# Copyright (c) 1999, Gary Yihsiang Hsiao. All Rights Reserved.
# bugs report to: ghsiao@rbcds.com or ghsiao@netzero.net
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
# for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes and without fee
# is hereby granted provided that this copyright notice
# appears in all copies. This software is distributed on an 'as is'
# basis without warranty.
BAK = *~
CC = g++
CORE = DskMBTree.o POBException.o Gbiostream.o objAvl.o
POBS = DskMBTree.o POBException.o Gbiostream.o objAvl.o example.o
POBS2 = DskMBTree.o POBException.o Gbiostream.o objAvl.o bucket.o
PSRC = DskMBTree.C POBroker.h POBbase.h POBException.C GFactory.h POBObj.h Gbistream.h Gbostream.h Gbiostream.C objAvl.C example.C DskMBTree.h POBException.h Gbiostream.h objAvl.h example.h bucket.h bucket.C example?.C macro.h Makefile index readme
all :: example1 example2 example3 example4 DskMBTree.o POBException.o Gbiostream.o objAvl.o example.o bucket.o
DskMBTree.o : DskMBTree.C
$(CC) -c $?
POBException.o : POBException.C
$(CC) -c $?
Gbiostream.o : Gbiostream.C
$(CC) -c $?
objAvl.o : objAvl.C
$(CC) -c $?
# define a sample class
example.o : example.C example.h
$(CC) -c example.C
bucket.o : bucket.C bucket.h
$(CC) -c bucket.C
example1 : example1.C example.o ${POBS}
$(CC) -o example1 example1.C ${POBS}
example2 : example2.C example.o ${POBS}
$(CC) -o example2 example2.C ${POBS}
example3 : example3.C example.o ${POBS}
$(CC) -o example3 example3.C ${POBS}
example4 : example4.C bucket.o ${POBS2}
$(CC) -o example4 example4.C ${POBS2}
clean ::
rm *.o example? ${BAK}
realclean ::
rm *.o example? ${BAK} *.exe TEST.* collect.* persist.tgz persist.zip
dist ::
tar -zcvf persist.tgz ${PSRC}
zip persist.zip ${PSRC}
help ::
@echo "Help file for persist framework" ; \
echo "all ............ compile framework" ; \
echo "clean .......... remove temporary files" ; \
echo "dist ........... create a gziped tar and zip files" ; \
echo "help ........... display this screen" ; \
echo "realclean ...... remove all non-release files"