October 2000.
  • Leading zero input/display bug fixed.

1.1.0 Second release, 1st September 2000.
  • Graphite iMac DV SE flavour added.
  • Graphite iBook flavour added.
  • iMalc now also accepts and displays commas as decimal separators, according to the settings in the Numbers control panel.
  • email and web site addresses in windows now draggable.
  • Added web site and email clippings to documentation.
  • Added option to register online in registration box.
  • New improved iBook, G3 and G4 flavours.
  • Better match for graphite colour. Previously the graphite colour was taken from the Apple website, web colour being inaccurate.
  • email and web links now turn red when the mouse is down.
  • Documentation changes. Registering information now in separate text file called How To Register.
  • 0.00 display bug fixed. Multiple zeroes following a decimal separator would not show properly
  • Auto text resize display for font not being Charcoal. Fixes a problem where the display would not
    show properly if a font with larger font metrics than Charcoal was used as the System font.
  • Drag now works! Glove cursor appears when over the display which is highlighted with a border colour
    matching the chosen flavour.
  • Help Box text now correctly starts at the top when choosing another topic.
  • Added What's New and System Requirements to Help.

1.0.0 First release, 6th October 1999.
  • Added flavour for G4. Slightly changed flavour menu shortcuts.
  • Colour change to BronzeCalc to better match Lombard keyboards.
  • Fixed bug with display showing "Not numerical" with "0."
  • Moved buttons slightly and made small changes on reminder screen.
  • Fixed bug where Help and Contact windows could draw partly offscreen. These now open centred on the screen.
  • Changed log 10 calculation to eliminate need of PPC only plug-in.
  • Minor code changes to menu items for future Windows version.
  • Numbers pressed no longer add to end of memory recall.
  • Added names of beta testers in Credits window.
  • 68k and fat binary Macintosh versions now available.
  • Minor documentation changes.

0.1.0b1 First beta release, 12th September 1999.

Planned future enhancements include input of exponents, hyperbolic functions and hex/binary base conversions.

Check out the available flavours, or return to the iMalc page.

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© Eyecatcher Productions. Page last updated on Sunday, October 15, 2000.

Mac, the Mac logo, Macintosh, MacOS, Apple, iMac, iBook, G3, G4 and PowerBook are trademarks of Apple Computer Inc.
REALbasic is a trademark of Real Software Inc.