# saved from url
# http://www-cs.canisius.edu/PL_TUTORIALS/C++/EXAMPLES/MRD/SRC/makefile -->
# C++ definitions
CC = g++
# install location
#INSTALL = /where
# application sources for distribution
SRCS = Makefile readme index mdb.doc demo.doc batch1.sh batch2.sh \
candy.txt cities.txt cityfun.txt colleges.txt \
cost.txt currentyear.txt family.txt natldebt.txt nums.txt \
parts.txt people.txt planets.txt sp.txt \
states.txt states2.txt states3.txt states4.txt \
sup.txt towns.txt \
command.cpp expressions.cpp get_line.cpp parseline.cpp \
shell.cpp read.cpp relation.cpp speclist.cpp \
test.cpp write.cpp \
expressions.h parseline.h relation.h speclist.h
# intermediate objects
OBJS = relation.o speclist.o expressions.o parseline.o command.o shell.o
# targets : dependencies
# command
# ...
all : mrd ${OBJS} parseline.t
mrd : ${OBJS}
${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${OBJS} -o mrd
shell.o : shell.cpp relation.h
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c shell.cpp
command.o : command.cpp expressions.h relation.h
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c command.cpp
parseline.o : parseline.cpp parseline.h
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c parseline.cpp
expressions.o : expressions.cpp expressions.h
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c expressions.cpp
speclist.o : speclist.cpp speclist.h
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c speclist.cpp
relation.o : relation.cpp relation.h
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c relation.cpp
parseline.t : test.cpp parseline.h parseline.o
${CC} ${CFLAGS} parseline.o test.cpp -o parseline.t
.PHONEY : clean realclean install dist help all test
clean :
rm -f *.o
realclean :
rm -f mrd mrd.exe *~ *.o *.t mdb.tgz mdb.zip
install :
mv mrd ${INSTALL}/.
dist :
tar -zcvf mdb.tgz ${SRCS}
zip mdb.zip ${SRCS}
test :
help :
@echo "make help screen"
@echo "targets ... purpose"
@echo ""
@echo "all ... compile everything"
@echo ".o ... compile this intermediate file"
@echo "mrd ... compile the mrd executable"
@echo "parseline.t ... compile the test executable"
@echo ""
@echo "clean ... delete all intermediate compiled files"
@echo "dist ... create a tarred, gzipped and zip files"
@echo "install ... install mrd to the INSTALL= directory"
@echo "realclean ... deleted all intermediate files"
@echo ""