
Documentation Strategy

Documentation is driven by the performance requirements of the reader. What needs to be done? What has to be known to do it? Documentation should contain the required content with no extraneous material.

How do we do that?

o Gather what kind of information the reader is searching for. o Break that information down into logical building blocks. o Piece it back together for quick and easy access.

Information Types

To the reader there are seven important kinds of information. By identifying each type, the writer can eliminate mixing and matching information modes leading to information overload & mix match.

o PROCEDURES These entail a step by step explanation of how something is done. A house is build step by step. o PROCESS The process describes a view of how something came into being. It takes a broad view of the whole picture. A house is a dream in an architect's mind that may remind him of another place in time. As the house was designed it may of taken into account a southernly exposure to high winds. o PRINCIPLE This expresses a guideline that works. Relaxing after a long day helps extend our life. A house built on sand may wash away in the rain. o FACT Just the facts, Sargent Joe Friday would say. Height, weight, color or eyes and so forth. The house was burned down late Friday after a lightening storm. o CONCEPT The concept express the purpose behind the object. A house could become an office with the right connection to corporate America. o STRUCTURE The way something is put together is explained. The house was composed of stone with a solid rock foundation. o CLASSIFICATION Breaking the subject down into various parts. Houses with basements, houses with attics and houses with porches.

Information Processing

Documentation first must gather information. Then it must be processed according to the type of information. It is then formatted for access and comprehension.

Break down documentation to manageable pieces; the mind can absorb on a computer from 3 to 7 pieces of information.

Put related information together, exclude unrelated information.

Make sure the document is consistent.

o Give each manageable piece a label. o Organize information into a hierarchy. o Use integrated graphics for better comprehension. Write for the lowest level of reader, provide access routes for more experienced users or specialized functions. Detail should be accessible with in 3 key strokes or users will turn somewhere else for information.

Allow the writer to move from general to specific back to general.

A table of contents is the intersection of pieces of information and their label.

Documentation Statistics

The following statistics have been reported from organizations that went from a normal documentation effort to an information mapped documentation effort.

Organizations report:

55% fewer errors 38% increased use of materials 30-40% lower training costs 25-50% lower documentation costs

Documentation Kiosk

Information that passes through this process forms a vital link to allow a smooth documentation flow. A company with this type of rigor in place can automate much of the day to day complexity of business itself. In our area alone the following could be used as on line data:

o Personnel o Company Vision o Plans o Maps to sites o Training (external, internal) o organization charts o projects